Chapter 15: Merabelle Captains the Mother Nature

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They had ran until they came across some huts. "What are these?" Kevin asked. "These must be the home of the settling tribe my father met." Merabelle said looking at them. "Merabelle look!" Kevin said. He was pointing at Ethan, tied up to a stake. "What did he get himself into now?" Merabelle asked, grabbing a knife from her pocket. "You had that the whole time and didn't use it?" Kevin asked. "I barely remembered it now?" Merabelle said.

They ran to the stake where Ethan was being held. "Miss us?" Merabelle asked. Ethan, surprised to see their faces, startled. "Oh my god, how'd you guys get away from them?" Ethan asked. "Long story. Did you come alone like a dweeb?" Merabelle asked. Kevin nudged her. "No. What is it with that vocabulary of yours. It's the oddest ever." Ethan said getting loose from the stake. "Yep. I just make some words up as I go along. Who did you come with?" Merabelle asked. "Captain Jones. But, the tribe leader took her and I don't know where they are. I saw that they have history together." Ethan said.

"How far are we from the ship?" Merabelle asked. "Not far. Why?" Merabelle asked. "We need it if we're going to rescue the captain." Merabelle said. "Then, let's go." Kevin said.

The three of them ran, but Merbelle and Kevin were following Ethan. They came to shore to find that the longboat had been destroyed. With arrows from the tribe "Well, that won't help us." Kevin said. "We're going to have to swim to the ship." Merabelle said. "But you two know that I can't swim." Ethan said. "That's right." Kevin said sighing in disappointment. "Well, then how are supposed to get the ship now?" Merabelle asked.

Right on cue, a longboat appeared. It showed that there was man inside it. "Is that-" "-Mr.Bullseye!" the children said. "Mr.Bullseye, over here!" the children shouted to him. "Oh, children. Would you mind to join me in this safe boat?" Mr.Bullseye asked drawing closer to shore. Kevin went to draw the longboat closer to them so they could all fit." "Where's Squirt?" Merabelle asked. "I don't know, he was just with us, but he disappeared once the tribe started to fill in." Ethan said.

Right on cue, Squirt came a-runnin to them."Squirt!" Merabelle yelled. Squirt chattered and jumped on Merabelle's shoulders. They rowed to the ship. Mrs.Degrey and Denise were on the main deck, looking as if they were about to be attacked any time. "Mrs.Degrey!" Merabelle shouted. "Merabelle, dear. You gave us quite a fright." Mrs.Degrey said with her hand over her chest. "Can you help us up?" Kevin asked. "Of, course." Mrs.Degrey said.

They all helped each other up. "Wait, where's Captain?" Mrs.Degrey asked. "That's why we're here." Merabelle said. "What's the plan?" Mrs.Degrey asked. "Well, we have to set the sails, and weigh anchor in order to get this plan into action." Merabelle said. "Yes Captain Dragunov!" they all said. Merabelle smiled. "Denise, your in charge of the helm, Mrs.Degrey you help Kevin and Ethan weigh the anchor. Mr.Bullseye, set the sails. We have some pirates to get rid of."

Everyone was put to work. Merabelle went below deck to grab 7 swords. Denise was doing pretty well with the helm, but something seemed to be bothering her. Merabelle went to her. "What's wrong, Denise?" Merabelle asked. Then, all of a sudden, Denise exploded with tears. "I was just hoping to run into my father on this voyage. But, now that we're reaching the end of it, it doesn't seem possible at this point." Denise said between sobs. "He isn't dead, Denise. You know that." Merabelle said putting a hand on Denise's shoulders. "You don't know that. What if he is? He's a supporter of the 13 colonies. He is no loyalist. By now he could be getting killed by redcoats, or I don't know. Maybe something worse." Denise said. "Do you know what? If he isn't there by the time we return to London. I'll set a course to find him for you. Even if that means we have to sail the world to find him.". "You'd do that for me?" Denise asked rubbing her eyes. "Even after the way I treated you and your friends?". "If that will help you be happy, then yes." Merabelle said. "Look, I'm very sorry for everything. Hiring this crew, rejecting your friend, and being very unkind to you."

"It's alright." Merabelle said. "You are just a girl who needs her father." Merabelle said. "Captain!" Kevin said. "We're getting close, now!" "Good. Everyone grab a sword!" Merabelle said. The 6 grouped up and grabbed swords. Merabelle took her father's sword and strapped it around her waist.

Meanwhile on the island, Maximum and Captain Jones were looking around the island shouting Merabelle and Kevin's name. Then, unfortunately, they bumped into Mr.Gold and his band of pirates. "Captain, tis my pleasure."Mr.Gold said. "Where's Merabelle and Kevin?" Captain Jones asked. "Oh, I'm afraid we lost them on the way." Mr.Gold said wincing. "What have you done the them?" Captain Jones asked. "I think the question is. Well, I see you've reunited with an old friend of yours. So really the question is, what have you done with the treasure."

"You know I'll never tell you." Max said. "Well, then." Mr. Gold said pulling out his pistol. He then pointed the pistol at Captain Jones. "STOP!"yelled Maximum. "The treasure's at my place, north from the hut covered in flowers. Now put that pistol away, you filthy pirate."Maximum said standing in front of Captain Jones. Mr.Gold laughed and then pushed them aside.

On the Mother Nature, they were getting closer and closer to shore. "Deise we're getting too close!" Kevin said. "Nope, not even close. I want the island to stumble once we get as close to it as possible." Denise said gripping the handles of the helm and aiming right for the island

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