Chapter 9: Redcoat Trouble

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It's been a few days since Merabelle and her friends set sail. One of those couple of days almost lead to a disaster.

On the Mother Nature, the crew members were laying on random spots on the ship staring off into space. "It's been 5 days since that storm. Now it's more boring than ever." Rodger said. "And there's no breeze today which makes it 9,000 degrees." Steven said exaggerating. Then, out of the blue (literally), another ship appeared. "Oi, look!" Jerry said. "It's another ship! Roger said.

"Captain, there's another ship!" Roger yelled throughout the ship. The children (Who were playing cards with Mr.Gold) went up on deck and checked it out. "Uh, what are they doing?" Ethan said uncomfortably. "There are sticks coming out of it." Kevin said. Merabelle backed away. "What is it, Merabelle?" Kevin asked. "Those aren't sticks. Those are CANNONS!" she then ran. "Everyone get down below! We've got redcoats after us!" Merabelle said ringing a bell.

Captain Jones opened the door of her cabin and started to say "Mr.Bullseye, make sure the crew gets below safely. Ms.Dragunov and Mr.Gold, come with me." Merabelle and Mr.Gold did so and went to the captain's cabin. Along the way, they heard a loud BOOM and water splashing. "Captain, they missed us by a hare. Imagine what could happen on their 2nd try." Merabelle said. "I know, I know. Take these." Captain Jones said handing them Cannons. "You know what to do with them, correct?" Captain Jones asked. "Yes, ma'am." Merabelle said exiting the cabin and heading below along with Mr.Gold.

"Get out of the way, we have very heavy objects here!" Merabelle said as she carried 2-3 cannons in her hands. "Whoa, Merabelle how are you carrying those?" Ethan asked. "Well, I do a lot more on my free time than you know." Merabelle said loading one of the cannons. "Does anyone have a match?" Merabelle asked. No one said anything. "Coming unprepared. Shame, shame." Merabelle said scraping the rope against the hardwood floor, causing it to light a spark as bright as the sun. "Cover your ears!" Merabelle said.

BOOM! A hit. It hit below deck on the ship. The crew cheered. "Hit! A very solid hit!" Merabelle said happily. She shook hands with the crew. "Nice shot, Merabelle." Mr.Gold said. "Thanks." Merabelle replied. Squirt jumped on Merabelle's shoulders and chattered. "Thanks, Squirt." Merabelle said. "I think there trying to shoot back." Kevin said, still shocked from the noise the cannon made. "Good god, you're right." Merabelle said. "We need to reload the cannon!" Merabelle said grabbing another cannon and loading it. She lit the cannon just as a cannon from the other ship had shot. Again, missed by a hare. "Can't these guys, aim?" Merabelle said as the flame on the cannon lit. "Don't jinx it, Merabelle." Ethan said uncomfortably.

The cannon blew again. BOOM! Another solid hit, but above deck. Once again the crew cheered. "HA! We did it again!" Merabelle said putting a fist in the air. Captain Jones appeared. "I think they'll be gone with the flag I put up." Captain Jones said. "Yeah, they're leaving!" Merabelle said happily. "Who shot the cannons? Mr.Gold?" "It wasn't me, sir. It was Ms. Merabelle Dragunov, here who lit and shot the cannons." Mr.Gold said. "Well, then. Ms.Dragunov. Congratulations." Mr.Jones said. "Thank you, ma'am." Merabelle said. "Tonight,we shall celebrate with music!" Mr. Gold said. "To Ms. Dragunov. For without her, we wouldn't have won this fight." The crew cheered

That night, Mr.Gold did what he had promised. Music was played by the crew. There were drums, violins, ukuleles, and any other instrument that existed in the 1700s. The night wasn't just filled with music, but was filled with stars.

That night, Kevin and Ethan were talking. "So there's music." Ethan said. "Yeah, what of it?" Kevin said in the same tone. "Mate! This is probably your only chance to dance with her." Ethan said nudging Kevin's arm. "Well, what are you going to do?" Kevin asked. "I'll attempt to ask Denise." Ethan said. "Well, good luck with that, mate." Kevin said patting Ethan on the back.

Kevin saw Merabelle talking with Mr. Gold. "Uh, Merabelle?" Kevin said patting Merabelle's shoulder. Merabelle turned around. "Mr. Gold, may we have a moment?" Kevin asked. "Remember,'s Harvati." Mr.Gold said turning around and patting both Merabelle and Kevin on the shoulders. "What do you want, Kevin?" Merabelle asked. "Well, I have no idea how to put this because this is the first time I've said it." Merabelle raised her eyebrows at him in confusion. "Well, I was wondering if-, well. Would you like to dance?"

Merabelle looked at his ocean blue eyes, Kevin looked at her chocolate brown ones. "Sure." she smiled. They linked arms, and headed to where the instruments were playing. Meanwhile with Ethan and Denise, Ethan went to Denise from below deck. Denise was writing in a small book (Basically a diary) "Denise?" Ethan said. Denise stumbled in surprise. "You gave me a fright. Don't do that. Please, leave me." Denise said getting back in her chair. "But, I came to ask-" "-Yeah, well I honestly don't care. Now leave." Denise said with her hazel eyes blazing in his chocolate brown ones. "Merabelle and Kevin were right. I don't know what I saw in you in the first place. I guess I was blinded by the beautiful mask, which revealed to be as ugly as a hag's wart." He left in rage. Denise screamed at him and threw a book at him, but missed.

Kevin and Merabelle hit the dance floor. Captain Jones was slightly moving her legs to the music. Mr.Gold was talking to one of his friends while the rest of the crew were playing instruments. Kevin and Merabelle locked their right hands together. Merabelle put her left hand on Kevin's shoulder, while Kevin put his left hand on her waist. They moved to the music. Ethan came out red and disappointed from his rejection. For the next few minutes, Mrs.Degrey asked if he would like to dance with her. Ethan said yes and they were dancing.

The music sped up a bit and then they did a dance where they switched partners. Merabelle with Ethan, Kevin with Mrs.Degrey, and then switch again. Mrs.Degrey with Merabelle and awkwardly Kevin with Ethan. Mr.Gold decided to join the fun. There was another switch and Merabelle went with Mr.Gold, Kevin with Mrs.Degrey, and Ethan took a break, Then it went back to Kevin with Merabelle and Ethan with Mrs.Degrey and Mr.Gold back to talking with one of his friends. The music ended and they all took a break from dancing. "Do you want to go to the crow's nest?" Merabelle asked Kevin. "Sure."Kevin replied.

They started to climb the net to the the crow's nest. Once they got to the top, they looked up and gazed at the stars. "Try to find north." Merabelle told Kevin. "How do I do that?" Kevin asked. "Are you serious. It's pretty obvious where north is. Haven't you ever heard of the north star?" Merabelle asked as she gave Kevin a weird look. "Nope." Kevin said. "Find the brightest star among them all." Merabelle said. Kevin looked up. "That one's pretty bright." Kevin said. "Yep, you found it. That star is called Polaris. It's north to everything, even the China sea." Merabelle said. Kevin digests Merabelle's words and stocks it in the back of his head. "Interesting, very interesting." Kevin said.

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