Chapter 4: Squirt

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Merabelle changed into one of Denise's dresses. "Ugh, I feel gross." "I think you look fine. Much better than the rags you were wearing earlier." Denise said. Those were surprisingly my mother's clothes when her and my father would explore small islands." "Whatever. You look better in dresses. You also should grow that hair out. It isn't lady-like to have it as short as that." "Well, I think it's better to take care of at this length." "Whatever you say." Denise said. A shadow formed at Denise's window. "Hey! Get away from there you vermin!" Denise said screaming her head off. "What is it?" Merabelle asked. "A stupid monkey! He knocked on it last night expecting to come in! He just won't leave!"

Merabelle headed towards the window and opened it. "Ah! What are you doing? Don't let the beast in!" The monkey (Identified as capuchin) leaped in and sat on Denise's desk. "He won't hurt us." Merabelle said. The monkey jumped to Merabelle's shoulders. "Hey, squirt. Slow down...Squirt." Merabelle thought to herself for a moment. "Squirt...I like that name. That's what I shall call you." "You're seriously naming that thing?" Denise said disgusted. "Yeah. I've always wanted a pet of my own. Especially a monkey."

"Well, then keep him. But, if you get in trouble for having him, don't come crying to me." Denise said. "Ms.Degrey, unlike you is a much kinder and patient person, so I'm pretty sure she'll be fine with it." Denise rolled her eyes and groaned in disgust. "Yeah, yeah. Cause i'm sooo like my mother." Denise said sarcastically. "Imma show my friends." Merabelle said. "You go do that." Denise said. "Oh, yeah. I think Ethan fancies you. I don't know how because you don't have a very positive attitude and that's what he likes to see in a girl." Merabelle exited the room in time before Denise screamed in rage.

Merabelle found Kevin and Ethan outside playing cards. "Hey, guys." Merabelle said. "Hi, Merabelle." Kevin said. "Uh, Merabelle. You have a creature on your shoulder." Ethan said. "Nice monkey." Kevin said. "Where did you find him?" Kevin asked. "When I was in Denise's room, this guy right here-" She pointed to Squirt. "-was poking at the window. Denise was doing her usual amount of complaining and scoffing in I let the guy in. He first hopped on Denise's desk, then on my shoulders. I called him squirt and that's what I decided to officially call him.

"Wow. He's really cool." Kevin said. "Eh, he's alright." Ethan said piling the cards. Squirt jumped off of Merabelle's shoulders and onto Ethan's head. "Alright, alright. Your cool." Ethan said. Squirt dismounted Ethan and went back to Merabelle. "I love this guy!" Merabelle said.

Ms. Degrey returned from the wash. "Merabelle, your clothes are being washed along with Kevin and Ethan's as well." Ms.Degrey said. "Thank you, Ms.Degrey." Kevin said. Ms.Degrey notices something peculiar on Merabelle's shoulders. "Merabelle? Who do you have on your shoulder?" "Oh, Ms.Degrey, this is Squirt. My new pet. He was poking around Denise's window, so I let him in. He now is pretty much attached to me." "Well, you can keep him. But, he's your responsibility." Ms.Degrey said. "Yes, ma'am." Merabelle said grinning. "Well, now I don't have to cry to Denise about you not letting me keep him, because I am." Merebelle said both sarcastically and relief.

"Whoa, Merabelle. I barely noticed you were wearing a dress." Kevin said."Yeah, so what?" Merabelle asked. "Dresses suit you pretty well." Ethan said. "Yeah, well. Enjoy it while you can because this is only temporary." Merabelle said. 

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