Chapter 16: Gold Vs Dragunov

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They bumped into the island with a THUD. Nearly everyone fell to the floor. But, they all got up and grabbed their swords. "On three, men!" Merabelle said. Everyone on the ship screamed a battle cry. "One...two...THREE!". Once again, a battle cry and they swung on ropes to get on the sandy floor. Mr.Gold, Captain Jones, and Maximum looked at them as they ran. "Captain!" Merabelle yelled throwing a sword her. Captain Jones caught it. "Is this the lass of yours?" Maximum asked. "Yep." Captain Jones said.

The crew ran at them as well. The island was now filled with fighting. "Max, get the tribe!" Captain Jones said. Maximum did so and started running towards the huts. Merabelle was fighting Jerry. Mr.Gold was standing there judging the way his men fought. "Come on, Jerry she's just a girl." He yelled. Merabelle poked her sword at Jerry's arm. "Ow!" Jerry screamed. "One down. Now stay there." Merabelle threatened pointing her father's sword at him. Jerry now lay on the floor, whimpering in pain.

Merabelle then pointed her sword at Mr.Gold. Mr.Gold got out his pistol. "I don't think so, Havarti." Merabelle said swinging her sword at Mr.Gold, knocking the pistol out of his hand. "Now get out your sword and fight like a man!" Merabelle said. Mr.Gold summoned a sword from the side of his waist. He thrusted at Merabelle, then they fought. Merabelle taunted him as he did so. "Having a good time fighting half-blind?". Mr.Gold screamed at her and swung hard, but Merabelle blocked it. "You fight pretty well for an old man!"

Mr.Gold, getting very red in the face, tried stabbing her, but Merabelle, blocked it but barely. Merabelle's eyes struck with surprise, but was replaced by a sly smile. "Your quite slow, aren't you." Merabelle taunted. Now, Mr.Gold was getting more annoyed than angry. "And you fight like a girl!" Mr.Gold said. "I am a girl." Merabelle said scoffing. "Whatever!" Mr.Gold said. "You know, you fight so slow that turtles could run a mile till you could reach the end of my sword." Merabelle laughed.

Then a gasp from Merabelle's mouth and a slash of a sword had been heard. Merabelle fell to the ground. "NO!" Kevin and Ethan yelled running to her. He saw that her back had been stabbed. (backstabber!) Rodger had appeared behind her after she fell to the floor.

Kevin picked her up in his arms. Merabelle was taking shallow breaths. Just in time, Maximum and his tribe had come back. "Max, she needs help." Captain Jones said. "Oh my. Kahn, do you have me healing cordial?" he asked. Kahn nodded. "At least I'll be with my father and mother." Merabelle said taking shallow breaths in between some of the words. "No, don't think like that. One of the tribe's people have something to help." Kevin said. Squirt did a whimper and kneeled on his master's chest. "I feel so cold." Merabelle said with her eyes starting to glass over. "You have a lot more to live for, Merabelle." Ethan said. "Maybe to die is an adventure itself." Merabelle said now the light was leaving her glassy eyes.

Khan (finally) came over with an antidote. "Let me see her back." Kahn said. Kevin turned her around. Now Merabelle was barely breathing. "Please hurry, we're about to lose our best friend!" Kevin yelled. "Yes, sir." Kahn said. The antidote was in a crystal bottle and a liquid as red as wine was inside it. "You idiot!" Maximum yelled. "It's a medicine! You're supposed to put it in her mouth!" Maximum yelled. "Oh, right!" Kahn said. Kevin turned her over. "Her pulse is very weak. We'd better hurry." Ethan said squeezing Merabelle's arm.

Kevin tilted her head to open her mouth. Kahn unscrewed the top and put 1-2 drops in her mouth. Merabelle smacked her lips softly and opened her eyes. "Why are you staring at me like that?" she asked. Both Kevin and Ethan smiled and looked at each other. "How are you feeling?" Kevin asked.

With those words, Merabelle got up quickly with her sword, grabbed Rodger and put him into a headlock. "Does this answer your question?" Merabelle said. Kevin and Ethan both did a scoffed laugh. Then Captain Jones went at Mr.Gold. Merabelle kept Roger in a headlock. Captain Jones was fighting Mr.Gold violently, but Mr.Gold fought harder. Captain Jones's sword flew out of her hand. She knew that this was the end of the fight. "Huh, I never believed violence solved anything anyway." Captain Jones said. Mr.Gold laughed and pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Captain Jones.

Maximum stepped up front of Captain Jones. "Kill Captain Jones and you'll to kill me." he said. Then Kahn stepped in front it of Maximum and said "Kill Maximum and You'll have to kill me." he said. "Then Mr.Bullseye stepped in front of Kahn and said. "Kill this tribe member and you'll have to kill me." then Mrs.Degrey stepped in front of Mr.Bullseye and said "Kill Mr.Bullseye and you'll have to kill me." Then Ethan stepped in front of Mrs.Degrey and said "Kill Mrs.Degrey and you'll have to kill me." then Merabelle stepped in front of Ethan and said. "Kill Ethan and you'll have to kill me." Then lastly Kevin stepped in front of Merabelle and said "Kill Merabelle and you'll have to kill me."

Mr.Gold twirled the pistol in his hand, then gave it to Merabelle. "Well, Ms.Dragunov, it seems like your new and improved family has come up against me." Merabelle took the pistol. "Captain?" Merabelle asked.

"Merabelle, I think you should be in charge of this one." Captain Jones said. Merabelle smiled. "Yes ma'am." "What are our orders Ms.Dragunov?" Mr.Bullseye asked. "Lock all the pirates in the cellar below deck." Merabelle said. Everyone nodded and each of them took a pirate with them in a longboat. Captain Jones came up to her and gave her a badge. "You are captain now." she said. "Captain Jones? I don't know if I should." Merabelle said. "You've been braver than all of us at this point. You deserve it. My name isn't Captain Jones anymore, it's Caroline." Merabelle smiled at her and said "Yes, Caroline."

They spent the rest of the day locking the pirates up. Caroline asked Maximum "Are you going to come with us?" Maximum smiled at her. "We could use some extra crew members." "Yes, of course. Khan! Grab the treasure and put it in the longboats!" Kahn did so, dragging chests along the sandy floors. "Come on, we haven't gotten all day!"

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