Chapter 8: Hitting a Storm

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That night before sunrise, clouds the color of darkness filled the once bright blue sky. "Captain, what's happening?" Merabelle asked from the crow's nest. "It looks like we're hitting a storm, Ms.Dragunov!" Captain Jones yelled. Thunder started to clap, Lighting started to flash as bright as the sun used to shine.

Then, water poured as if someone was spilling buckets of water all over them. "Ms.Dragunov! Get down from their!" Mr.Gold yelled. "Yes si-" But she was cut off because lightning struck so near to the ship, it threw her off balance and she fell from the crow's nest. Kevin saw and got put into action. He used his reflexes to get to the place where Merabelle was going to fall. He got there and caught her just in time.

"Oh my god! I just had a near death experience...BRILLIANT!" Merabelle said. "Sometimes I believe you're as mad as a hatter, you know that right?" Kevin said still holding Merabelle. "Yep, that's why you love me." Kevin put her down and turned the other way making sure she didn't see him turn pink.

"Wait, where's squirt?" Merabelle said panicked. "Squirt? Where are you?" Merabelle yelled. Then she heard chattering from above. Squirt was hanging on the net near the crow's nest. "Merabelle Izerina Dragunov don't you dare." Kevin said. "I hate it when you use my middle name. I'm getting him whether you like it or not." Merabelle said loosening her grip of Kevin's hand, but Kevin still held hers. "Just be carefull!" Kevin said over the clapping thunder.

Merabelle started climbing the net, "Squirt, come here! Come here Squirt!" Merabelle said climbing higher. Squirt was holding tight to the night frightened for his life. Merabelle got as near as she could to him. "Squirt, jump to me. I'll catch you, I promise!" Merabelle said reaching her hand out to him. Squirt cowered for a minute, but then jumped into Merabelle's arms. "A promise is a promise." Merabelle said holding Squirt tight. She climbed down the net. The crew cheered for her. "Nice catch, Merabelle." Mr.Gold called out.

Hours had passed and so had the storm. Everyone was now fast asleep, scattered around the ship. The main crew members were scattered on deck, while the children were in canopies in the kitchen. Ethan and Kevin had their own canopy while Merabelle shared hers with Squirt, who was resting on her chest.

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