Chapter 2: A Visit From Old Mates

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Then, there was a knock on the door. Kevin snuck to the door. He only cracked the door while the rest was pushed open. "Igor Dragunov! How long it has been." "Salvador?" Mr.Draganov. "Oh, you've been busy have you?" Salvador said sneaking glances at Merabelle Kevin, and Ethan. "No, just the girl." "Well, I see two, so which one?" Salvador said pointing to Merabelle and Kevin. "Hey, i'm a boy!" Kevin said. Salvador just laughed. He started to walk in the pub. "You've been hiding the treasure for too long Dragunov. Give me and my mates the treasure map and we'll leave ya be." "Never! You black hearted, squid-sucking buccaneers don't deserve it!'' He spat on the floor. Salvador unpleased, but calmly said "Oh, I'm not pleased with that, Igor, not at all. Now that you've said that. I want you..." He hung a flag on the top of a pole on the lantern. " have this!" then he laughed maniacally away from the pub.

Mr.Dragunov ran out to see the flag, then ran back in screaming. "Father, what is it?" Merabelle asked "THE BLACK SPOT!" Mr. Dragunov said running upstairs. "Is that an irritation on the skin or something?" Ethan asked. "No. The black spot is a message to sailors to their deaths." Merabelle said panicked and following her father upstairs.

"So these guys are coming after you, father? What are we going to do?" Merabelle said. Mr.Dragunov started packing. "Father, what are you doing? You can't hide! That's cowardly!" Merabelle said. "You're coming too!" Mr.Dragunov said. "NO! I'm staying and so are you!". "You are coming with me and that's FINAL!" Mr. Dragunov said with a panicked raised voice. "Mum wouldn't of wanted it this way!" Merabelle said. Mr.Dragunov stopped at those words and said "You're right, she wouldn't. But, she isn't here, is she?" "Father, that isn't true. You know it isn't. Even if we left, where would you expect us to go? The streets?"

"Absolutely not. We would rent a boat, use my map to get back to that island and hide the treasure somewhere else where only we could find it." "You mean, our own adventure?" Merabelle asked confused, but a little excited. "Yes, but ten times the more danger." Mr.Dragunov said. "Can Kevin and Ethan come too?" "Well, we can't throw them out on the streets, can we?" "YAY!" Merabelle said. "Now you three pack your stuff, we're leaving." "What about Ms.Watson?" Kevin asked. "She can manage by herself. She can find some other orphans to bring in to help clean." The 3 young teens danced around the room, then went the other way to pack."

Mr.Dragunov was in his room talking to himself. "I can't believe they found us! Not when I have a child and her friends to take care of." "How will I find the money to rent the ship? How long would it take before they'd catch up to us? This is too much to think about. I think I better--" Mr.Dragunov started choking and struggling to breathe. Merabelle heard from across the hall and rushed over. "Father? Are you ok?" Merabelle asked. "Merabelle, they've come to us too late for me to fight back. I think...this is the end." Merabelle started to tear up. " We can't give up. You can't give up!" "My liver is failing. It hurts. I can't breathe. I don't think I will be able to witness my daughter's first adventure."

Kevin and Ethan came in and saw Merabelle on the floor crying while her father was on the floor, dying. "I...see...your mother." "Father, don't go!" "Merabelle, go start your own adventure. I'll watch from above." One last breath of Mr.Dragunov and his pulse vanished. "Father?" "Merabelle, get away from there. You know it's bad luck to stand near a dead body!" Ethan said. Merabelle gave her father one last kiss to the forehead. "Let's go." Kevin said. "No. We can't leave without the map!" Merabelle said. "Where would we find it?" Kevin asked. Merabelle looked around for barely a minute then found it in her father's trunk. "Alright, now let's go." Ethan said. "Wait!" Merabelle said. "Now what?" Ethan complained. Merabelle grabbed her father's sword. "We gotta defend ourselves somehow." "Ugh, alright. Now let's get outta here." Ethan said grabbing Merabelle's hand.

Right when they were about to open the door, Salvador, plus his crew was at the door. "Igor Dragunov! Here we come!" Merabelle and the others started to scream trying to find exits. Merabelle went to Ms.Watson's room because her room had an emergency exit door. While the other two cluelessly went to the storage room.

Merabelle knocked on Ms.Watson's door, filled with panic. "Can't a woman get her sleep anymore?" Ms.Watson muttered from behind the door. She opened it a crack and Merabelle pushed it open the rest of the way and rushed in. "Merabelle, what are you doing?" Ms.Watson said. "Old mates of my father are after him. Well, father died of a heart attack not a moment ago and now his former mates are after this." Merabelle said taking out the map. "Ok, ok. What do you need from me?" Ms.Watson asked. "A way out of here!" Merabelle said. "Alright, alright." Ms.Watson said opening a door for Merabelle to escape through. A knock on the door. "You little girls better give us the map or die!" A muffled voice from outside said. "Hurry!" Ms.Watson said. "But, what about them?" Merabelle said pointing at the door. "I'll take care of them! You go!" "Thank you!" Merabelle said as she went through the emergency exit.

Meanwhile in the Storage cupboard, Kevin and Ethan were trying to escape through the window. "You know, I think we should have followed Merabelle." Kevin said. "You don't say!" Ethan said sarcastically. "Ugh, where is she now? She can't be outside yet?" Kevin sniffed the room. "Do you smell smoke?" "Yeah, I do." Ethan said. Smoke was coming under the door. "Oh, great. The pub's on fire. Stupid pirates." Kevin said. They grabbed an apple bin and used it to get to the window. They escaped just before the room exploded with fire.

Merabelle was running down the stairs outside the pub. After 5 seconds of getting down, She saw Kevin and Ethan were running towards her. "Where have you been? Why didn't you follow?" Merabelle said concerned. "We panicked!" Ethan said. "Come on then. We have to get out of here!" Merabelle said. "Wait! What about Ms.Watson?" Kevin asked. Then Ms.Watson from inside the pub yelled louder than she ever has before. "I'LL BE FINE! YOU GO! SAVE YOURSELVES!" The three just shrugged questioning Ms.Watson in their heads. They ran for it and headed to town.

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