Chapter 17: Escapade

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The three children admired the treasure once they got back to the Mother Nature. "Where to Captain Dragunov?" Caroline asked. "To London, to trial the pirates." Merabelle said. Mr.Bullseye was sending commands like "set the sails" and "Weigh anchor." Then he let out a big sigh and went to Merabelle "Captain, I think I' like to retire for a while. This yelling is making my throat sore." Mr.Bullseye said feeling his throat. "Alright, Mr.Bullseye. You may retire." Merabelle said patting Mr.Bullseye on the back. "Kevin! Ethan!" she yelled.

The two boys walked, almost jogged towards her. "How would you two like to be my first mates?" she asked. Both of the boys smiled. "We'd love to." they said. "Alright, boys!" Merabelle said saluting. The boys saluted back. "Do your duty!" The boys laughed and ran off.

Meanwhile in the cellars below, Mr.Gold was staring at the floor, bored out of his mind. He got his own cell, while the others had to share. They were arguing and fighting with each other. "You prat! This is all your fault" They said hitting each other with their hats and boots. Mr.Gold put his hands in his pocket and realized he still had the keys that he took from Mr.Bullseye. He thought to himself, "Once everyone is asleep. I shall escape this hell of a ship with the treasure all to meself." Then he giggled to himself.

That night, the ship was filled with soft waves and snoring. Mr. Gold made sure that the pirates in the cells next to him were fast asleep. He got up slowly and quietly. He took out the keys making sure they didn't jingle as they would as he'd walk. He unlocked the cell and slowly walked out making sure the cell door didn't creak. He took his hat off and put it on the rim of a chair to make it look like he was sitting in it.

He snuck to the room next door, where the treasure was hidden. He took 2 chests out of 5 chests and used his strength to carry the chests to a longboat. He lured the chests into the longboat, the boat dropped with a thud. Merabelle woke up and quietly headed to where the noise came from. "GOLD?" Merabelle said in a loud whisper. Mr.Gold, who was already in the longboat taking out the ores. "I suppose you'll be ratting me out, eh Merabelle?" Mr.Gold froze in his place. "Suppose I will. You have to return with us to be tried." Merabelle said gripping a whistle. Then Mr.Gold aimed his pistol at her. Merabelle held the whistle closer to her mouth. Mr.Gold stood on the longboat aiming. Merabelle put the whistle in her mouth. Mr.Gold cocked the pistol back. Merabelle and Mr.Gold were both scared for their lives.

Then Mr.Gold and Merabelle both surrendered. Mr.Gold surrendered first and put his gun down. "Ah, hell. I can never harm you, lass. Your brave and honest, and wise" Merabelle took the whistle out of her mouth. "Of course you didn't learn that from me, did you lass?" Mr.Gold said. "I learnt it from my friends, Mr.Gold. I'm not sure what to call you anymore. Former friend? Enemy?" Merabelle's voice shook with the fear that once shone in her eyes, now with her voice. "You know your father and I were best mates? We did everything together. I also knew your mother too. Izerina. I was jealous of him because of her. I thought that knowing you was like having him back as a friend. It's like i'm reliving my own past. I made a friend, betrayed him, and now he despises me. It was the same with you too, lass." Mr.Gold said with his voice shaking, but with sadness more than fear.

Merabelle teared up as these words were said. She had no clue they were best mates and he wanted to get close to her because of her father. "I regret what i'd done with him. I just wanted adventure, but I always play the part of the villain. Always have, always will. It's like a game I play." Merabelle sighed a shaky sigh and said " Well, I hope wherever you end up in that longboat, you become a better person. Promise me that." Merabelle said. Mr.Gold gave her a confused look. "Well, I don't usually make promises, but I'll certainly try for you Merabelle." Merabelle nodded her head. She is moved by this, but unsure that he'd keep his promise.

"Now, take your oars and row away. Make a new life for yourself. If I hear you've been up to no good. I will find you." Mr.Gold nodded his head in understanding, then took his oars and started rowing. Then he stopped for a moment, took something out of his pocket and threw it at Merabelle. Merabelle perfectly caught it and opened her hands to reveal her mother's compass. "It's a shame, really." Mr.Gold shouted to her. "We would have been a brilliant team together, lass!"

Those were his last words before he disappeared in the mist. Merabelle's eyes had tears on the surface. Then, Ms.Jones appeared and put her hand on Merabelle's shoulder. "Well done, Merabelle. Your parents would have been proud." Merabelle nodded her head. Then Mr.Bullseye came them.

"Captain Dragunov. I have distressing news. One of the longboats have gone missing. And I have confirmed that that one is terribly unsafe." The three of them looked out over the water, kind of, sort of worried about what could happen to Mr.Gold

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