Imagine Gollum getting a happy ending too

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~ This story takes place after The Hobbit took place, so not after the Lord of the Rings. It's an imagine based on a request from imaginexhobbit: Imagine Gollum getting a happy ending too and slowly transitioning back to his old self, and being taken in by the hobbits of the Shire as kin. ~

It had taken some years, but after Gollum lost the ring he found that Smeagol's voice grew stronger within him. The evil thoughts of Gollum slowly turned to whispers and eventually dissapeared as Smeagol's thoughts got stronger and stronger.

Smeagol wasn't afraid of sunlight and he was curious to see what the world outside the Goblin cave would show him. So one day he felt brave and he took a step outside. He closed his eyes and shielded his face with his hand. The sun was still to strong for his eyes that were only used to the dark. But after a while his eyes adjusted and he could see and smell things that he hadn't seen or smelled in a long time. He could feel the wind caressing his body and he felt free.

He wandered around Middle Earth for a few months, still eating birds and fish but not in the way he used to. He learned how to cook them and didn't rip them open with his teeth anymore. He was gaining weight little by little and he started to feel alive again. However he also felt old, but it didn't bother him though. He felt like he was living again, and that was what mattered.

In those months he eaves-dropped on some humans because he heard a word that he remembered; 'Baggings'. He learned the place where the 'hobbitses' should live. He was supposed to live in a town called the Shire. Smeagol wondered how the hobbitses was doing because he had the ring in his posession now and Smeagol knew what power the ring had.

He followed the men all the way to the Shire. Smeagol was curious to see how Bagginses was doing, if he would still be okay. And maybe he even wanted to warn him. When they entered the Shire Smeagol eaves-dropped some more and found out where Bagginses lived.

One night he looked at the green, round door in front of him. What would Bagginses say if he saw him? Would he even let him in? They didn't split up in a good way all those years ago. But Gollum had scared him that day, not Smeagol. Hopefully Bagginses would understand that. Smeagol gathered his curiage and knocked on the door.


Bilbo was busy preparing his second dinner when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up and frowned. He surely didn't expect any visitors. He put the knife down and made his way towards the door. 'It must be those dwarves again. Who else would come over uninvited at this hour?' But when he opened the door he didn't saw dwarves. Nor a hobbit for that matter.

It took some time for Bilbo to realise who stood in front of him. It was Gollum. But he looked different. He had gained some weight and he looked healthy and he... he smiled? 'Hello master Bagginses' Gollum said. 'I'm sorry to interrupt you at this hour but I wondered how you were doing?'

Bilbo's mouth dropped. His brain was telling him to shut the door and lock it thoroughly and then pick up his sword as fast as he could. But his heart told him to feed the creator in front of him and take him in his house. '' Bilbo mastered. Gollum tilted his head to one side and a big smile spread across his face. 'That's very nice of Bagginses.'

Bilbo found himself cooking for two and he actually enjoyed to see Gollum enjoying the food he had made. But his brain was still telling him that he needed to think back to the cave all those years ago. He should be afraid, not feeding Gollum! 'S-so...uhm...Gollum?' Gollum shook his head. 'My name is Smeagol. Gollum is far gone master Bagginses.' Smeagol smiled heartely at Bilbo.

Bilbo looked confused. 'You see?' his brain told him, 'still crazy!' But Bilbo ignored the thought and instead said: 'My name is B-bilbo... You can call me Bilbo.' Smeagol frowned. 'Oh, I thougt it was Bagginses.' Then he looked at Bilbo. 'But I like Bilbo better.' Bilbo tried to smile back but couldn't shake the feeling that his life was in danger.

'S-so Smeagul, why did you come to the Shire?' Smeagol took a bite from one of the pies and licked his lips clean. 'I came to see you Bilbo.' Bilbo frowned. 'You came to see me? Why would you do that?' Okay, now he really felt like he was in grave danger. Smeagol shifted so that he was facing Bilbo. 'I came to see if you were alright. That ring you took from me... it is a dark ring. It has darkened my thoughts for years. I did things that I can't remember and things that I wish I couldn't remember.'

Smeagol sighed. 'I thank you so much for your hospitality after what I tried to do to you. I'm really sorry for what almost happened. But I want to thank you for taking that ring from me.' Smeagol bowed. 'I owe you master Baggi... Bilbo.' Bilbo looked flustered to the creature in front of him.

That ring had made Smeagol into that thing he had met in the cave? Bilbo was going to wright Gandalf first thing tomorrow. He wouldn't let himself turn into... Gollum. Smeagol looked at Bilbo expactingly and Bilbo understood he had to answer. 'You do not owe me anything Smeagol. But, where do you live now? I mean, you lived in the Goblin cave... but surely you don't live there anymore?'

'No master Bilbo, I don't live there anymore. I wander around Middle Earth and feed from the food I can find in the woods.' Bilbo felt pity for the creature in front of him. And then he said something that his brain regretted the moment the words left his lips: 'Do you... Do you want to live here?'

Smeagol's eyes grew big and he smiled widely, exposing his nine teeth. He jumped up and down the chair. 'That would be amazing master Bilbo! That way Smeagol can fulfill his debt to master Bilbo by helping him around the house!' Smeagol was very exited by the idea of living in a house again.

Bilbo looked at Smeagol who was still jumping up and down his beloved chair. Had he made the right decision to offer this to Smeagol? Only time would learn.


Smeagol worked for Bilbo and they even became friends. At first the other hobbits from the Shire had avoided the pale looking creature who called himseld a hobbit, but one by one they all grew fond of him. Smeagol called himself a lucky hobbit to have such a good friend as master Bilbo.

And the ring? Bilbo still had it because he somehow couldn't get rid of it. But he was sure to keep it hidden from Smeagol.

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