September 25

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This story is based on an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine introducing the dwarfs to pizza.

Finally the company had reached Lake Town. The nights of being chased down by orc's were finally over (you thought). And tonight was going to be a special night. A few months ago, back in Rivendell, you noticed that the dwarfs didn't really care for green food. Most of them had even refused to eat it. But you would show them that 'green food' could actually taste quite well. You just needed a little help from a wizard and a hobbit to convince them.

Thorin, Dwalin and Balin were discussing how Erebor and Lake Town could become trading partners after the mountain was dragon free. Fili and Kili were somewhere in town causing trouble. Nori was probably doing the same thing, but with Dori chasing him to make sure he returned everything he stole. Ori stayed back in the house to write about their journey so far and the other dwarfs were in or around the house, minding their own business. This was your chance. You sneaked up to Bilbo and placed your hand on his shoulder.

He jumped a little 'cause of the unexpected touch but relaxed when he saw you. '(Y/N), you scared me. Why can't you just say my name before placing a hand on my shoulder?' he joked. You smiled at him and lowered your hand. 'I can't because I have something important to ask you' you whispered. 'Something important? Is there something wrong?' Bilbo said a little to loud. Bofur and Bombur, who were still sitting at the table, looked up when they heard the question. 'Nothing's the matter. Why would there be something wrong?' you asked.

When the dwarfs went back to their own conversation you dragged Bilbo to the room next to door. He looked very confused and straightened his clothes. 'Was that really necessary?' he said, slightly offended. You placed your finger on your lips and looked around to see if there was no one else around. 'What's this about? First you drag me into this room, which was a cruel thing to do by the way, and then you won't even let me talk!' the hobbit shouted. You rolled your eyes and pushed Bilbo down on a chair.

'I need you to help me with preparing dinner tonight' you said. He blinked and looked at you dumbfounded. 'Is that all you wanted to ask? You could have just asked me back there you know, it doesn't matter if you can't cook, you don't need to feel ashamed over it' the hobbit tried to reassure you. You shook your head. 'I can cook, that's not the problem. Remember when we were back in Rivendell? With the green food?' you asked. Bilbo rolled his eyes and laughed sarcastically. 'How could I not? Those pour elves had done such a fantastic job with the food and none of them wanted to try it... Such a shame.'

'Yeah, such a shame. But I was thinking that maybe we could make them something, including green food, but they won't be able to see it. Maybe they'll like it if they don't know that it's there.' Bilbo's eyes opened wide and you could see a sparkle in those eyes that you hadn't seen before. 'I'll get you the ingredients, this is going to be amazing! We'll teach those green-food-haters! Ha! What do you need?' Bilbo asked excitedly. Good, the hobbit was in on the plan, now you just needed Gandalf to make sure the dwarfs wouldn't be around to see what you were doing.


Bilbo had been able to smuggle the green ingredients in the house without any of the dwarfs noticing. Now it was Gandalf's time to shine. Right before it was your time to start cooking he announced a 'free round of ale' on the other side of the town. The room was empty within the blink of an eye. Bilbo stayed behind to help you with preparing the food while Gandalf followed the company to make sure they wouldn't trample any citizens. First you rolled out the dough and made it as flat as you could. Bilbo followed your example and soon you had more then enough to feed the whole company twice.

You smashed the tomatoes and threw some other vegetables in the mash as well. The hobbit got a fire going and tried to get it at the perfect heat. He wasn't completely sure what you were making, only that you called the food 'pizza'. 'Do you think they will fall for this?' you asked while cutting the pieces of meat in tiny bits. Bilbo decorated the pizza's with the vegetable mash and placed the meat slices on top. 'I think we have a great chance of fooling them. It looks good (y/n)!' You bowed your head. 'Thank you, master Baggins.'

The oven was big enough to fit four pizza's in at the same time, and it was only shortly after the first round that you heard the disappointment complaints from the dwarfs. 'I'm sorry, I thought that I heard it correctly' you heard Gandalf apologizing. Apparently the dwarfs hadn't got their ale's, poor fellows. When they entered the room the sound of footsteps stopped so you and Bilbo got out of the kitchen. The dwarfs had stuck their nose in the air and were now smelling the smell of fresh baked pizza's. 'That smells amazing (y/n)!' Kili said dreamily. 'Yeah! What is it?' Ori asked excitedly.

But you wouldn't tell them just yet, you motioned for them all to sit down at the table and they quickly did as they were told. Bilbo sliced the pizza in pieces and all got them a slice. 'Is this all we're gonna get?' Dwalin gruffly asked. Bilbo shot him a disapproving glance. 'You haven't even tasted it yet. There's more then enough for everyone. It will just take a while before it's all done' the hobbit said in a stern voice. Fili was the first to taste the pizza and soon he closed his eyes to fully enjoy the food in his mouth. 'This is so good!' he said, and everyone followed his example.

Everyone was enjoying the pizza's, even Ori had more then one piece. After a few hours everyone was done and fully stuffed with pizza. None of them could eat another slice, except Bombur of course. 'I love meat, it's so much better than that green food from Rivendell' Bofur happily stated. Everyone hummed in agreement. 'Indeed it was. How did you call this food again (y/n)?' Thorin asked. 'Pizza' you replied. Thorin looked up at the ceiling. 'Pizza... I think you will have to stay in Erebor to make it more often.'

'What ingredients did you use? I recognized the meat, but what was the mash made of?' Kili asked while a burp escaped his lips. Everyone laughed and cheered, and everyone reached for their ale once more. 'Oh nothing special. Just tomatoes, carrots, a little lettuce and some corn' you said and quickly ran to the other room 'to do the dishes'. There was nothing but silence in the other room and you and Bilbo tried to contain your laughter in the kitchen. 'We should have stayed to see their shocked faces, I think they all look priceless right now' you giggled.

Bilbo shook his head. 'No, I think they would have just tried to kill us both. It's much safer in here.' A sound from behind you caused you to spin around. Balin was standing there with a big smirk on his face. 'Clever, lass. You have tricked us all. Now I have to tell you that there a few of them who ran to the pub to drink as much ale as they could, but I'm sure they aren't angry at you. As for me... I think you've done a terrific job. Just don't tell the others' the older dwarf winked at you. He disappeared after this and you giggled. 'Well, at least none of them have tried to throw it all back up.'

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