Imagine having bad period cramps

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~ And the third update of this week! I know the stories haven't been like, really long or anything, but they are updates! This story is based on an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine having really bad period cramps, and no one in the Company knowing how to help you. Let me warn you before you start reading... I had way to much fun writing this :) ~

You clenched your fists and tried not to cry out in pain. The Company was very protective over you and you were sure they would make a fuss over your period cramps. But Durin's day was close and you had to get there in time. Surely Thorin wouldn't stop for your cramps and you didn't want him to. But oh boy did it hurt. 'Hnnnggh...' you cried. Your plan of not crying out didn't really work.

Thorin turned around and his gaze immediately turned to you. Worry forming in his eyes while the rest of the Company turned around as well. Great, just the thing you had been trying to avoid all along. You tried to smile back at them but you could feel it wouldn't take long before another shot of pain would hit you. 'Are you okay (y/n)?' Thorin asked.

'I'm fine thanks!' You smiled but failed when the next pain wave rushed through your body. You clenched your teeth and you wrapped your arms around your lower belly. The pain was getting unbearable. Fili and Kili were quickly by your side and they both wrapped an arm around you. 'She isn't fine uncle!' Fili said worried. 'We have to stop here, she needs something against the pain!' Kili shouted to Oin.

The dwarf nodded and was seeking for a potion in his bag. The two brothers both helped you to lay down on one of their bedrolls while you were trying to get up again. 'No, no, this is really not necessary. I can walk and I am fine, thank you very much.' But they didn't believe you and pulled you back down on the bedroll. 'You have to lay down lass, we can all see you are in pain' Thorin said reassuringly.

'We will camp here for the night!' Thorin yelled and you rolled your eyes. 'We really don't have to, I will be fine if you would only let me wal...' But you didn't finish your sentence because Thorin gave you thé look. You weren't allowed to discuss his order. So you closed your eyes and tried to relieve the pain by rubbing your lower belly. Your cramps were always this bad, but you didn't want to slow the Company down.

'Lass, are you conscious or did you faint?' You heard a muffled smack. 'You fool, if she would be unconscious she wouldn't make any sounds, would she?' Fili sneered at Kili. 'I'm just trying to make sure she's fine! You are not doing anything!' Kili hit back. 'Boys stop it right now! It won't help the lass if you are fighting!' you heard Dwalin growling at them.

'We are sor... SHE'S WOUNDED! OIN COME HERE QUICKLY! I THINK SHE'S DYING!' Suddenly no one was making a sound and you could hear that some of them hold their breaths. You felt someone kneeling beside you and taking a hold on your hand. 'Why didn't you tell us you were hurt (y/n)?' Kili said while trying to hold back his tears.

You opened your eyes in confusion, what was he talking about? Oin came closer and his eyes widened. What was going on? 'Lass, you should have told me before!' Your confusion got stronger and stronger. Thorin appeared behind him and his eyes widened as well. He met your gaze and you could see something in his eyes, he wasn't just worried... there was something else.

But you didn't have time to think about it because Thorin was back to yelling. 'Fili, Kili, go away! Give Oin all the room he needs. Everyone turn around, I'm sure the lass doesn't want you all to see this' he barked. 'Thorin, what is goi...' But he shushed you. 'Don't speak, save your energy.' He kneeled down next to you, in Kili's place. Gently he stroked your cheek. 'We will get you well again.'

You saw Oin kneeling down on your other side and getting a needle from his bag. His hands landed on your pants and he wanted to pull them down when you jerked your legs back. You got up to quickly for Thorin and Oin to realize. 'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?' They both looked at you in confusion and worry.

'Lass, your wound needs to get stitched' Oin said. 'Wound? WHAT WOUND? ARE YOU INSANE?' There was no chance they would get you to lay down again. What kind of freaks were these dwarfs? Just because you were human didn't mean they had the right to pull your pants down at any given moment. And what wound were they talking about?

'Dwalin, can you give us a hand?' Thorin asked. The big dwarf nodded and came your way. You took a step back got your sword from your belt. 'No one is coming near me, and no one is pulling my pants down! DID I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!' Balin looked at you in understanding and carefully approached you. 'Lass, you have to understand that we only mean well. You have a wound... down... down there... and it has to be looked at.'

Suddenly realization hit you and you rolled your eyes while sighing heavily. 'You are talking about the blood in my pants aren't you?' They nodded. You put your sword back in your belt and looked at them all. 'I don't have a wound, this is perfectly normal amongst human women.' They all stared at you in disbelief. 'Lass you don't have to be scared, it won't hurt' Dwalin tried to reassure you.

Fili and Kili both ignored their uncle's first order and stood by his side. 'What are you talking about (y/n)?' Kili asked curiously. You sighed and placed your hand on your face. 'One week of every month we bleed... down there... it's perfectly normal.' Fili frowned. 'It's normal for your kind to bleed regularly?'

'Well, only women do, we bleed down there to cleanse our body. It means that a women didn't get pregnant that month.' They all looked horrified. 'So you harm yourself down there if you don't get pregnant?' 'No, no, no, no... NO! We don't harm ourselves, our body cleanses itself, we have no control over it.' you tried to explain. But they all looked at you like you had gone mad.

'I promise I am not wounded in any way.' 'Then why are you in pain?' Thorin asked suspiciously. 'Because period cramps always hurt! I don't want to think about the cause of my pain when I'm in pain!' Thorin nodded. 'Then at least take this potion from Oin.' He handed you a blue like liquid in a small bottle. You had seen it being used on the other members when they were in pain, so you took a sip.

'Thank you' you said and returned the bottle to Oin. 'Now, can we move on because we don't have to camp here because of my cramps' you smiled victoriously. But your smile was swept of your face when you saw the Company still looking at you with stubborn and determined faces. Fili and Kili pulled you back on their bedroll and Oin wouldn't leave your side.

Bofur sat down next to you and shared some stories with you, not sure how else he could relieve your pain. Dwalin got some water from the river for you and heated it above the fire so you could place it on your belly. The other members would check on you every now and then, even Thorin did. At night he sat down next to you and demanded further explanation about your period.

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