Imagine a pact with Tauriel and Legolas

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~ Okay, so I couldn't stop writing imagines for this book for a few weeks... Here is an imagine about Legolas and Tauriel. I realized how few stories this book features about elves and the other races or other characters in the movie, so I will try to write less about the dwarfs and more about the others. But I can't promise anything... This story is based on an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine making a pact with Legolas and Tauriel before the Battle of The Five Armies, that you three would have each other's backs no matter what. ~

'Where is Tauriel?' you asked and looked around frantically. You thought she would have followed the two of you when Legolas ordered her to. But she was no where to be seen. Legolas stared into the distance, at the house where they had just saved a few children from the orcs. Suddenly he turned around and proceeded on his way. 'Shouldn't we wait for her?' you asked. Tauriel and you had been friends since you were both little elf lings, and leaving her here felt like abandoning her. 'She made a choice when she decided not to listen to me. And besides, I think she will be here any minute now' he replied.

One more time you looked back at the house and decided you would follow Legolas instead of waiting for your friend. The orcs were still nearby, you could smell their horrifying scent. Did they ever bathe? They almost smelt as bad as the dwarfs did, almost. You didn't understand how Tauriel could have fallen in love with a dwarf... He wasn't ugly, for his kind, but she could do so much better. She could have Legolas if she wanted, and if it wasn't for his father. But they could have made it work. She had told you about it after speaking to Kili back at his cell. You hadn't understand but supported your friend none the less.

Legolas disappeared around a corner and you ran after him to keep up. But when you ran around the corner you found Legolas with his sword drawn. And in front of him stood the most horrifying and ugly creature you had ever seen. His left eye was gone and several scars ran across his face. Quickly you drew your bow and arrow and pointed it at the orc. This is the reason that you could still smell the orcs. They hadn't left Lake Town yet. Why did everyone want to hunt down these dwarfs? They were the prisoners of King Thranduil, and apparently also the enemy of some very pissed off orcs.

The orc came closer to you and Legolas, his axe ready in his hand. Legolas walked closer as well but when he took one stop forward there were suddenly two more orcs jumping from behind the corners of two alleys. You shot one of them straight in the head and Legolas finished him off with his sword. The other orc attacked Legolas from behind but fortunately enough he still had you. Without thinking you got another arrow and shot it in the orc's throat. He made a suffocating noise before Legolas cut his head clean off.

But then the bigger orc was attacking Legolas while he was still busy with the other one. You wanted to intervene but you couldn't get to your arrow in time. You noticed a flesh of red in the corner of your eye, but you didn't pay much attention to it. All you thought about was protecting Legolas. Right then did Tauriel jump down from one of the rooftops and got her smaller knife from her pocket. The orc, however, had seen her to and struck her with his sword. Tauriel landed a few feet further and seemed to only have a scratch or two. Not that she would show it if she was hurt anyway.

From behind Legolas now attacked the orc with his sword, but he defended himself quite well. This had given you more then enough time to find another arrow and you shot it in the orc's direction. And he hadn't seen this coming. Your arrow found his mark in his chest and he howled in pain. The orc pulled the arrow out and it disappointed you to see that there was only a little amount of blood seeping out of the wound. But he was wounded. Legolas attacked him from the front and Tauriel came from behind. You shot another arrow and the orc's faith was sealed.

'Somehow I believe this would have ended differently if it had been you by yourself Legolas' Tauriel said in a sassy way. He rolled his eyes and ignored her. You smiled at your friend and earned a smile back. 'We have to go. I don't know for sure what those dwarfs are up to, but I think they will need our help with those orc's Legolas instructed. The two of you nodded and followed Legolas through Lake Town. It was surprising to you that he managed to get you out without getting lost once. Maybe it was because of the orc smell, he just needed to follow that to be able to locate them.

You hold still right before you left Lake Town. Tauriel and Legolas noticed and stopped as well. 'What's wrong (y/n)? We need to follow them now that their smell is still fresh!' Legolas asked with a hidden urgency in his tone. You looked at both of them, your best friends since you could remember. 'Tauriel was right just now. This could have ended differently for all of us. I think we should make a pact' you stated. The question that ran through your mind was the same as before you followed them outside Mirkwood; what if you weren't strong enough?

Legolas and Tauriel exchanged looks. '(Y/N)... You don't need to worry about your strength. Because that's what this is all about, isn't it?' Tauriel asked softly. You sighed deeply before replying. 'It is. And I know it may sound silly to you... But I just want us to promise each other we will have each other's back, no matter what.' Before Tauriel could answer this, Legolas stepped forward. He took your hand in his and gestured for Tauriel to take his. She hold your hand with hers and Legolas's as well. 'We, Tauriel - Legolas and (y/n), promise each other that we will have each other's back no matter what' Legolas said.

The three of you nodded in agreement and you felt the tingle of the unbreakable pact going through your body. 'Do you feel better now?' Legolas asked kindly. 'I do. Let's kick some orc butt!' you shouted and ran forwards, after the orc's. Tauriel and Legolas laughed and shook their heads. 'Do you have a feeling that (y/n) will get us both killed as well?' Tauriel joked. 'I hope not' Legolas spoke before he ran after you.

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