September 23

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This story is based on an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine telling one of the dwarfs that you like tall men and then all of them fighting over who is the tallest.

You were in Rivendell and, certain dwarfs, had just ruined the party the elves had thrown for the company. Bofur had got up the table and from that point on you knew there was going to be trouble. You didn't mind spending time with the elves, they were clean and quiet. But you couldn't blame the dwarfs for wanting some more action. And that's where Bofur came in with a song, and then the rest of the company with the food fight. Even Thorin seemed to enjoy himself with watching his company enjoying themselves at the cost of the elves.

Afterwards you were sent away so that the elves could clean the mess, and the company took it as an offer to go skinny dipping. You didn't join them in this fun, no thank you. Bilbo and you decided to forget about the naked dwarfs who were now probably running through Rivendell to scare a few elves, and to make the most of your visit. It looked nothing like you had envisioned when you heard the stories. It was all much brighter and more beautiful. You couldn't believe your eyes, it was just wonderful. Bilbo seemed to have the same reaction as you.

You came across an old looking painting and a sculpture holding the shattered remains of a sword. Your mother had told you about it once but you didn't remember the story behind it. Bilbo seemed fascinated, almost ready to touch it, but another painting on the wall caught his attention. He stared at the painting and it seemed like he was captured in his own thoughts when you patted him on the shoulder. 'Shall we continue?' you asked. Bilbo nodded and looked at the painting once more before following close behind you.

It was so peaceful here in Rivendell that you almost felt like never leaving this place again. But when you returned to your company you knew that you belonged with them. Of course the dwarfs didn't care for Rivendell's beauty, it was to boring and to clean for them. When you found them the topic of the conversation hadn't changed since last night. It was still on the subject of love. Gloin started about his beautiful wife and son again but luckily for you he was needed by Thorin. Unfortunately he couldn't finish his story, such a bummer.

But then their attention focused back on you. 'You didn't answer us last night (y/n)' Nori started. Everyone looked at you with big smirks on their face. 'Aye, that's right Nori. You know it's rather rude to leave a question unanswered?' Fili said while smoking on his pipe. You rolled your eyes and shrugged. 'I completely forgot about it. What was the question again?' you asked in an innocent voice. 'What ya're looking for a partner' was the answer in unison. You giggled. 'It's nothing, I'm looking for someone who is funny and tall...'

'Tall? Why would you need a tall partner? There's nothing wrong with someone who is slightly smaller then you' Kili frowned. Bofur got up from the ground and made a show of stretching his legs. 'Of course you would say that laddie. But a tall dwarf like me knows nothing can beat height.' Ori jumped up behind him. 'I'm quite tall as well. Why wouldn't (y/n) go out with me?' he asked pouting. 'Yeah! Are ya saying he's not good enough?!' Dori asked while stepping in front of his youngest brother. And soon they were all fighting over who was the tallest dwarf.

You sighed and tried to escape but they dragged you into their argument asking who was taller then who. You tried to excuse yourself but they kept dragging you back in the middle. Soon you gave up and placed everyone in the right order, but they were outraged with this form of settling their argument and they got out of the line. You sat down and sighed heavily. Why did you have to mention that you liked tall men?

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