Imagine making fun of Thorin

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~ This story is based on an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine you and Kili making fun of Thorin, not realizing he is standing right behind you. I just wanted to do this imagine because everyone knows thé look Thorin would give the two of you... -_- This is a short story, but I hope you'll like it! ~

'Have you ever noticed that my uncle get's lost a lot on this quest?' Kili whispered to you. 'I know right? And I thought he knew what he was doing when we started this quest!' You whispered back. Kili nodded. 'I think he doesn't have a clue. I mean, what will we do when we face that dragon? It must be very big if you believe the old tales.'

You shrugged. 'Well that's not our worry. Bilbo will face that dragon first and maybe he can kill him before he smells us' you said. Kili seemed to think about this for a moment. Suddenly he started laughing. First muffled but soon he couldn't control himself and he almost fell of his pony. Just in time you grabbed him by his coat to keep him from falling off.

'What's the matter with you?' you raised an eyebrow at Kili. It took him a while to regain his breath and a few more minutes before he could talk to you without bursting into another fit of laughter. 'I... I was just thinking about... about how funny it would look if.... if...' Kili managed to say before laughing again. You rolled your eyes. This would take some time. But you were determined to find out why Kili was laughing so hard.

'Come on! Tell me! I want to know what's so funny!' you whined. 'Okay... okay... wait for it.... okay...' Kili said while trying to catch his breath. He regained his normal breathing and bend his head to your ear. 'Can you imagine Bilbo and Thorin... courting each other?' You looked at him wide-eyed before laughing hysterically.

Kili joined in, neither of you watching your surroundings. 'Can you imagine Thorin cooking a meal for him? With an apron and everything...' Kili was slamming his fist on his leg because he was laughing so hard. 'An-and what a-about Bilbo? C-can you imagine h-him b-battle Dwalin for T-thorin's respect?' The both of you were laughing so hard you didn't notice a certain dwarf and hobbit were right behind you.

'Ahum.' Kili and you both stopped laughing and straightened your backs. Neither of you dared to look back because you knew who that voice belonged to. And you also knew another thing... you were in so much trouble right now. 'I guess I won't need to tell you who has pony duty tonight?' You and Kili both nodded and were silent from that moment on.

A few minutes later you dared to look back and you saw Bilbo on his pony, next to Thorin. A protective hand laying on his shoulder. The hobbit was blushing when he met your eyes. You immediately turned your face and didn't dare to take another look. You had to admit, they were kind of cute together.

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