Part 3. Imagine Fili and Kili playing matchmaker

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This is the last part of 'Imagine Fili and Kili befriending you so they can play matchmaker to Thorin.' I hope you'll enjoy, because it was a lot of fun to write these three parts.

It's nearly impossible but your cheeks reddened again. 'Kili shut up!' you whisper shout at him. He starts laughing. 'Well, you can't turn back (y/n). Shall I explain the steps of dwarf courting to you then?' You sigh and roll your eyes. 'Fine, you might as well explain.' Kili straightens himself on his pony and coughs. You pout, did he really have to act like that.

'Well, I will start at the beginning. Because Thorin was already courting you before you cleansed his sword.' Your mouth drops and you look at him in confusion. 'Yes, Fili and I already thought you didn't know. But now you do.' He smirks at you and you wish you could hit him without the whole company noticing. But you were patient, you could wait.

'He began by asking Bofur if he could put more stew in your bowl. Normally dwarf courting starts with cleaning someone's sword, but you only own a letter opener, so...' You huffed. 'It's not a letter opener!' The two of you looked at each other before Kili continued. 'Anyway... He made sure you ate the biggest part of the swine he captured that day to show you he can provide for you. I think he would have caught something bigger if we had more time but this was all he could catch.'

You frowned and thought about the stew you ate that night. Honestly it had been quite disgusting, but you didn't want to hurt his feelings so you had finished your whole bowl. Chills crept on your body when you thought about it, you would never eat swine again. 'And you finished your whole bowl, that way you showed Thorin you accepted the food and that he succeeded at the first step.'

You looked up at Kili. 'The first step?' Kili nodded. 'There are four steps in dwarf courting, Thorin skipped the first one, the weapon cleaning, but he still had to show his worth in four different ways.' You nodded in response, this was starting to make sense to you. Not much though. 'I really didn't notice he had given me more.' Kili made a weird face. 'Well, Balin actually told him he was lucky that you accepted, because he had let Bofur give it to you instead of himself.'

'Why didn't he give it to me himself?' 'Because Thorin didn't want to get rejected face to face. It would have been hard enough for him if you rejected his courting by declining the bowl that was given to you.' 'But how did he expect me to know he was courting me if he didn't tell me?' you said while throwing your arms up in frustration. 'That's not the point anymore, let me tell you about the other things he did before he comes to check on you.'

'And why would he check on me?' Kili smirked. 'Because I just touched you several times, and you are not allowed to touch a person who is being courted by another.' You frowned. 'Then, why did you just touch me?' He showed you a cheeky grin. 'So that you can see that he really cares about you.' You turned your gaze to the front of the line again. And indeed, Thorin was still staring at the two of you, a frown spread on his face.

'May I continue lass?' You were startled by his voice and turned your attention back to him. 'Of course, you may.' 'The second thing he did was showing you he can protect you. He did this by protecting you when we were attacked by orc's.' The memory came back and you smiled. He did protect you every time you had put yourself in danger. True, it earned you a few stern looks from him afterwards, but you couldn't help it that you somehow attracted orc's.

'And what is the third step?' 'In the third step he had to show you he trusted you.' But you couldn't remember that, had he ever showed you he trusted you? He just ignored you during most of the journey. Kili saw the look on your face. 'Maybe he should have told you what he was doing, because apparently you didn't notice it at all.' You smiled sheepishly. Yes, that would have been a good idea.

'He fell asleep right next to you when you were on watch. Showing you he trusted you when he was at his weakest.' Thad might have been obvious if he would have told you, but he didn't. 'He really should have told me.' Kili nodded in agreement. 'When my brother and I found out that hobbit courting was so different from dwarf courting we understood why you still hadn't said the words to him.'

You frowned. 'What words?' 'When a dwarf has performed the four steps of courting the courted must say that the courtship has been accepted or declined. You didn't do either, so Thorin thought he had done something wrong. But that couldn't be since you had accepted every step so far.' You felt confused. 'But, you just said he skipped the first step of courting? So he actually didn't succeed, right?'

Kili returned your confused look. 'Well, yes, you are right. But since you don't own a weapon...' You raised your hand. 'I won't discuss that again.' Kili smirked. 'Very well then. I will continue my story.' Kili quickly dared a look to the front of the line and met his uncle's icy eyes. Thorin turned to speak to Balin, who nodded back. Thorin lead his pony to the side of the company and let everyone pass. Kili had to tell you quick, because Thorin would be by your side in no time.

You had followed Kili's eyes and saw Thorin leaving the line, you knew something was going to happen. 'Aye lass, quickly then. When Fili and I talked to you we noticed that you weren't familiar with dwarf courting. So we thought we might give you a hand. When you offered to clean Thorin's sword you showed him that he succeeded in courting you. Afterwards he came to talk with us and we told him what you told us about hobbit courting. So Thorin ended the courting with giving you flowers, the fourth step in this case. And... Hello uncle!'

Thorin let his pony walk in between you and Kili. A possessive hand reached to grab yours. Your cheeks reddened again when his warm, big hand hold your tiny, soft one. Kili tried to maintain his cheeky grin but it was hard when he was met with a death glare from Thorin. 'Kili, you know better than to touch my One.' Kili nodded and quickly sped up to ride next to his brother. Thorin's eyes followed his back until he was next to Fili.

He turned his eyes to you and he gave you a warm smile. But his eyes looked sad. 'My love, I'm sorry I let him touch you.' You smiled at him to ease his mood. 'It doesn't matter Thorin, I don't mind it.' But you didn't get the response you expected. 'What do you mean you don't mind? You accepted my courting so you belong to me now! Not to anyone else! I won't have another dwarf touching you!'

His face turned dark and possessive and you wondered where you had gotten yourself into. Mentally you sighed but you made sure not to do it out loud. 'Of course not Thorin. I don't want to get touched by any other but you. But Kili just touched me in a friendly manner, nothing more and nothing less.' Thorin's face softened but he still wasn't pleased with his youngest nephew.

'He still should have known better then to touch you. You must promise me you will tell me when someone touches you. I will not accept it.' You tried to hide your smile but you failed poorly and to make matters even worse, you couldn't stop blushing. Thorin cupped your cheek and looked at you adoringly. 'You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met. And I will make sure you don't have any reason to ever leave my side, my love.'

You saw Bilbo looking at you and he made his pony walk slower so he could ride next to you. He gently placed a hand on your right arm. Bilbo had promised your mother he would take care of you on this journey, and surely starting a relationship with a dwarf wouldn't make her happy in the slightest. Thorin growled and Bilbo quickly let go of your arm. 'Burglar, can you keep your hands ooff my betrothed?'

Yours and Bilbo's heads both shot up at the same time: 'Betrothed?!' Thorin looked at you in surprise. 'Yes, you are my betrothed. When a suitor succeeds in courting, the suitor and the courted are betrothed. Didn't you know?' Thorin looked at you with an hurt look. 'Of-of course I knew..' you somehow managed to say. Thorin nodded. 'Good.' You accidentally met Kili's eyes when he mouthed: 'I forgot to tell you.'

Oh, you would hit that dwarf silly when you got the chance. You sped forward to act on your plan but Kili noticed and he sped away also. Bilbo was left riding next to Thorin and he buried his face in his hands. 'At first I feared that dragon in your mountain would kill me, but now I'm far more worried her mother will beat him to it.' Thorin merely chuckled while he kept a watchful eye on you. He would have to have a talk with Kili pretty soon.

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