September 6

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~ I'm sorry that this one is posted this late, but I just finished my shift at work from 8:30 a.m. to 6:15 pm.m..... Yeah, a long day :) I hope you will like it because I honestly am to tired to judge... So let me know! But, right now it's almost 8 p.m. in Holland, so it's still September 6, I'm not behind yet! So the moment is finally here, the imagine for today: ~

(Imagine Balin visiting Frozen)

Cold, it was so cold. When he breathed he could see his breath, it was that cold. Normally dwarfs weren't bothered by the cold but this snow seemed almost unnatural. Balin tried to remember if he had ever been this cold in all his life, but if he had he couldn't remember. He peered through the snow to see if there was a house nearby.

And it seemed like he was in luck. Nearby there was something that looked like a small cabin. He tried to smile but his face was frozen and he couldn't move his cheeks up. Well, a firm nod should do the trick as well. He tried to make his way through the snow but it almost reached his chin and he could barely see where he was going.

Balin thought he was still going in the right direction, but actually he was going towards some kind of stable covered in snow. Balin hold still when he heard music playing, it stopping and a girl's voice. There were people nearby! Maybe they could help him. Who wouldn't help an old dwarf who was almost freezing to death?

When he got closer he knocked on the wooden door. Suddenly the talking inside stopped and Balin wondered if he had even heard the voices in the first place. But right when turned around to leave he heard a soft voice asking; 'Who is there?' Quickly he walked closer to the door. 'Aye, my name is Balin and I'm a dwarf. I'm looking for some shelter and maybe a bed to spend the night.'

There was some mumbling inside before a strong looking, blonde-haired man opened the door and looked down at him. His face turned friendly when he saw Balin. 'Apparently we were just about to leave' the man said in an annoyed voice. A brown-haired young women jumped in front of the man and looked down at Balin. 'Hello, my name is Anna! I'm the princess of Arendelle' she said and bowed for Balin.

'My name is Balin. It's nice to have the honour to meet a princess.' Anna giggled and the man simply rolled his eyes. 'But I'm sorry to say, Balin, we were just leaving to find my sister. But you may come!' The man next to her shook his head. 'Wait, wait, wait! First you have somehow tricked me in coming with you and now this dwarf is looking for a place to spend the night and you drag him in this story as well?' The man looked at Anna in confusion.

But she simply nodded and walked over to the sledge nearby the stable. She sat down and looked at Balin and the man. 'Well, what are you waiting for?' she yelled. The man and Balin exchanged looks, not knowing what to do. So they shrugged their shoulders and decided they might as well come with her. They walked to the sledge, side by side. 'By the way, my name is Kristoff.' 'Well, it's nice to meet you too. Balin, at your service.'


They had already travelled some distance and filled Balin in on the most important things. And Kristoff also heard some stuff he didn't know yet. Balin didn't quite understand yet, he thought Elsa must be a witch of some sorts to be able to create this snow-world. 'So tell me, what made the queen go all ice crazy?' Kristoff asked Anna. Balin was curious to hear the answer as well.

'Oh, well, it was all my fault. I got engaged but then she freaked out because I had only just met him, you know, that day and she said she wouldn't bless the marriage...' Anna explained. In the middle Kristoff frowned and looked at Balin who was also quite surprised. 'Wait! You got engaged to someone you just met that day?'

'Yeah, anyway, I got mad and so she got mad and then she tried to walk away and I grabbed one of her gloves...' she tried to continue but now it was Balin's turn to intervene. 'Lass, you don't mean to say that you didn't know the person you got engaged to, right?' Surely no one would get married to someone they didn't know... right?

Anna rolled her eyes. 'Yes, I do. Pay attention.' Balin and Kristoff exchanged looks and neither of them believed what they heard. Maybe the girl was desperate to find love, Balin thought. 'Didn't your parents warn you about strangers?' Kristoff asked. Anna eyed him from head to toe and scurried back a little. 'Yes they did. But Hans is not a stranger.'

At least she knew his name. So it could have been worse, Balin concluded. 'Hans is a fine name if I may say. What's his last name?' He smiled at Anna but she looked uncertain. 'Well... of the seven... something.' Kristoff cocked his head to one side and raised one eyebrow. 'What's his favourite food?' With this question the smile returned on Anna's face. 'Sandwiches!'

'What's his eye colour?' Balin asked. 'Dreamy' Anna answered while holding one hand to her heart. The girl appeared to be madly in love. But how could that be possible if she just met him today? Balin didn't understand and he was sure he would never understand women. But still he smiled encouraging at her. He would never step in the way of true love.

'Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?' Kristoff asked. Balin frowned at the last question. How could anyone hate the way someone picked his nose? There was nothing wrong with it. It was common among dwarfs to not be ashamed of such things. But apparently this was different for humans.

'Ieuw! Picks his nose? I'm sorry sir but he is a prince!' Kristoff shrugged. 'All men do it.' Anna looked shocked and looked at Balin. 'Is that true Balin?' Balin wasn't sure what he would answer. 'It's nothing bad, now is it?' He tried. But Anna's eyes just grew wider. 'Ieuw, hmph, look it doesn't matter because it's true love' she puffed and stuck her nose in the air.

'Doesn't sound like true love' Kristoff interjected. 'Are you some kind of love expert?' Anna sarcastically added. Balin chuckled at the two. Anna and Kristoff both turned their faces to look at him. 'What's so funny?' Kristoff asked. Balin shook his head. 'If I didn't know any better I would think that the two of you were a married couple.'

'IEUW!' they both said in unison. Sven looked back to see what the three people in the sledge were doing but he didn't find it quite interesting. He knew his owner for a long time now and Sven knew he fancied the girl next to him. He could tell by the way he ignored her and in the way he was acting like he didn't care. But Sven would help them out, he wanted to see his best friend happy and he would lend them a hoof if he needed to.

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