September 10

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~ So, I asked you guys yesterday to chose the new theme for the next ten days. I will count the votes at before I start writing tomorrow. So you basically still have some time left to vote if you want too. Let me know which option you would like to read next. And that also means that 1/3 of the celebration is almost over when I post this imagine... It's weird, because to me it feels like it has been more than just ten days... But I guess that's just me :P

Enjoy this last imagine in which Thilbo will visit a movie that won't hit the cinema's until next year... When I started this book I always promised myself I wouldn't write this kind of story.... But I thought it was just fitting and everyone will probably (hopefully) agree with me. Don't read this story if your under age! Warning for sex toys and explanations of their purposes, and body part's.... Do you already know which movie I'm talking about?

So please don't read it if your under age! And one more thing, I'm still not sure if I will post this story but if you are reading it... I'm sorry I killed your innocence. And yes, I ship Thilbo Bagginshield :) ~

( Imagine Thilbo Bagginshield visiting 50 Shades of Grey )

(Thorin's P.O.V.)

Christian and Anastasia were sitting across from us. Bilbo's face was red, not just his cheeks, and I myself felt like blushing too. But the King under the Mountain would never blush! Not even when the topic was sex... and not even when we were discussing this with two complete strangers. No, I wouldn't surrender. I tried to come remember how and when we got to this topic, and every time I had to blame myself for opening that door... THAT door...

'I guess you have many questions by now?' Christian asked. He looked rather amused with our uneasiness. I coughed to give some sort of an answer and Bilbo shifted a little in his seat. Surprisingly he was the first of us to speak. 'Um... Mr. Grey? Um.. sir?' Bilbo started. I could feel his embarrassment and wanted to wrap my arms around him, but I knew that would probably make him even more embarrassed.

Bilbo and I had often discussed this topic. In dwarf culture it was common to show your affection to your One in public, making sure everyone knew who they belonged to. Apparently this was highly unheard of in hobbit culture. My husband felt like it wasn't right to share those intimate details with others. While I felt the need to let everyone know how he only screamed for me, only pleaded for his release to me, only belonged to me.

Christian smiled reassuringly. 'You don't have to call me Mr. Grey or sir, Bilbo, just call me Christian.' Bilbo nodded but refused to look him nor Anastasia in the eyes. I wanted to smile at him and reassure him there was nothing to be ashamed of, but I couldn't do that when I felt the same way. 'Um... okay... but regarding those questions...' Bilbo mastered to say. Christian raised his eyebrow and eyed Bilbo up and down.

Why was he looking at my hobbit like that? I felt possessive and I wanted to show him that Bilbo is mine. Mine and mine alone. But before I could say or act on those thoughts I felt my husband's hand covering mine and the thoughts steadily dimmed in my head. I squeezed his hand a little to give him some of his courage back, to let him know I was still there. The redness on his face seemed to fade away and suddenly he looked Christian straight in the eyes.

'There was some stuff in there that I would like to ask question about. They are for... plea... pleasure I presume?' I felt my eyes widen. Did those words really just leave my well-mannered husband's mouth? Now it was Anastasia's turn to blush and avoid Bilbo's eyes. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you' Bilbo quickly apologized. But Christian made a waving gesture. 'It indeed are sex toys. And what would you like to know about them Bilbo?' I grunted, curious to know what my husband wanted to know about them.

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