Part 2: Imagine Fili and Kili finding cuts on your wrists

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It had been a little while ago when you told Fili and Kili about your self harm, but they hadn't forgotten. After you had gone to bed that night they talked about it.

'I can't believe we didn't see it sooner, brother' Kili said while gazing at the fire in front of him. Fili sighed. He couldn't believe it either. He blamed himself. How could he not have seen the pain in your eyes?

'I don't know brother... The only thing we can do now is to make sure it doesn't happen again.' Kili nodded in reply.


Since then the two brothers wouldn't leave your side. Kili cuddled up to you when you were sleeping, holding your wrists in his hands. Like you couldn't hurt yourself as long as he holds them.

Every morning you woke up with both brothers on your side. Kili's hands still around your wrists and a protective arm from Fili around your waist. Even Thorin had noticed there was something wrong by the way his nephews acted around you. They became very protective of you, even standing up against their own uncle when needed.

Fili's eyes wouldn't let you out of his sight. No matter where you went you felt his eyes following your every move. It made you feel loved knowing that there were two dwarves who cared for you so deeply.

And whenever you wandered off alone, Fili would follow you. Making sure you wouldn't harm yourself again.

One night it hit you again. You were crying on your bedroll. Kili noticed and pulled you in a tight hug. 'Please, love, don't cry. A beautiful princess like you shouldn't be sad. Just tell me what's wrong and we'll work it out. Please don't forget there are people around you who love you to bits. You're more precious to me then all of the gold in Erebor.'

A little smile appeared on your lips. He always knew how to cheer you up. He strokes a stray of hair from your face. 'Yes. That's my strong, beautiful girl. I knew she was still there.' You giggled. 'Now love, what's wrong?'


Fili saw Kili hugging you and heard you crying. He cringed his teeth and looked at his uncle. He got up and made his way to Thorin. Fili stopped in front of him and crossed his arms. 'You should apologize to her. You should know you've hurt her and made her harm herself!' Thorin was shocked and looked at you. From that moment on the whole company treated you with respect and love. And you had some more protective dwarves around you now.

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