September 27

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Imagine celebrating Christmas with Bilbo and the dwarfs, presenting each of them with their Christmas stocking and their surprised faces when they see what's inside.

You were in this world for only a few months now. Somehow you had been transported into Middle-Earth, not that you complained at first, it was only after the first orc attack that you realized this wasn't a dream. The company happily accepted you as their new member after you convinced them that you knew your way around a sword. After a few months even Thorin warmed up to you and appreciated your help. The others treated you like one of their own and you felt happy with this new family.

It was the end of the year and your surroundings had turned white. The snow wasn't to high to walk through yet, but it wouldn't take much longer. The ponies were getting more and more tired and some, you and Bilbo, had trouble keeping themselves warm at night. The dwarfs would take turns to lay beside the two of you, but it didn't really work. So after you nearly froze to death one night, Thorin decided they would rest in an abandoned house for a few days. You would continue on your way when the snow stopped falling.

But by the looks of it, it may take a while. A few nights ago you asked Bofur about the holidays in Middle-Earth, and he named a few but to your surprise he didn't know what Christmas was. You explained to him and he got a dreamy look on his face. 'Is there really so much good food? I think we need a feast like that here in this world. But I can't say that we don't have enough special days with lots of good food. We dwarfs know how to party, you know?' You laughed. 'Yeah, I noticed.'

So when Thorin announced that you would be staying in the house, you got an idea. You asked Ori to knit fourteen big socks. He asked you what they were for but you said that he would find out later. Eagerly he started knitting and within a day he had them all done. You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw his craftsmanship and you thanked him with deep appreciation. There wasn't much food left so you couldn't prepare a nice meal to celebrate Christmas, but being together was the most important.

Now, the only problem was the gifts... You were locked down inside this house, so you couldn't buy them anything special. Maybe you could make them something? You had to think about this for a few days but then you got it. The night before the celebration you asked Thorin if it was okay if you would celebrate Christmas the next evening. 'That's a good idea. You have my permission' he answered amused. The word about Christmas spread quickly and everyone was getting excited for the following evening. You just hoped that they would like their gifts...


The next evening came to soon and you barely finished your last gift when Fili and Kili walked up to you, with excited expressions. 'Are you ready (y/n)?' Kili asked. 'Yeah, I just finished, I'll be right down' you said while hiding the gift behind your back. 'Aye, we'll be waiting for you downstairs' Fili said while he pulled Kili along with him who tried to sneak a peek. You finished packing the last gift and you hesitated before going downstairs. What if they wouldn't like your gifts? Maybe this had all been a very bad mistake. But you couldn't go back now, they were all so excited to celebrate Christmas.

When you got down you saw everybody talking happily together, all sharing stories or playing games. You didn't have the time to hand out the gifts because you were pulled in by the Durin brothers to listen to stories about their adventures. But after Kili had told you about him and Fili skinny dipping in a lake you felt like it was high time to get down to business. It was time for the gifts. Everyone had been looking at the filled socks hanging on the wall, but no one had looked inside of them, out of respect for the Christmas tradition.

You walked towards them and turned around, everyone was looking at you and waiting anxiously. 'Who wants to go first?' you asked. The older dwarfs seemed eager to know what they would get but only the younger ones showed their excitement by jumping up and down of excitement. Only Fili behaved like one of the elders. 'I would like to go first (y/n)!' Ori said in a high pitched voice. Dori pulled him down and muttered something about manners, but you simply smiled. You were happy to see they were this excited.

You got Ori's sock from the wall and gave it to him. He carefully put his hand in his sock and got out an odd looking present. You had wrapped it carefully, to make sure it wouldn't break, but that caused the present to be shaped in a weird manner. Ori opened the wrapping paper and his face light up when he saw what was inside. You had found a beautiful feather a few weeks ago, and you had turned it into a quill. He let his fingers slide over the feather and his eyes sparkled. 'Thank you so much (y/n)' he said in awe.

The others couldn't wait any longer and everyone got their own sock from the wall. You smiled and your heart warmed up when you noticed that they all looked happy with their gifts. Dwalin finally got his weapons back from you, you had sharpened them and cleaned them to your best ability. He seemed very happy with it, a rare smile spread on his face. His brother seemed equally happy with the book you got him. It was a book you often read when you were a kid, but it was written in your own world, and Balin found it fascinating.

You had made some arrows for Kili's bow out of some spare wood you found at the back of the small house. You had even craved some patters into the wood. Kili's eyes had a youthful sparkle in them when he opened his gift. 'I was almost out of arrows! These look so much better then the once I normally have!' he shouted excitedly. Fili didn't pay attention to his brother' gift when he opened his own. You had made him more secret places in his clothes to hide his weapons in. 'Very clever (y/n). I didn't think about hiding anything there, I think this will help me a lot' he said with a big smile on his face.

The others were happy with their gifts as well. Happily you wanted to go to bed that night, tired from all the appreciative pat's on your back. But right before you could walk up to your bed somebody turned you around. 'What the...' you started but then you noticed Bilbo standing in front of you. His new, warm head resting on his head. He hold his hands up and presented you with a small gift. 'It's from all of us. You worked so hard to make us all a present, so we thought this was the least we could do.'

You smiled and tried to fight back the tears in your eyes. You hadn't seen the present yet but you couldn't express how happy you were that they even thought about giving you a present as well. Slowly you unwrapped it and you couldn't believe your eyes. Somehow they had managed to keep this from your sights, you hadn't noticed anything. You looked down at your phone, replaying the video over and over again.

You had explained to them what a phone was when you met them. You had even tried to explain what else you could do with a mobile phone but they looked at you like you had lost your brain. But only a few days ago you couldn't find your mobile phone so you just assumed that you had lost it somewhere on the road. You would have never guessed that they took it... The company had made a video for you, in which everyone told you how much you meant to them. Even Thorin and Dwalin had something nice to say. It was enough to get tears of joy rolling down your cheeks.

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