September 3

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~ The imagine for tomorrow is going to be one of my favourites. I just know it :) ~

(Imagine Bilbo visiting Twilight)

Edward and Bella lay on the grass, next to each other. She lays in his arms, curled up, feeling protected knowing he would never have anyone hurting her. And she knows he will never leave her again. He promised her he wouldn't, and he would never break his promise. Bella wishes she would never have to leave his arms, but she also knows there will be a point at which she will need to leave their safety.

He gently strokes her hair and watches as the sun brings a beautiful glow on her brown hair. He pulls her a little closer and buries his nose in her hair. The smell of roses fill him with love and admiration. If someone would have told him he would once be feeling this way, he would have laughed at them. He never thought he could feel this way for anyone. But she showed him that it was possible. Even for a vampire.

Bella moans and places her head on his chest. 'I wish we could stay here forever.' Edward smiles and strokes her hair. 'We could try, but I think Charlie will kill me if I don't bring you home in time.' Bella chuckles and get's up. She pulls her legs to her upper body and concentrates on a butterfly nearby. Edward misses her touch and get's up as well.

Softly he kissed her neck, but then he smells something. He stands up and looks around, but he can't see anything. The smell is foreign to him. 'What's wrong?' Bella asks worried. She pulled herself up by his arm and scans the area as well. 'Edward! What's wrong?!' But he still doesn't answer. Suddenly his eyes are focused on a small hill nearby. Bella follows his eyes and sees a small creature appear on the hill.

He is too small to be human, but what else could it be? He has dark blond, curly hair and he looks quite frightened. But his clothes don't seem to be in this age. They would fit in the Middle-Ages not in this century. Carefully Bella watches the little creature coming closer. He doesn't look like he can harm them but you never know. She feels Edward relaxing under her grib and he takes a step forward.

'Who are you?' he asks the creature. 'I-I'm Bilbo... Bilbo Baggins from Bag End... A-and..I-I... I think I'm lost sir. Do you happen to know w-where we ar-re?' the creature stutters. Bella felt sorry for him. He looked so frightened and fragile, and know she knew he was also lost she couldn't help but to smile at him. 'You mean Bag End from the book The Hobbit, right?' she asks.

The creature looks at her confused. 'What book? No, I'm a hobbit but I don't think anyone would find us interesting enough to write a book about my kind. But I have to point out that we are indeed an ordinary kind. So frankly I don't understand why no one would care to write something about us.' Bella and Edward exchange confused looks.

'You say your 'are' a hobbit? Do you mean you are role playing?' Edward asks. Bilbo puffed and put his hands on his sides. 'What do you mean with role playing? I'm a hobbit! And I want to get back to Middle-Earth! I swear that wizard has done this to me! Him and his annoying magic have brought this upon me. I can tell!' Bilbo was now pacing up and down.

Edward looked at Bella for some help. She walked up to Bilbo and placed a hand on his shoulder. He stopped and looked at her, wide-eyed. 'Don't be afraid Bilbo. If you are truly who you say you are we will help you to get back to Middle-Earth.' She smiled reassuringly to him and the hobbit calmed down a bit. She turned around and said to Edward; 'We can bring him to Carlisle, maybe he knows what to do.'

Edward nodded and lead the way to his house. They walked through the forest and Bilbo looked curiously at Edward. 'Why does he twinkle when he walks in the sun?' he asks Bella. She wants to say something but doesn't quite know if Edward is okay with her telling Bilbo. But Edward turns around and smiles at him. 'That's because I'm a vampire Bilbo. We light up in the sun light.'

But Bilbo looks even more confused, and slightly curious. 'And what, may I ask, is a vampire? You look like a human to me.' Bella chuckles and earn's a stern look from Edward. 'Uhm, well, a vampire is a little different from a human' she answers. 'And why is that?' Bilbo asks. 'Because vampire's are stronger than human's, we are faster and we don't need to eat food to survive.'

Bilbo raised an eyebrow and looked at Bella. 'You don't need to eat food? Then how do you stay alive?' Edward looks hesitant to answer that question. Bella walks up to him and takes his hand in her's. Bilbo senses that this maybe wasn't such a polite answer. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...' But Edward shakes his head. 'No, it's okay, it's a logical thing to ask. But are you sure you want to know?'

The hobbit nods and tries to keep up with Bella and Edward. Edward looks at Bella, who nods encouraging. He sighs before answering. 'Vampire's... drink blood to survive...' The hobbit holds still and Bella and Edward turn around to look at him. Bilbo has gone pale and looks rather upset. 'I-I'm s-sor-ry... I think I-I mis-sundersto-o-od... You... drink... blood?' Bilbo looks at Edward with wide-eyes. Not believing his own ears.

Edward nods and Bilbo starts pacing around once more. 'Okay. Okay. Okay Bilbo. This is nothing to be upset about. He just drinks blood.' Edward walks a few steps closer to Bilbo. 'That I drink blood doesn't mean I will drink yours' he tries to assure the hobbit. 'No. No. That's true. It doesn't mean you will drink my blood. Because who would drink my blood?'

The hobbit was almost losing his mind. Bella walked up next to Edward. 'Bilbo are you okay?' she asks worried. Bilbo has turned even paler and he looks like he is about to faint. The hobbit turns around and holds still. 'Of course I'm fine! It's just blood. He... just...' he says before he faints and falls on the forest ground.

'Yeah, uhm, I will carry him to Carlisle then' Edwards says before carefully lifting Bilbo in his arms. Bella nods. 'Yeah I think you are right. Taking him to a house filled with blood-drinking vampires is probably the best idea.'

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