Imagine Fili courting you

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This imagine was requested by You_know_myname, I hope you like what I did! All of you should check out her book, click here for the link: In case you love vampires and werewolves, like I do, you should really check it out!

It turned out a whole lot bigger then I first imagined it, and it also went in another direction then I first envisioned but I had a lot of fun writing this one. So, Macy, I hope you will like it and I hope this is kind of what you imagined. Enjoy!


The two of you had known each other for many years. You basically grew up together like brother and sister. Always playing outside in the dirt or pranking dwarves with his little brother, Kili. So you were a little shocked when one day Fili seemed nervous and asked you: 'May I have the honor of courting you Macy?'

You felt butterflies in your stomache and your heart stopped beating for a moment. Fili's eyes were filled with hope and you could tell he was really nervous. But the answer was already at the tip of your tongue. 'You may court me Fili.' He jumped up and wrapped you in his arms, spinning you around while keeping you close to his chest.

Too soon he put you back on your feet and looked at you. 'You won't regret this Macy! I will make sure I'm worthy of you' he said with a huge smile. 'I know you will Fili. You already own my heart.' Fili closed the space between you and his lips were almost touching yours when a cough got you both looking up. 'Fili, you know you have to have patient. As a prince of Erebor you have to court her the right way.'

It was his uncle, Thorin, standing in the doorway. Your cheeks reddened and you looked down at your shoes. Fili let go of you. 'I will uncle. Don't worry about it.' You looked up and saw Thorin smiling. His smiles were rare but he always seemed to have one ready for his nephews. 'I know you will. Just make sure you will take all the steps, don't skip even one of them. Do you remember them all?'

Fili smirked. 'Yes, I do uncle. You have told me so many times that I sometimes dream about them.' Thorin crossed his arms. 'Good, then you can go home now and you can explain to me how you will court her.' Thorin turned around and walked a few steps before looking back. 'Step by step.' Thorin continued his way and Fili rolled his eyes.

He turned his attention back to you and gave you his most adorable and loving smile. 'Don't worry my love, I will make you mine.' He smirked. 'Step by step.' You giggled and wrapped your arms around him. Oh how you wished you could be his wife already. He owned your heart for so many years already. It was good to know he felt the same about you.


Fili sat across from Thorin at the table. Thorin put his hands on the table and looked at his oldest nephew with a caring smile. 'So...' An awkward silence. Fili waited for his uncle to continue, not sure if Thorin wanted him to start the conversation. Thankfully he didn't have to wait for long. 'So you have a plan to court Macy?' Fili looked at the table top and felt like the conversation was already heading in the wrong direction.

'Well.. I.. I uh... kind of thought about it' he mumbled. Thorin cocked an eyebrow. 'You 'kind of thought about it'?' His voice filled with judgement. 'Aye, I know the steps of dwarf courting but I don't know how to approach them all...' Thorin sighed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. 'So let me get this straight. You asked permission to court a woman but you didn't think it through?' Fili looked up at his uncle. Yes, this was definitely going in the wrong direction.

'Can you at least tell me the four steps of courting and the reason why they are so important?' Fili looked up as if looking at the ceiling would help him remember the four steps. 'The first step of dwarf courting is cleaning the other dwarf's weapon?' Fili asked. Thorin growled. 'Are you telling me or asking me?' Fili quickly cleared his throat. 'Uhm, I think I'm telling you.' Thorin tried not to roll his eyes. This would take a long, long, long, long time.

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