Imagine Dwalin being your father

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~ It has been a while since my last post in this book, but this is one of the three stories that have been waiting here forever. So, without further ado, there will be two other stories following this one in the next five days. I hope you are ready!

This story is based on an imagine from imaginexhobbit: Imagine Dwalin being your father and one night you and him go camping and he tells you stories from when he was your age. ~

'Did you already pack the meat?' your father asked you. You frowned and looked around. You had packed your spare clothing in the brown bag, the bedrolls were laying next to it, and.... Oh, there it was! 'Aye dad! I packed the mead already!' Dwalin smiled at you and put his hand on your shoulder. 'Good job! Then we are ready to go!'

Dwalin was your father and he planned to take you camping for so long now, but finally the day had arrived and you were ready to go. Your mother wasn't so sure about it, because 'you were only 55 years old!' But Dwalin had assured her you would be fine and he would protect his dwarfling with his life.

You grabbed the brown bag and the two bedrolls while Dwalin carried the tent and the bag with the meat. Dwalin had chosen a spot near your house so you would be close by in case anything happened to you. Your mother wouldn't let you go further and he had to agree, but not without muttering something about overprotective mothers.

It was close so it didn't take the two of you long before you got there. Dawn was already setting in and you helped your father to set the tent up. But it didn't go the way he planned in and some Khuzdul swear words left his mouth occasionally. 'You know mother would kill you if she heard you talking like that you know?'

He looked at you and raised an eyebrow. 'Aye, but you won't tell her, now would you?' You chuckled. 'Well, I will think about it.' He smiled before another series of swear words left him when he accidentally set his coat on fire while trying to get the fire going. You laughed and duck just in time to avoid one of his shoes.

'Be a good lad/lass and help your father.' You still smiled and got the meat from the bag. Two hours later you could finally eat. Dwalin had burned several pieces of meat before he let you cook. 'I have fought against orc's and I can't cook a simple piece of meat... There is something wrong with that meat!' You chuckled. 'Of course dad.'

You were both enjoying your meal and the stars shone brightly above you. 'Dad, can you tell me a story about one of your fights again?' Dwalin put his meat down and chuckled. 'Aye lass/lad, any story in particular?' You shook your head. 'Well then, have I ever told you about the dumbest orc I have ever met?'

'I thought they were all dumb father?' He nodded. 'They are, but this one would beat them all.' You finished your meat and threw the bone that was left behind you. You sat down on the ground in front of Dwalin and turned all your attention to him.

'It was a stormy night and Thorin and I were just done working in the forge. We closed everything down and walked outside when suddenly we heard a cry from nearby.' Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. 'Did he ambush you?!' Dwalin nodded. 'Aye, the orc thought he could surprise us by hiding behind a rock. But he was much bigger then the rock so we could see him from a far.'

'That's a real stupid orc right there, ain't it father?' Dwalin laughed, 'Indeed he was. So we pretended that we didn't see him. Thorin said: 'Dwalin I just heard a terrifying cry but I can't see the orc! Can you see it?' I was doing my best not to laugh and notify the orc, but I didn't have to. The orc already 'surprised' us and walked from behind the rock. But Thorin had already drawn his sword and the filthy creature didn't live long enough to wipe the smirk of his face.'

You laughed so hard your stomach was aching. 'I wish I could have seen his face father! That sounds like a dumb orc indeed!' Dwalin chuckled. 'Orc's are filthy creatures with no honour, and apparently some of them are stupid as well. But don't think they are all alike, some of them can be dangerous lass/lad. I hope I have trained you well enough to defend yourself in battle.'

His face turned into a worried frown and he looked at you like you were the most precious dwarf on Middle-Earth to him. You knew that no one could hurt you as long as your father was near.

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