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The real question is what ships are these. Oh and I just wanted to make BMC aesthetics.

Types of People.

Jeremy Heere: Blue pajamas, old t-shirts, peppermint, neon signs, staying up until the sun rises, roller skating to school, sleeping during class, running to work out.

Michael Mell: playing video games in the dark, pressing snooze at least 4 times, picking on scabs, best hugs, foggy glasses, sitting on the driveway in the snow, playing music really loud, smells like campfires.

Christine Canigula: Roller skating dresses, listening to musicals, denim jackets, reading a book 24/7, staying up late, thunderstorms, coming to school with your hair wet because you just took a shower.

Jake Dillinger: wearing hoodies with the sleeves pushed up, apple earbuds, likes coffee but can't stand the taste, chewing on the eraser of a pencil, staying after school until 6.

Rich Goranski: Staying out until 9, not playing basketball but can still shoot 3s, can pick up anyone, calling everyone babe, threading spaghetti through the gap in his teeth, making jokes to make people feel better.

Jared McLean: burning your feet on concrete, sleeping on the bus, milkshakes, the faint smell of lemons, skateboarding, never wearing your glasses, large smiles that make you want to smile.

Chloe Valentine: Leather Jackets, round sunglasses, watching the sunset, snuggle fabric softener, half braids, iphones, walking to the park.

Brooke Lohst: Not brushing your hair, endless supply of lollipops, carrying a tote bag instead of a purse, collector keychains, watching cartoons while you work, leggings.

Jenna Rolan: Getting your phone taken away and pulling out a backup phone, pink, lavender body wash, pulling your hair in a bun before doing anything, never using emojis.

Thalia Jackson: Combat boots, shoulder length hair, rainbow of headbands, muscle tops, short shorts, smells like the beach, has her phone in her hand all the time, customized popsockets.

Heather McLean: Camouflage, light up shoes, ombre hair, running to check the mail before it gets dark, chinese takeout, high tops, shorts over leggings, neutral colors, rose scented shampoo.

Be More Chill Textpost (Look At These I Crave Attention)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora