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My hair is sweaty. I don't know what that means, because hair can't sweat, but it is.

What the squad wants to do in life:

Jeremy: He's a writer. He starts writing mostly paranormal and thrillers. He also draws a lot and runs an art Instagram while he's not writing.

Michael: He isn't really sure. He likes to cook and is in a band with Jared and Rich.

Christine: She starts singing and acting, eventually landing the role as Glinda in a production of wicked, and she rockets from there.

Rich: He decided to major in literature, eventually becoming the editor for Jeremy's books. He plays in a band with Jared and Michael on the side.

Brooke: She liked the idea of being part of movies, so she worked her way up into being a director for movies. One of them stars Christine, and is about the tales of an assassin that goes to high school. (She's the love interest for the lesbian main character)

Jake: Jake started to study in medicine, to be a doctor like his father and grandfather, only to realize cooking was his passion. He opened a live music cafe.

Chloe: She liked technology a lot, even after the incident, so she started to develop apps. Her first one was an app that turned songs into stories, where you could write stories based off your favorite songs.

Jenna: She started trying to model, eventually becoming a runway model for progressive clothing lines. Her Instagram is all about body positivity.

Jared: He always liked music. He played at least 12 different instruments during high school. He started a band called "Life Puzzle" with Rich and Michael. He is the bassist and the lead singer. Michael plays the guitar. Rich plays the drums and does backup vocals with Michael.

Heather: She liked art and design. She started designing dresses at 13, although she didn't realize it was her passion until she started making original dresses, mostly for Jenna and Chloe.

Hayden: He didn't really have any idea what to do until he started volunteering at animal shelters. He started a shelter of his own, and now has 3 cats, 4 dogs, a bunny, and a roomba.

Thalia: Thalia isn't a very creative person. She did however, find out that she enjoyed snowboarding half-pipes. She found out that her college had enrolled her to audition for the olympics. She got 2 silver medals and 1 bronze and is hoping to compete the next year for gold.

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