Chapter one - Introdution

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The sound of fighting filled the air as sword clashed against sword. The sounds of screaming bounced off the walls, the air was heavy with anticipation. Amid this were two teenagers fighting, they fought with as their siblings stood to the side in awe. Their fighting was interrupted when a man clad in black waltzed into the room.
"Kids" he said, his voice heavy. The children all turned to look at him
"Hey dad" the girl said. Her bright red hair slightly matted with sweat.
"We were just training" the boy she was fighting added. The man laughed, he ruffled the lad's hair before giving the girl a hug. The man then looked towards the other two in the room. He grinned
"What are you two doing?" he asked. The younger of the two shook his head
"Observing" he muttered. The man shook his head
"You should be doing your homework James." He chastised, James grumbled
"But we should be learning about magic dad, not comprehension! It's a muggle thing"
"Yes and?" the father asked. James scowled
"Urg fine." The man turned to the eldest
"Teddy you should be studying too" he said. Teddy grinned
"All done Harry!" Harry nodded, he then turned to the others and told them to gather around him.
"Listen guys, we received a tip of death eater activity, I'm going to check it out, until I come back Teddy is in charge. You all need to listen to him" the children all nodded, and Harry pulled them into a hug. He kissed the girls head
"Remember Lily bed time is half nine at the latest" she tried to protest but Harry silenced her with a glare. He then turned to his other son
"Albus, make sure that they eat okay? We all know Teddy is an awful cook" Teddy glared at him, but the others chuckled. Harry pulled James in to a hug
"Be good" James shrugged, and Harry shook his head before dismissing his other children and turning to Teddy.
"Why aren't you sending me Harry? The kids need you!" he protested. The twenty-year-old hated Harry for putting himself in a position where he could die, he understood of course why Harry did it, but it didn't make it any easier. Harry sighed and placed his hand on Teddy's shoulder
"It could be nothing Ted but... if it is you know what to do?" Teddy hung his head, they went through this every time Harry went away.
"Take the kids home and destroy all evidence we were here?" Harry nodded.
"I love you Teddy"
"I love you too" and then Harry turned on his heel and left.

The next 14 days the children fell into a routine, get up, have breakfast, train and study, eat, sleep and repeat. For the next 14 days the children gradually grew more and more worried until eventually James erupted. He jumped up and slammed his fists onto the table
"Damn it we should have heard something by now!" he yelled in frustration. Albus and Lily jumped but Teddy just looked at him unimpressed.
"We should go and look for him!" James said. Teddy chuckled
"And what? Get kidnapped too? What about Albus and Lily we can't leave them here on their own" Albus and Lily said nothing. As James was about to reply an owl flew through the window. Teddy read the letter and fed the bird some toast. As he read the letter his face paled, he turned to the others
"Pack anything you don't want destroyed"
"But dad!" James protested.
"Not now James, just do as I say!" Teddy snapped. James glared at him and with his sibling packed up all their belongings.

They met Teddy outside and watched as he cast Incendio, burning their home to the ground. Lily looked up at her eldest brother.
"Well I'm guessing somethings happened?" she asked. Teddy looked at them all, steel faced.
"Dads been taken" he said and that's when the potter children understood Teddy's reaction.
"Well what now?" Albus asked. Teddy shook his head
"Now we go to plan B" then as they all held Teddy's hand they grabbed their belongings and disappeared into the night.

For the next few days the potters stayed at a safe house with the man who helped them disappear. They stayed their whilst they plotted their next move. Lily was quiet whilst they talked the plan over until their bickering began to grow louder.
"For the love of Merlin will you all shut up?" she screamed. They all turned to her surprised.
"You all need to be quiet, listen dad told us this plan thousands of times, you know it, I know it, now let's stop dilly-dallying and just do it" her siblings nodded and watched as their letters flew off into the sky. They breathed a sigh, apprehension building in their chests, they couldn't back out now.

Somewhere in the middle of Scotland sat Professor McGonagall, her hands shaking in disbelief as she read a letter.

Dear Professor,

My name is James Sirius Potter and until recently I have been unable to attend your prestigious school and was hoping to be allowed to attend this coming September, if so please may I have a list of books and equipment needed. I can assure you my tuition will be payed in full.

Yours Sincerely


Lay next to her were two other letters entailing the exact thing. Professor McGonagall couldn't believe her eyes, but she needed to know if this was real. As such with trembling hands she grabbed her parchment and quill and wrote a reply.

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