Chapter 9 - Back to the Manor

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The next morning Albus woke up to shouting, he noticed his siblings were missing and decided to investigate. When he got downstairs however, he found Aurors pointing their wands at Lily and James with Teddy in handcuffs.
"Guys?" Albus asked, everyone turned to him, Lily and James shook their heads as Teddy tried to diffuse the situation.
"Officer may I ask what I am being arrested for?" he asked, amused. The Auror turned to him
"Child neglect, now Potters stand down" the brother, sister duo growled at him.
"Fuck off" James yelled. The Weasleys gasped, Teddy narrowed his eyes at James
"Respect are elders!" James laughed
"Are you being serious! They have you in bloody handcuffs!" he yelled. Teddy narrowed his eyes
"Oh don't be so dramatic" and the he stood up, handcuffs off. The Weasleys turned to him in awe. He then punched both Aurors in the face, leading everyone in the room to point there wants at him, a vital mistake. Albus pulled a knife from under his shirt and threw it at the Aurors, rendering them defenceless. Lilly began firing spell after spell and James pulled a cannister out from his pocket. The room was suddenly engulfed in gas, Teddy used this to his advantage, grabbing his siblings and apparating away.

When they opened their eyes, they found themselves outside Potter Manor. The youngest siblings walked up to the front door and were let in and allowed Teddy to follow them. Slinky appeared as soon as they entered the house.
"Masters! Lily, what brings you all?" They all looked down
"We're in trouble, someone framed Teddy for something" at this all the kids turned to Teddy.
"What were they arresting you for anyway?" Albus asked. Teddy gulped
"They think I'm abusing you" Albus paled
"What why would they think you're abusing us?" at this the kids turned to Teddy. He frowned
"No Al, it's just you they think I'm abusing" Albus paled, why on earth would they think that? When questioned Teddy shrugged.
"I don't know but I think we should all go to bed, its too early to be up, oh and guys Merry Christmas."

As all the children were sleeping Harry Potter sat in his cell playing chess. His opponent laughed
"You know you really are bad at this" Harry laughed.
"Maybe" As his opponent looked up, Harry was pale, deadly pale. He may have been fed and watered whilst he was captive, but he was slowly losing hope and Lestrange didn't know how to help him.
"I just hope the kids are okay"
"They are Ron has done many things, but he would never hurt your kids."
"He got his sister killed" Behind him Ron growled
"That was an accident!" Harry looked up, coolly
"I suppose kidnapping me was an accident too?" he asked. Lestrange paled at the two, ten years ago they were the best of friend, who knew they would turn on each other.
"You never could leave well enough alone could you Harry? If you had stopped digging, you would be at home now with the kids eating mums Christmas dinner." Harry glowered at him
"I love Ginny Ron, she deserved justice!"
"What good would telling everyone do? You would have wrecked my life for justice?" Ron yelled. Harry shook his head
"Yes, doesn't Hermione deserve to know what kind of man she's sleeping next too?" Ron glared at him and Lestrange and stormed out of the room only stopping to inform Harry that his children were once again missing. At this news Harry turned to Lestrange.
"I know I've already asked too much of you but please help them" he pleaded. Lestrange tipped his head in a sign of acknowledgment.
"I'll see what I can do but for now I have my own child to get to" harry nodded and as Lestrange closed the door he was once again eloped in darkness.

Teddy was the last to wake later that day, he came downstairs to find the kids sat under a Christmas tree. He stumbled forward amazed, the manor had been decorated for Christmas in the space of a few hours. Lily jumped up and grabbed Teddy's hand, pulling him to the floor with her other brothers. Teddy smiled numbly as they handed him presents
"Where did you get this from?" he asked. At this Slinky stood up
"We got them from the Weasley house" He nodded in thanks and began opening his presents. Lily had gotten him a picture of the two of them and an up-to-date guide on weapons. Albus had gotten him a new set of battle robes and his favourite sweets. James had gotten him a lock and key. Teddy looked at him quizzically
"It's because you're lock and Vic's the key" he said, laughing. Teddy shook his head affectionately, as he opened the rest of the presents there was notable tension on the room. For all their lives they had never not gotten a present from Harry for Christmas and it was the lack of Harry that made their hearts ache. Nether the less they got on with the day, playing with the new gifts and eating their Christmas dinner. It was later that they found themselves as Ginny's grave, they held a moment of silence for her before telling her all about their lives. When it was time to leave Teddy stayed behind for a moment
"I'll find him Ginny, I promise." Then he apparated the children back to the manor before going and visiting his own parents. When he got there, he smiled
"There's no Harry with me because the idiot got himself kidnapped." At this his face dropped and a look of anguish appeared.
"I... I don't really know what I'm doing, I'm trying to stay strong, but the ministry is blocking us at every turn and... and I want to stay strong but nothings really making sense and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, and I miss Harry. I don't know if you'd approve of the way he teaches us, but I want him back.... He handled all this with such grace that sometimes it took me by surprise." Teddy took a deep breath and kissed the headstone before wiping away a few tears.
"Anyway I just wanted to say Merry Christmas" and then he apparated back home. When he got there, he found the children sat at the table, pieces of paper thrown around the table and an owl sat on the chair. Teddy looked at the papers which read

Merry Christmas

- B. Lestrange

Under the papers were two files, one on Teddy Lupin and one on Ginevra Potter nee Weasley.


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