Chapter 18 - Waking

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The next day the boys turned up at St Mungo's to find their father and sister missing, his room was completely empty. Their first thought was that someone had taken Harry but that was shot down when the found Gabrielle sat with her head between her eggs and tears down her face.
"Gabby?" Teddy asked, uneasy, the woman wiped her tears away and stood up.
"He's going to be fine, he woke up but couldn't breathe, so they rushed him into surgery."
"Where's Lily?" asked James.
"She went with them" the boys nodded and sat down next to her. She grabbed Albus and James hands in reassurance
"He'll be okay" she tried to assure them. Teddy laughed and they looked to him
"Of course he will be, what do we say boys?"
"You can't kill a potter" they all chanted. Teddy nodded
"Precisely" and then the twenty-year-old fell back onto his chair, and they all waited.

It was three hours later when they heard anything, a nurse walked out, her face grinning.
"Guess whose awake?" she asked. The boys grinned
"Yeah, he's just down the hall" they thanked her and ran off to their father. When they got there, they felt all their worries ease away. As sat up in bed was a bright eyes Harry, he grinned.
"Boys.." he whispered as if he couldn't quite believe they were there. The boys launched themselves at him, holding him like a lifeline. Harry hugged them back just as passionately.
"Thank you... thank you for saving me" he whispered. They all nodded, Teddy stepped back, wiping his tears away.
"Anytime." Harry kissed Al and James's head and they then too pulled away, but Lily didn't, she curled into her fathers' side.
"Mission report?" he asked. Teddy laughed
"Of course, only you would wake up from a two-week coma and want information." Harry shrugged but stared at him. Teddy frowned
"Fine, all Aurors involved were apprehended and are being questioned by the Lestranges's, thanks for keeping that a secret by the way. The ministry had now backed off slightly, everyone except Ron is accounted for." Harry nodded as he absorbed the information. Suddenly he started to get up, but Lily jumped into action and pulled her father down to his bed.
"Just where in the hell do you think you're going?" she asked. Harry turned to her shocked, since when did his eleven-year-old daughter curse?.
"I leave you alone for... two months and you start cursing, unbelievable!" he yelled. The children looked at him, uneasy. Harry stared at their blank faces, scared
"What?" he asked. Albus frowned
"Dad... you were gone for ten months..." he said. Harry paled, he slowly began climbing back into bed. How on earth could he have been gone that long? How much had he missed, how much had his children grown without him there to see it?. The children watched as he seemed to curl up on himself and tears started running down his face. Lily place a hand on his shoulder as if to calm him. Teddy sat beside him, he knew Harry hated to feel weak.
"Harry?" he asked. Harry tried to stop the tears but couldn't.
"That... that bastard robbed me of ten months... he robbed you of ten months... I am sorry." As Harry finished his crying became louder as sobs wracked his body. His breath began to quicken, and he started clutching his chest. The boys ran forward to try to help him, but Lily stopped them.
"Dad" she said, grabbing his hand.
"Dad, just focus on my voice okay? Breath in and out, nothing is going to hurt you, I promise, We're here and your safe." Lily repeated it several times until Harry's breathing slowed, her brothers watched on amazed. When he had calmed down Lily kissed his forehead.
"We are safe dad, Ron will be caught I promise and when he does he'll beg for death. We are all okay, this isn't your fault" Harry nodded and lay back into the pillows, slowly drifting back into sleep. Lily sighed, she pulled the covers over her father, she then turned to her brothers.
"How did you do that?" Albus asked in awe. Lily shrugged
"It was only a panic attack Al, I used to get them all the time when I was younger, dad taught me how to stay calm" the boys nodded.
"Will he be okay?" Teddy asked. Lily nodded and glanced back at her father
"He... he will be... Teddy can you take me home if Al and James stand guard, I'm tired." Teddy then escorted Lily home.

The next day the potters told Harry everything, Harry listened with wide eyes and pride. His children really had banded together whilst he was gone. They had used everything that they had been taught and had saved him, even when it would have been so easy to fall in line with the Weasleys. As Albus told him about using his mind powers Harry shook his head
"You aren't meant to use your powers Al... what if you get hurt?" he asked. Al shook his head in disbelief
"Dad I didn't alter her memory or even go back that far... I know you don't like mind reading but we needed it besides Lily used her powers to drain Hermione's magical core." Lily glared at him, what a snitch.
"Yeah well we needed Hermione, besides our powers aren't harmful unless we join them and we didn't, so you know..." she trailed off. Harry still looked annoyed
"It matters not, I told you not to use them and you did"
"Yeah well you were kidnapped and being tortured and all the Weasleys were trying to stop us helping you, don't act al high and might now dad." Then all of a sudden she stopped as Teddy nudged her, clearly annoyed. Harry frowned
"I understand that but you both could have exerted your magical cores and that leads to illness and even death, in no circumstances is that an option, this mess lost me your mother, I won't lose you too." He growled, Lily hung her head mumbling sorry, Harry sighed. He loved Lily but she didn't half remind him of a young Ginny.
"We'll discuss all this after for now... let's just relax." His children nodded in agreement, they then spent the rest of the night relaxing and wondering just what the hell they were going to do when Harry was released from hospital.

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