Chapter 4 - The Break In The Case

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The next few days were odd for the potters, having been raised on tutors that were masters in their field, on a one to one basis a classroom was a different experience. It didn't help that they were top of their class without even trying. They tried to blend in, but Teddy was right when he said the media would have a field day, titles such as

The mystery of potter 5

The Potter children have reappeared but where's dad?

What really happened to the Potter children?

Were a daily occurrence. It made the Potters grow slightly frustrated, the attention will only make it harder for them to disappear again.

Teddy didn't seem to have much luck either, the auror department had reluctantly agreed to work with him but he was under scrutiny. People either thought he was lying or trying to make it hard for them. The department weren't exactly competent at their jobs. Teddy also had to keep his family at bay, he had read reports from James stating that all their cousins were trying to contact them. So far, the Potters had been standoffish. Lily had sent him a letter complaining about not being able to train and Albus had messaged him saying he wanted to go home. Teddy sighed, he was the head of the family whilst Harry was gone, and he wasn't sure what to do. He began to regret sending the children to Hogwarts, they were well trained and both Albus and James were way past NEWT level whilst Lily could potentially sit her OWLS and pass. He knew it was the right thing though, Harry had repeatedly told him that they had to have a normal as possible childhood. Teddy knew though that he had to keep them trained, with that in mind he began writing a letter.

As night settled upon the aging castle the Potter children tiptoed out of their beds and into the shrieking shack. When they saw Teddy they all descended upon him.
"Hey guys" he chuckled, Lily hugged him tighter as her brothers let go, Teddy looked at her fondly and kept hold of her.
"How's Hogwarts?" he asked. Albus sighed
"It's okay I guess?" he said, unsurely. Teddy looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
"You guess?"
"It's okay Ted, I guess we're all a little bored, we don't socialise with others having our own room and all. It's just everyone's so nice but we can't tell them about the things we do and without training we're all a little bored" James admitted. Teddy grinned and pulled out a bag from behind his back before throwing on the floor, grinning.
"I guess it's a good job I came prepared, Al, Lily you two are first" they smiled at him giddily before running into an abandoned room to get changed. When they came out they held swords in their grasp tightly. Teddy looked at them both sternly
"I want to remind you that we are not in battle mode, we are training which means fighting fair" they both nodded.
"Begin" at that they began their offence, sword clashing against sword, frustration ebbing away slowly. Whilst they were fighting Teddy and James stood to one side.
"How is the family treating you?" Teddy asked whilst trying to remain nonchalant. James shrugged
"They're okay, I don't remember my cousins so much as I do the adults but so far grandma hasn't been bursting the door down, though I assume that's to do with you?" he asked, raising his eyebrow in accusation. Teddy laughed lightly
"Ron's been helping me on dad's case... I might have told him you guys being bombarded would end up with us all disappearing again." James laughed
"I did notice the adults keeping a closer eye on us... speaking of dad, any news?" at this the sound of swords stopped as the others turned to Teddy. He sighed
"Honestly guys no there isn't, Harry.... You know how guarded your dad was" the children hung their heads.
"Surely you've gone back to the house"
"For what Lil? We burnt it to the ground." Lily laughed like Teddy had just said the funniest thing ever. She pulled her mask off
"I don't mean that one Ted, I mean the main base, it's where dad would've received information on his last death eater raid. It's where he was before he told us he was going"
"And you didn't say this because?" Teddy asked, verging on anger and frustration. Lily shrugged
"I though you knew?" Teddy shook his head.
"Right well, I guess I'm going to the manor" he said. James shot up.
"Take Lily, she knows that house like the back of her hand, you can both go in the morning."
"Alright, well I'll go to McGonagalls office in the morning and request to take her out but Lil this could be dangerous, we never go in his office it could be booby trapped" Teddy warned.
She shrugged "Anything for dad."

The next morning found Teddy Lupin furiously arguing with McGonagall
"Look I am their guardian until Harry gets back!" he shouted
"be that as it may I see no evidence of this" Teddy rummaged around in his bag
"Here look at this!" she grabbed the piece of parchment which did indeed detail a contract written between Harry, Teddy and the department of child services detailing that in the case of death, injury or abduction. Teddy was the guardian of one James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter. She stared at the piece of parchment in contempt, she couldn't do anything about Teddy as he was an adult, but she feared that letting one of them go meant they would disappear again.
"You are right of course but these children are on the vulnerable children's register. That means that they may not leave school without Wizarding Child Services getting involved." Teddy growled
"What exactly is this register and why are they on it?" he asked. McGonagall frowned
"Teddy have a seat" teddy sat in the chair he was offered.
"Look, I don't know why Harry took you all and disappeared after Ginny's death. The man loved his family and after being deprived of one for so long nobody could understand why he took you away from one. The ministry worries for the welfare of the children, your father was of course in his right to take you whoever he wished, it's not like he needed Ginny's permission, however we do not know what he did whilst he took you. I have no doubt in my mind Harry gave you all his love and devotion, but you must admit you did not have a normal childhood. I can see clear as day you did not, those children are so tense and alert, especially Lily. You all have a knowledge of theoretical and practical magic that surpasses that of a warlock, well minus Lily but her brain soaks up information like a sponge. I know Harry wasn't the brightest and Ginny was smart but not in this way." Teddy huffed, why was nothing going his way.
"Professor, Harry has always spoke highly of you and you are right Harry was well within his right. Yet he had just lost his wife, did we have a normal childhood? Not in the slightest but we were taught what we needed to survive. There was never a shortage of love between us. Harry loved us with everything he had, as you can also see I am well within my right to take them away as well. They are alert and cautious, you would be too if you had rouge wizards trying to kill you all the time. Now it is a Saturday, there are no classes and if it is okay with you I would like to take my little sister out!" McGonagall sighed
"Fine but I will not be able to keep the ministry off your back." She then called Lily to her office and together Lily and Teddy stepped into the floo and disappeared.

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