Chapter 3 - Ron And His Children

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Teddy sat at the table, his arms crossed.
"Teddy..." Hermione started.
"How you feel bud?" Ron asked, Teddy wanted to say something sarcastic, such as of course he was fine, it wasn't like he'd spent three hours being interrogated. Yet as he looked at their faces he couldn't, they looked as lost as he felt.
"Aunt Mione" he began, her heard he gasp
"You remember us?" she asked. Teddy nodded, he didn't know what they were going to do but he knew that they weren't the same people that he left.
"Listen Teddy.... We need to know where Harry is" Ron said. At this Teddy erupted
"Do you guys not bloody listen? I don't know!" he yelled, he was getting more and more frustrated, why weren't they listening? Hermione grabbed Teddy's hand
"Then what do you know?" she asked him. He sighed
"All I know is that he got a tip about death eater activity and he went to check it and two weeks later our informant told us that he'd been kidnapped"
"By who and whose this informant?" Ron asked. Teddy ran his hand down his face
"Look I don't know who he is, I just know his initials are B.L, Hell I don't even know if they're a boy. No Ron, before you ask I set our home on fire" Teddy said. Ron looked at him in shock
"Why would you do that?" he asked, perplexed. Teddy hung his head
"It was a contingency plan, if it all goes to shit, and Harry gets kidnapped, burn the house to erase any trace of us and bring the kids back here, I'm assuming that you are of course aware of where they are?" Teddy asked. Ron and Hermione nodded, both looked a mixture of confused and annoyed. Ron sighed
"Listen Ted.... I'll be honest with you finding Harry will be difficult, he was an auror for five years and head of the department for five more, not to mention all he did as a child. If he doesn't want to be found he won't be."
"He does want to be found though Ron! Why else would he make us come back" Ron looked down
"We'll see what we can do Ted but it's not much to go on." Teddy wanted to scream, were they not the golden Trio that brought down Voldemort. Were they not the same people that chased seven horcruxes on the word of an old man? As he looked at them he guessed they weren't.
"Look you do what you got to do, just keep me involved okay? And can I go? I need to see the kids" Ron nodded and let him past but not before calling him back.
"Teddy?" he yelled. Teddy turned to him
"What's with all the knives and weapons we confiscated of you?" Ron asked. Teddy laughed and shrugged
"Always be prepared right?" then the twenty-year-old left his aunt and uncle behind.

Hogwarts was weird, they had all heard stories of course from their father but this Hogwarts was vastly different from the one he had attended. For one cell phones were a thing in the wizarding would except you could literally produce a hologram of the person you were calling. For another there was a magical barrier around the forbidden forest. Despite this some thing remained the same, the castle still looked a hundred years old and the House rivalry was still very much alive. The potters were slightly worried about the divide, but house tables were no longer a thing and as such you could sit whenever you want. That was how the potter children found themselves sat with a bunch of Gryffindors, they had spent the better part of the morning being accessed by the teachers and the teachers were astonished with how far they were in their magical education. Professor Flitwick had gone as far to say that their father was never this magically advanced, Lily had laughed and said that the threat of death makes studying a little unimportant. Albus had scowled and said that they had a mother too. So yes, after the trying morning they wanted nothing more that to chill and eat their breakfast. The other had another idea as someone stuck their hand out to Lily
"Hey I'm Hugo"
"And I'm Rose" his sister added. Lily ignored their hands
"Pleasure, I'm lily" Hugo smiled
"Cool. Are you really uncle Harry's daughter?" Rose smacked him
"Hugo" she hissed. Lily smiled
"It's okay, yeah, yeah I am. James says that your Hermione and Ron's children" they both nodded.
"Look I know you're probably expecting some big family reunion, but I don't remember you... I'm sorry" she said, she could suddenly see the hope dashed from their eyes. Rose shrugged
"It's okay"
"Yeah but out of curiosity why did you all leave?" Hugo asked. Rose froze
"Hugo! You can't ask that, oh my Merlin I'm so sorry" she apologized, mortified. Lily grinned, time to see what they knew.
"It's okay... but why did you think that we left?" she asked. Hugo looked puzzled for a moment
"Well... when your mum died your dad went crazy and kidnapped you all but then my mum told me that it was because uncle Harry felt like he couldn't trust anyone and that he did it because he thought it would make everyone safe. So, which is it?" he asked. Whilst he spoke Rose got paler and paler as Hugo spoke, but Lily looked at him in amusement.
"I think I'll let you figure that on out by yourself" and then she grabbed a waffle and walked out of the hall, leaving her cousins more confused than before.

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