Chapter 11 - Grimmuald Place

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The room that Kreacher had taken Teddy to was one Teddy had never seen. It was rather big, a large table sat in the middle, it seemed to have been cleaned recently. He looked to Kreacher
"What is this place?" he asked.
"The war room, it was originally used to track down deatheaters after the war but once Harry made it into the Aurors it was used to plan missions." Teddy nodded and walked around the room. He found a computer with one file on it. The death of Ginny Potter. Teddy looked to Kreacher
"Why is there muggle technology in an old wizarding house?." Kreacher laughed
"Wizards downfall is that they do not understand Muggles, your father of course had paper copies that he could file at the ministry, but he thought that at least on a computer the files would be harder to access for a wizard." Kreacher explained. Teddy smiled, that was so like Harry. He sat in front of the computer and click the mouse, up popped a box saying 'password' Teddy groaned. He clicked on the 'hint' button which simply said the date to live or die Teddy laughed. That was easy, Harry had frequently old them that this was the date he died but chose to live. As such he typed in the second of May. Once he did four files popped onto the screen, files labelled suspects, Evidence, Photo's and informants. Teddy poured over the information, soaking it all up when Kreacher perked up.
"Teddy, you need to go, I can feel the wards breaking" he said, Teddy looked to him, confused
"These wards were created by Bill Weasley and are upheld by Harry, they should be unbreakable" he said. Kreacher shook his head
"Your father needs to refocus the wards once every year to keep them strong, it's nearly been a year Teddy, the wards would have crumbled anyway, now pack everything up, I shall hold them off." Teddy nodded and began packing all the evidence into his bag whilst Kreacher held off the attackers. When he was done he heard a loud bang and Kreacher shouting. Teddy ran out the door to find a man he assumed was his friend, torturing Kreacher. Teddy grew angry
"You!" he yelled. The man turned to him
"Teddy! I'm afraid I'm going to have to take you in" Ron said. It was at that moment Teddy knew exactly whom Harry had suspected in Ginny's death. Ron stepped forward, Teddy stepped back, a hurt look on his face.
"Why?" he asked. Ron's face fell. He reached to grab the bag Teddy was carrying
"Teddy come on, you know I have to take you in, give me the bag, it could be evidence." Teddy laughed, hooking the bag around his back and reaching for his wand, only to discover it wasn't there. He cursed, of course he had left his wand at home when Kreacher had taken him, nothing could ever be easy could it?. Ron had seen his blunder however and laughed
"Not so good without your wand are you?" he sneered. Teddy paled, sure he could do wandless magic, but he wasn't as proficient as his siblings, one burst of magic would drain him. Ron held his wand steady and was about to cast a spell when Kreacher screamed
"You shall not hurt this family anymore!" he then began an assault on the Weasley. Teddy stared at the elf in shock, Kreacher glared at him
"Go!" he yelled. Teddy didn't need to be told twice as he apparated away.

When he got to the manor he stumbled through the door, in shock. Lily, being the only one awake had seen him. She raced down the stairs and helped him up
"Jesus Christ" she murmured as she led him to the living room, pushing him down on the couch.
"Teddy, what happened?" she asked. Teddy gulped and explained his tale
"He sacrificed himself for me Lil... he... he- "
"Did what house elves do; nay what family does. He sacrificed himself to protect us, Kreacher is a strong elf anyway. He could have survived." Lily then grabbed the USB Teddy was carrying.
"This carries all the information we need?" she asked. Teddy nodded, and Lily took the USB out of the house. Teddy followed her to a shed, just at the edge of the garden, she turned to him.
"This is the only bit of area in the whole grounds that is Muggle worthy, the only magic here is the wards" She explained. Teddy nodded and followed her in. She sat at the computer, entering the password Teddy had told her. The first folder she opened was the suspect folder. This folder listed three possible suspects

· Ronald Weasley

· Dean Thomas

· Auror James

Next to Dean Thomas there was a line stating that he had a solid Alibi and that all the evidence freed him from blame. Auror James was Harry's ex apprentice, he had taken the man in and trained him to be an auror. It was also Harry however, that told the board his apprentice was angry and had a lot of prejudices against muggleborns and half-bloods. This had in effect made James's journey to becoming an Auror more difficult. Next to his name however said that he had a solid alibi, he was once again going in front of the Auror board to determine if he was ready to be an auror. Yes, he had motive, but he had an alibi and whilst he had the strength to kill Ginny and break into the potter home, he did not have the means to produce what can only be called a 'hit'. Ronald Weasley however had means, motive and no alibi.

Ginny Weasleys death was not planned, it seemed that Ginny had taken the offenders by surprise. I believe this to be Ronald Weasley, as my informant has told me the man I trusted has been key to some shady deals. These deals such as paying off government officials and changing evidence would have led to at least fifteen years In Azkaban, I believe that he believed that I was compiling a case against him. As such he broke into my home to steal evidence which I did not have and he was startled by Ginny. They fought, and he killed her. I may have no evidence as of yet, but I shall, the only thing I know is that he is one of the very few that knew the location of my home.

The two read it in shock
"If that's the case, why did he uproot us?" Lily asked, Teddy shrugged
"I don't know but look!" he said, pointing to the last document on the file. It was dated the day Harry disappeared

I am close to finally getting evidence of Ronald's wrong-doings. Underneath this was a picture taken of Ronald Weasley standing across from Draco Malfoy, blood covering his clothes and a bloodied weapon in his hands.

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