Chapter 23 - In The End

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The funeral was meant to be small affair, but it turned out everyone wanted to say goodbye to Harry. The majority of Hogwarts had turned up to say bye to their hero whilst the Lestrange organisation stood at the back, they watched as their leader was laid to rest. The commotion didn't matter to Lily potter as she was pushed up to her father's headstone. James stood behind her
"You think he's happy now?" she asked, James shrugged his shoulders
"I think so... he spent his life fighting evil... maybe now he can have his happy ending." Albus stood to the side of them, leaning on his crutch.
"Even if we're not with him." Teddy laughed behind them
"He's still here guys, he always will be" he promised, pointing to his heart. The Potters nodded
"You given any thought to the future Ted?" Lily asked. Teddy sighed, in the two weeks Harry had died the Weasleys offered them a place to stay. Teddy was wary, he didn't want to trust them, but he felt so lost, he wanted a family.
"I mean.... It'll only be until you get a job and then we can out and live our lives." Teddy sighed, they were right, of course they were.
"You know you could have a job right now, you just have to accept the offer" Teddy looked down.
"I know but guys an unspeakable me?" he asked. Lily laughed
"It would suit your surly exterior ya know?" she quipped
"Careful sister, I am not below beating you in a wheelchair" he threatened. Lily laughed
"I will walk again someday, and you will be beaten by my very awesome self." Teddy rolled his eyes. He hated the fact that Lily couldn't walk, he felt like he had somehow let them down. When Albus and Lily had used their powers, they had both drained their magical cores. Albus was just extremely weak and needed support to keep him up however Lily had damaged her spinal nerve when she fell. The doctors were hopeful she could walk again but it would take time. Rather than dwell on that however Teddy looked to his siblings
"It's entirely up to you guys, we can go back into the shadows or you know settle down and be urm normal" all four children shuddered at the word.
"Well I suppose we could take a break from kicking arse and taking names" James pondered.
"Or you know psychopathic uncles" Albus added
"Or secret societies and death" Lily finished. Teddy stared at them, every instinct was telling him to keep them in the shadows, but he couldn't, not anymore.
"You really want this, the family, Hogwarts and everything that comes with it?" he asked. They all nodded, tired of living on the run. Teddy sighed
"Right well I guess we best get packing" he said. The potters all high-fived. They then turned to Harrys grave and said goodbye, the family then left for a brighter future. One where death was not constant and constant vigilance wasn't needed. One where love roamed free, as they apparated away they turned to look at the graves.

Here lies Ginny Potter                           1981-2008                                                  Beloved Mother, wife, sister and daughter.                         
The strongest force on this earth is love.                              

Here lies Harry Potter
Beloved Father, Husband and Friend.
Love conquers all.
Love will conquer all.

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