Chapter 15 - Saving Harry

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As Teddy disarmed the guards he ushered his brother and the Lestrange's forward, they followed him into the house. Teddy had o admit it was the perfect place to hold a prisoner, it was in the middle of nowhere, an abandoned Auror post from the war. Teddy felt angry that Ron was disrespecting the fallen soldiers in this way, holding the man that they followed captive. He pushed his anger aside however and carried on. His next obstacle was the fact that other than a few guards it seemed empty, that was until he found the trap door. He opened it and jumped down the hole, finding a passage as well as a bunch of guards. Upon seeing him they opened fire, as soon as they did Teddy cast a charm, waiting for the others, when they did appear an all-out assault started. Teddy knew the plan as did James, who was coated in their fathers invisibity cloak. The teen snuck past the fighting, casting a wandless shield around himself.

The teen carried on, feeling his father's presence as he neared, he knew his father was near. He didn't expect to be grabbed from behind however, by a very angry Ron. The man held a knife to his throat
"Looks like I learned a few things from you" he snarled. James felt his heart quicken, he knew that he could disarm Ron, but the man looked feral and James knew better. That being said having Ron plunge the knife into his calf hurt. The man then hauled James to his feet
"I'm going to kill you, I don't want to, but I am"
"Great, that means I can tell Mum and uncle Fred what a dickhead you are!" James growled. As it turned out antagonising a crazy man was not the best thing to do. Yet James managed to disarm him, he grabbed a rock from the floor and launched it towards his uncle. This launched Ron into a rage as he grabbed his nephew by the hair and began punching him. Soon James began to weaken, and Ron picked him up by the scruff of his shirt
"Walk" James did just that, he was marched past empty cages and dark hallways until he reached the final cell. That's when he saw his father, lying on the floor, completely still. James felt his anger and upset grow
"What the fuck did you do?" he screamed, yanking himself from Ron grip and pulling his own knife from his sock. Ron laughed manically
"He's not dead... not yet, he's merely poisoned, I wanted it peaceful" he said, almost wistfully. James shook his head in disgust
"He was your best friend, your brother"
"Yeah well due to him I will lose everything!" Ron yelled back, tears rolling down his face.
"I love you and I love Harry, but don't you see James, he was going to wreck my life all because he was wrecked..." James could almost see regret in his uncles' eyes. He could see fear and regret as the realisation of everything he was doing was catching up with him. Yet he knew he wasn't sorry, not really he was just sorry that he was caught.
"I'm going to kill you" James promised, Ron shook his head
"No you are going to let me go, Harry needs help, so capture me and he dies or let me go and he lives." James knew what he should do but he couldn't, Ron may be a psychopath that needed apprehending, but his father needed help. So, James growled and ran to his father as Ron walked away. Harry's skin looked pale, a stark contrast to the bruises forming on his face. James tried to remember everything they were taught about first aid but couldn't, his mind drew a blank. Lily was always better at healing than he was. He remembered one thing though, to get someone back to life you have to give CPR. So that is what he did, he placed his hands on Harry's chest and administered thirty pushes to his chest, he then tilted Harry's head back slightly and blew two puffs of air in his mouth. He carried on until Harry started breathing, then James grabbed hi necklace and began summoning Lily, tears rolling down his face.

When Lily and Albus arrived the sight that met them broke their hearts, a crowd had gathered around their fathers' unconscious body. Quickly Lily jumped into action, pushing past everyone. She knelt next to her father as she watched him slowly die. A sight no eleven-year-old should ever see. She then began preforming magic to stabilise him before turning to the crowd
"I need a link to St Mungo's, NOW" at the yell of her voice the crowd began dispersing to create space for a portkey to St Mungo's. Hermione who u until this point had remained silent walked forward, she handed then her ring
"This will get you to St Mungo's" Lily nodded and took it
"Thank you" he said sincerely before both her and Harry disappeared.

Hermione was feeling her heart break, she wanted to believe it wasn't true, that her husband wasn't capable of all this. Yet she knew he was there, she knew that because it was his Auror team that was stood guard. Quickly Hermione turned to the crowd
"Right, if you were with the Potters I want you to apprehend all the people that aren't, take their wands and lock them all in one cell. Teddy, James and Al there should be an active flu here, it will be old and probably unused but there should be one. You can go to St Mungo's" the three nodded gratefully and everyone else began doing as she asked. Hermione then sent a Patronus to the ministry, to the few people she knew she could trust before turning to survey the scene. How could it be possible that the man she shared a bed and a life with was capable of such evil.

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