Chapter 14 - Hermione Granger

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As Lily stood outside the ministry's entrance she turned to her older brother.
"Al... if you start to feel anything... tell me okay?" she begged. Albus turned to her, he hated them worrying over him, for the past week that's all anyone had done.
"Lily... I will but the same applies to you" he retorted. She nodded and the pair held hands, they walked into the box, by passing security the telephone box opened and let the potters descend into the ministry. On the way down they drank a potion, turning them into two muggles who had never set foot in the magical world before. As they entered the auditorium they waited for someone to catch them but were pleased to slip in undetected. They stalked past the guard's desk and went straight to the elevator, where Arthur Weasley was stood, they mumbled a good morning. Arthur looked at them strangely
"Do I know you?" he asked. The pair shrugged
"I don't think so" Lily said. Arthur stared at them intently
"So where are you going?" he asked politely
"Top floor" They replied, Albus nodded
"To the minister" he implored. Albus scoffed
"No, she's out of the office today, we need to see her sectary" he said, Lily glanced to him, giving him a subtle look that said shut up. He did just that, Arthur nodded and got off on the floor before there's. Lily sighed
"That was close" Albus nodded, they were saved from overthinking when the door opened to the minister's office. The two walked in, stopping in front of Hermione's sectary, A miss Sarah Dean. She looked up but before she could talk Albus placed his hand on her skull, both Albus and Sarah's eyes rolled into the backs of their heads, Lily stood guard, waiting until Albus had finished. When he was finished he staggered back, gasping for breath. Lily grabbed hold of his shoulders, stopping him from falling. He smiled at her gratefully.
"She's doing a conference on house elf rights"
"Where?" Lily asked.
"Fuck" Lilly whispered.
"My thoughts exactly."

Whilst Lily and Albus were figuring out how to infiltrate Hogwarts Teddy was creeping along a corridor. He didn't want to be there, the people he would be harming were good people. They were students who fought in the battle of Hogwarts and clearly had no clue Harry was being held there. It was the reason Malfoy had said that Ron remained unexposed, he played people. People knew him as part of the golden trio, they worshipped him. Yet Teddy knew he had to get past the guards, his father was inside, and he would be damned if he didn't save him. As such he pulled a smoke bomb out of his pocket, a sure-fire way to confuse a Wizard. He rolled it along the floor, laughing as the wizards bent down to pick it up, only for it to explode in their faces, Teddy then ran in and knocked them unconscious. He then tied them up and threw their wands away before carrying on inside.

Meanwhile Lily was stood in the Great Hall, a glamour covering her bright red locks. She knew that there was a ward scanning everyone, she knew that they knew she was there. What they do not know however was that her brother was stood just outside the range of the ward, waiting. As she listened to Hermione's speech she contemplated just how easy it was to sneak in to Hogwarts, after her fathers' escapades they really should have blocked all the exits up. They had to the ones that they knew Harry knew about but that mattered not. George Weasley knew Hogwarts like the back of his hand and had been only to happy to help them inside, his involvement ended there. So, Lily waited until she had finished her speech and walked out through a back entrance. Lily then snuck out of the hall with all the other students. She ran to where the apparition spot would be, just at the edge of the Forest, where the apparition wards ended. Both her and Albus waited until they saw the Minister, they waited as she turned around and spoke to the forest.
"Lily... I know you're here, please come out" she pleaded. Lily remained quiet as Albus gripped her hand. It was a trap, they both knew it, yet they were prepared. Lily nodded at Albus as he walked into the clearing, the confusion on Hermione's dace was hilarious.
"Al.. oh Al, put your wands down" she ordered her security.
"With all due respect ma'am he is wanted alongside his siblings, they are all a threat" He replied. Albus laughed
"We aren't a threat, well I'm not at least, if you harm me though no one can save you from Teddy and James, they're bastards when they're pissed." Albus grinned, he could see the fear in her guards' eyes. Hermione however had let her guard down, Al was the perfect mixture of Harry and Ginny that she felt safe with him, that was a big mistake. Suddenly her guards dropped to the floor, their necks twisted at an odd angle. Hermione went to grab her want but found it was not there. Lily suddenly materialised, grinning as she twirled said wand in her hand.
"You know, you should really listen to dumb and dumber, we are a threat." Hermione's eyes grew wide
"You... you killed them" she gasped in disbelief. Albus shook his head and Lily laughed
"No, I merely injected them with a form of anaesthetic, they'll wake up in about half an hour, long enough for us to have a little chat." Hermione paled but grinned nether the less
"You know who I am, what I do" she bragged, Albus shook his head
"I wouldn't suggest it, wandless magic will be futile, if you try Lily can drain your magical core." Hermione shook her head
"That's impossible" Lily grabbed Hermione's shoulder
"Try it" Hermione did indeed try it but no magic came to the surface.
"How the hell..." Lily laughed
"We were stupid and naive Hermione, we didn't realise what we were messing with, now you best sit down because believe it or not we're hoping to shock you even more." That's when Lily handed her the file, Hermione looked at them, uncertain but began to read it anyway. She began shaking her head as she read it.
"No... this isn't true" she murmured "I would have seen it... Ron..."
"You have the proof Hermione... Ron is taking bribes, he's the one that killed mum, intentional or otherwise... You didn't think all that money was suspicious?" Albus asked. Hermione shook her head still, vehemently refusing it, claiming they were lying, they didn't know their uncle, he was a good man.
"So was our father" the two muttered, Hermione looked at them quizzically
"You know Harry Potter, you knew him more than most.. if dad didn't truly believe it why would he leave?" Hermione was about to argue when the two children clutched their necklaces.
"We have to go" Lily said, gasping
"What about her?" Albus asked
"We'll take her, she should see it first-hand" Lily retorted, Hermione didn't have time to ask what they were on about when the pair of them port keyed away, taking her with them.

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