Chapter 13 - Lestrange

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As Lily crept down the corridor, wondering where the hell Malfoy was taking her. She had a million questions but couldn't ask them, not yet. If they eventually came to blows then she wanted it out in the open, not an enclosed space. As such she followed the older man. It was a while later that there was a break, they reached a wall and Malfoy began climbing it. As she got closer Lily saw there was a ladder and decided that she should climb it too. When she got out she found herself in the middle of a forest, confused she turned to Malfoy. The older wizard grinned
"Welcome to Lestrange" he announced. Lily was about to ask what the hell he was on about when he whistled, people and animals began emerging from behind the trees. Lily looked to him, dumbstruck
"What... what is all this?" she asked. Malfoy turned to her
"This is the Lestrange operation" he said, Lily turned to him like he was nuts
"What is that?" he asked. The masses turned to her and she began to feel self-conscious. A woman stepped forward, Lily vaguely recognised her from a picture in her father's office.
"Lily... my, my, my I was right, the nargles are strong in you." Lily stared at her, trying to remember where she heard the word Nargles before. She knew her dad often rambled about a girl he knew who saw more than others. A girl who Lily was named after, all of a sudden it clicked in her mind who this strange woman was.
"Luna?" she asked, perplexed. The woman nodded
"It is lovely to meet you again goddaughter." Malfoy coughed
"Perhaps we ought to explain ourselves." Lily nodded
"That would be good." That's when Malfoy explained, Lestrange wasn't a single person, it was a multitude of animals, purebloods, half-bloods and muggle born. It was an organisation set up by Harry after the war, he recruited over five hundred people world-wide to stop corruption. She listened with awe as each and every person explained how they knew Harry, how Harry had recruited them and begged for their help. She listened as everybody explained how Harry made them all informants and sent them to various places to help those in need, as she listened her respect for everyone in that forest grew. There were still some unanswered questions though, questions Lily intended to ask.
"I... I don't understand why you're telling me this though, if it's such a secret why are you telling us and why did dad not?" Malfoy sighed
"As far as anyone out of this forest is concerned Lestrange is one person, Ronald thinks that it's a Malfoy, but he can't prove it. As for your father well... after the war your father was different, he was tired and by the time you were born he had seen and done far too much. Then- "
"Mum died." Malfoy nodded sadly
"Harry... he lost his way, for a while he left us to do as we were ordered... when he came back you children were all so lost and afraid... I don't think he could stomach the thought of having you all involved." Lily nodded and stood up, walking around.

She looked for other people she had seen in her fathers' photos and was pleased to see a few. People like Seamus, a few members of her mothers old Quidditch team and a couple of professors.

She turned to Malfoy
"Why was Ron at your house on the night of mums death?" she asked. Malfoy looked down, that night was a tragedy.
"I... I owed Ron a life debt, he saved my life in the battle of Hogwarts... I was magically obligated to help him. So, I helped him destroy evidence."
"You what!" Lily screeched, Luna placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Calm yourself youngling... there is more to the story." She said. Malfoy nodded in appreciation
"He thinks I destroyed it, his words were to get rid of it and I did. He was led to believe I destroyed it"
"So why now, why are you telling me all this now?" she asked. The people looked down in sadness.
"We need you, your father spoke highly of yours and Albus's abilities... he called you the chosen two. Ron... he's... he's become desperate. He thinks you have evidence against him... he's torturing Harry." Lily paled
"We... we aren't allowed to use the abilities... Dad... he... he- "
"It doesn't matter what he said Lily, your father will die soon, he's losing hope and then any chance of justice for your family will be lost." Lily gulped
"If it will save father... I will do whatever you ask of me but Albus... the last time he used his powers he almost died. I... daddy would never let him go through that. I... I need my brother Malfoy, surely you understand." She pleaded, Malfoys face fell
"Just... ask him... I know what happened to you both was dreadful but we need to save him Lily" Lily nodded
"Just tell me the plan and then I'll decide if it's worth it" Malfoy nodded and then told her everything she needed to know before giving her a file. The preteen then used her necklace to portkey home, where her brothers were stood, dumbstruck.

The three of them ran to her
"What the bloody hell!" they yelled.
"Where have you been?"
"What happened?"
"Are you okay?" Lily calmed them down and explained what had happened. When she had finished explaining Albus paled.
"How... how do they know what we can do?" he asked. Lily placed her hand on top of his
"Dad told them.... Al... we don't have to use our powers."
"Tell me the plan and I'll decide then." She nodded and began to explain. They were to infiltrate the ministry and find Hermione's schedule, then when she was vulnerable they would attack, take her to somewhere safe and show her the evidence. As that was happening Malfoy would take Teddy and James to where Harry was being kept hostage and save him. Albus nodded
"At what point do we need to use our powers?" he asked.
"Once we take Hermione her guards will be on red alert, they will track us... our powers will be the only way to get into her office"
"I'll do it" he said. The others protested but he silenced them with a glare
"Dad needs us, we have to do this, Lil tell them we'll do it" then he stormed out of the room, leaving behind his scared siblings.

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