Chapter 19 - George and Hermione

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The next 14 days consisted of Harry sat in his hospital bed, planning the next move with his children. On the final day of his hospital stay Albus walked in to the room, looking frazzled. Harry looked to him
"What's wrong?" he asked. Albus sighed
"I knew you were famous, but I didn't realise that reporters were so obsessed with you." Harry laughed, he missed certain aspects of being in the magical world, but the reporters certainly weren't one. Lily turned to her brother
"Are the Weasleys still outside?" she asked, Albus nodded
"Yeah, it seems that they want to apologise, should we let them in? it might get them to ease off?" he suggested, Harry hung his head
"I... I think George would be the most receptive and least irritating" the children nodded, Lily grabbed her dads' hand.
"You should know Uncle George always believed in you" she promised. Harry gulped
"I know... when I leave here, we will go and see him" he promised. His children nodded
"We have planned the route of least resistance" Albus said, Harry nodded
"Okay, well you both need to go and find Teddy and Jamie, I'll check out" they nodded and left o find their siblings.

Twenty minuets later found Harry and his children walking around St Mungo's underground tunnels, led by a nurse. The nurse held a light to illuminate the path
"We're nearly there" the nurse yelled back. Harry nodded and they all continued. Soon enough they found themselves in an opening of trees, the nurse turned to them.
"Just beyond the trees is the apparition point" she then handed Harry a bag
"In this is advice on how to treat your wounds and as much as I know you won't there is advice on how to care for your mental health." Harry nodded and thanked her
"Thank you, I know this situation is unique and we all appreciate your discression and professionalism." The nurse nodded
"Just doing my job Mr Potter" the nurse then nodded to the children and walked away. The family then apparated away.

George's house had not changed, it was still wacky and colourful. The children stared at it amazed, Harry however felt a pang of hurt and guilt. George was one of the very few people whom Harry still respected and after the war he was one of the very few who could get Harry to laugh. He also felt guilt, George needed him, Harry was like a lifeline and Harry had abandoned him. It took a minuet for the children to realise Harry had stopped. Lily turned to her father, his face was pale, and he was shaking. She grabbed his hand
"We don't have to do this, we can disappear again." Harry gulped
"No... no we can't" and then he marched up to the door and knocked.

George was man who lived for a surprise but when he found Harry Potter stood at his door he thought he was dreaming. There was a moment of silence before the older man pulled Harry into a hug
"Welcome home" and then the man welcomed the Potters into his home. Harry sat across from George who was staring at him.
"I'm sorry... I should have visited you at the hospital" George admitted, Harry shrugged
"You wouldn't have gotten through the kids" Harry laughed. George gulped
"I take it their doing a perimeter check?" he asked when he noticed the children had disappeared, Harry nodded
"Are we that transparent?" he asked
"No, It's just a basic Auror movement distract the person so others can do a check."
"If it helps they also wanted to give us a minuet alone." He told George, George smiled.
"I wanted to thank you... when I left I knew what everyone was thinking. I knew they thought... they thought I'd killed... That I... Ginny and I just couldn't stay here. I know you stuck up for me that you knew I would never hurt Gin. I just.. I needed- "George placed a hand on Harrys shoulder
"It's okay I understand." He soothed, Harry had tears rolling down his face
"I didn't do it George, I loved her!" he yelped, George gulped
"Which is why only an idiot would think you killed her." George pulled Harry into a hug, a long overdue one. A cough broke them apart, Harry spun around to see Teddy
"James has eyes on her"
"Good, tell him to take her, I'll be there in a minuet"
"Yes, sir" and the Teddy left. George gulped
"I have to go" Harry announced, walking away, George called him back
"Harry, if you find Ron... will you kill him"
"It depends on what Ron I find,"

When Hermione opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark room, she tried to call upon her magic but found it unreachable. Sighing she realised who had kidnapped her
"Hey Lily"
"Hey Aunt Hermione!" she replied cheerfully. Just as Hermione was about to ask what the hell was going on a voice thundered through the room.
"Lily Luna Potter! Stop it!" Lily's shoulders sagged
"But daaaaaaad!" she whined.
"Don't but dad me young lady! I already told you to not to drain her magical core" he reprimanded. She growled
"You let Al use his powers" she argued back
"Yeah well I'm not really in any shape to go through the mind am I? Now stop!" the girl groaned but did as he asked. Harry then switched on the lights, grinning.
"Hey Hermione!" he said. Hermione didn't reply, choosing to take in the room. Unfortunately, there was nothing to help her figure out where she was. The walls were painted white, there were no windows and the floor were voice of any location markers. Harry pulled a chair from the side to sit on
"I apologise for Lily, she can be a little..."
"Terrifying" Hermione suggested.
"I was going to say bratty but terrifying will work too." Harry laughed as Lily began protesting.
"What are you doing Harry?" She asked, Harry shrugged his shoulders
"What I do depends on your answer." He admitted, Hermione frowned and stared at him. He looked exhausted, Hermione felt strange, she knew Harry as much as he had changed she still knew him. He was a good person, one that believed but right now she could tell he had stopped.
"What do you need me to do?"
"I need you to cooperate... we need to catch Ron." He demanded, Hermione frowned
"Why, so you can kill him?" she demanded. Harry frowned, he looked around the room at his children.
"Leave us be for a moment" he requested, instantly the children argued with him, but he silenced the with a hand.
"I may have been gone for a long time, but I am still your father and you will do as you are told!" he said, quietly. At the authority of his voice the children left, and Harry turned to Hermione.
"I don't want to find him so I can kill him, I want to find him, so they don't." Hermione gasped
"They are just children Harry... they wouldn't have the capacity to kill their uncle"
"Yeah well all causalities in the war were infected by children, remember.." his voice was steely. Hermione gulped
"We had no choice, they do"
"They don't, I'm assuming you have realised by now that Lily and Albus have specialities. I... I was careless and let them tag along on a mission, I thought they would be ready but... the Deatheaters he blew them backwards into a wall... I didn't realise what was there at the time, but we soon realised what was happening. The chemicals they were laid upon were experiments, the deatheaters was trying to replicate the deathly hallows.... When they were there Al and Lily drained each other's life force to stay alive. I have no doubt Ron will aim for them because their the weakest but they both respond to each other. They both have very unstable magical cores due to their injury and if one of them is hurt the other will act on instinct."
"So, if Ron attacks them the other will kill him on instinct." Harry nodded and stood up, he cut Hermione's ties and helped her up.
"I won't make you help us Hermione but if you don't my children will kill them; you and I both know what that does to the soul." Hermione nodded, rubbing her wrists she sighed, wanting nothing more that to go back to before.
"What else can they do?"
"You know the story of the Hallows, Albus has the power of the elder wand which is why he can read minds, Lily has the power to turn invisible what else is there?" he prompted to which Hermione paled, surely it could be true, it was impossible.
"But... Raising the dead... how, why, what?" Harry laughed, he had finally stumped the great Hermione Granger.
"They aren't allowed to use that power" he admitted, Hermione frowned
"But this could solve so many murder cases if we can talk to the victims" she gulped as Harrys face turned dark.
"Yeah well, last time they tried Albus died... If it wasn't for Lily's quick thinking they would both be dead." Hermione gulped, unsure of what to say next.
"Look Hermione... you know me, you know how far I am willing to go. If you don't help me I will kill him so that they don't... if you help me maybe he can go to prison." Hermione nodded, telling him she'd have to think it over. Harry then told her to walk out the door and apparate away but as she went to leave she pulled him into a hug.
"I missed you Harry"
"I missed you too." Then the Minister of Magic turned and left.

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