chapter 21 - Back To The Weasleys

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Whilst it was true that the Potter children respected their father they also hated him at times. Times such as this in which he handed each of his children evening attire and told them to get ready. They all stared at him
"You were serious?" James blanched. Harry nodded
"Regardless of their actions they are your family as well as mine and you deserve to know them." James gawped at him
"Hold on they pushed you aside and belittled you, not to mention they called Teddy an abuser, why should we know people like that!"
"Look, I get they are- "
"Self-serving, maybe a little psychotic?" Lily offered. Harry glared at them
"I was going to say mislead but they are family and family is everything. I don't know everything that happened when you were there, but they knew your mother in a way I never did. You can learn about her in a way I can't teach you and... well I love these people, they may have hurt me, but I love them." Lily and Albus took his explanation and got changed but James wasn't buying it.
"This isn't about family dad" he stated. Harry sighed and sat down next to him
"Not entirely... Ron needs help James and I'm hoping to find whose helping him." James nodded and jumped up
"Fine, I'll go to this stupid dinner but don't expect me to be happy about it" he said, stomping away. Harry grinned.

By the time they got to the Weasleys the party was in full swing. Yet as soon as they entered the room everyone stopped. The room turned thick with tension as Molly Weasley walked towards Harry, he flinched slightly as she pulled him into a hug.
"I am so, so sorry, I have been a terrible mother and grandmother." Suddenly Harry felt like a little boy again, needing her approval
"Love blinds us all, especially love of a child. I understand that now" Molly wiped away tears from her face.
"I will never abandon you again, I will never smear Ginny's memory in the way I did. Please... forgive me." Everyone waited with bated breath, the potters waited with apprehension. Would Harry cave? The man in question looked into her eyes
"Ginny... she would want me to forgive you but forgiveness needs to be earned Molly... if you are will to try so am I." Molly nodded
"That is more than I could ask for, thank you for the second chance" Harry nodded as a tension settled upon the room. No one was quite sure where to look, the tension was cut however when Victoire Weasley ran through the crowd and flung herself at Teddy.
"You came back!" she yelled.
"Yeah well you're about as crazy as my dad was so ya know..." the crowd laughed and suddenly everyone began to disperse, enjoying the party.

In one room the youngest Potters were taking to George and Arthur about all their pranks.
"So dad used to get all angsty on mums death day and we decided that one year we were going to cheer him." Albus started
"Yeah, it was a particularly bad time as well because Teddy was ill and dad was stressed" James continued.
"So we decided to fill him room with heat, we made it unbearable and when he went to the water dispenser for a drink it shot out hot chocolate. He thought the world was out to get him" Lily added,
"Yeah, we made him get heat stroke, thought he was going to kill us but instead he started laughing." Albus added.
"Thought he was going mad but instead he hugged us and left to get cool" at that George burst out laughing.
"You kids remind me so much of a young me" he admitted
"Well.. we can't take all the credit, when we cleaned out Grimmuald Place we found a box of Uncle Fred's stuff and copied some of his pranks. Dad always said that he respected Uncle Fred because in a world of hate he always tried to bring some laughter." George grinned, looking up at the sky.
"You hear that Freddie, these munchkins are stealing your ideas!."

Whilst George was talking to Fred Teddy and Victoire were sat in the roof, staring at the night sky.
"I wish that you could stay Ted" she whispered. Teddy sighed, he knew in his heart of hearts that he and Harry couldn't stay after they found Ron. They both held a deep distrust for the magical world. His siblings however could possibly stay, they have family and a chance to be normal.
"I know Vic... it doesn't matter whether I stay or go this time... we'll stay in contact this time" he promised. Vic grinned
"Don't make promises you can't keep Teddy Lupin" Teddy blanched
"I can keep it Vic.. last time I had no choice, we couldn't trust anyone" he reasoned. Vic just smiled
"You'll try Ted, but you can't save the world and have friends"
"Harry did!" he whispered back. Victoire looked up at him sadly
"You are so much like your father and godfather alike Ted... which is why I'm scared" she admitted. Teddy looked down at her tiny frame, confused.
"Scared of what!" he asked. She took a deep breath and stood up, staring Teddy in the eyes.
"You have to promise not to kill him" she begged. Teddy stared at her
"My dad... he knows where uncle Ron is... you must spare dad though Teddy... he was doing the right thing, Ron's his brother!" she tried to reason. Teddy took a huge breath
"He will be spared by me and my sibling... Hermione however is someone I do not control" Victoire nodded.
"I can accept that!" she then held her hand out to him.
"I'll take you there" Teddy looked at her, untrusting but took her hand anyway and together they apparated away.

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