Chapter 20 - Political Games

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It took two weeks for Hermione to conform to Harry's demands, which was why the man was in the middle of a press interview.
"So, Mr Potter, is it true that Ronald Weasley is now a person of interest in your wives murder?" Harry gulped, as if he was pondering how to answer it.
"Ron Weasley is a suspect in Ginny's murder, in fact now he is our main suspect. I can't comment further however as it is an ongoing investigation." The reporter looked stunned and began to revaluate her approach.
"You aren't governed by our ministry, as such you should be able to tell us a bit more." At this Harry laughed
"If you know my story then you should know that I don't like people being nosy. We have told you he is a dangerous suspect and if you want any more interview then I suggest that is the narrative you publish Miss Skeeter!" he said, lowly. The daughter of Rita Skeeter paled, she had been told about Harry Potters wrath before and knew better than to incur it. So, she nodded
"Of course Mister Potter, my mistake" Harry nodded and turned to leave the young girl behind.

Lily Potter did not like the ministry, nor did she like the wizarding world but nether the less she had promised to cooperate. That was hard to remember when Aurors were adamant they weren't taking orders from a little girl. Said little girl growled as an Auror laughed, she was about to show them how much of a little girl she was when Albus stood up on the table, his eyes glowing. The Aurors turned to him, shocked.
"Listen up, right now I am pretty sick of everyone's bullshit, you pledged your allegiance to the Minister, she has given you your orders, as for my sister she maybe little but there's a reason everyone is terrified of her." The boy then stepped down, grabbing Lily's hand and walking out of the room. Harry then took his place
"You hears him, what are you waiting for?" he barked. The Aurors then scattered.

A week later found the Potters in the Auror training room, they walked in and out of every Auror assessing them.
"You were Ron's second" Teddy barked to a timid looking man. The man nodded
"Yes sir but my allegiance is to the minister!" he said, proud. Teddy laughed
"You were promoted due to Ron, Hermione voted against your promotion correct?" The man nodded
"Yes Sir! The minister has very little say in the Auror department and as such she did not understand Auror Ronald's decision to promote me. I think that she has since realised it was the right decision." Teddy hummed and the man grinned, thinking he has passed but Teddy turned to James who nodded and handcuffed Ron's second. In an instant there was outrage as Aurors jumped to defend their friend. The potters looked to each other as Teddy raised his wand, causing a loud bang. The Aurors stopped, stunned.
"I want to make this very, very clear. As far as I am concerned you are all traitors, if it wasn't for my father I would have killed you all. You have all protected a man that has used and abused the system but thankfully my family are more merciful than I. If I find any of you know of Ron Weasleys whereabouts you will be punished, severely. Understood?" they all nodded.

Meanwhile in a dainty little cabin Ronald Weasley was pacing. His head whipped as he heard the sound of apparition. Holding his wand to the door he heard a knock.
"What was my first word?" he asked to the door. The man on the other side sighed
"How the hell am I meant to know that; Mum never told me." Ron contemplated his answer and tried to think of another question.
"What did I tell you when I came home in second year?" he asked. The man faltered
"You told me that you felt like you had betrayed Ginny, that she had tried to talk to you about the Diary, but you didn't listen." Ron nodded and opened the door. The man walked in
"What's going on Ron?" he asked. Ron didn't answer instead he took what was in Bills arms. He placed the books on his table
"The ministry is saying you killed Gin... they're saying you kept Harry captive, is it true?" Bill asked. Ron sighed and turned to his big brother
"Harry... he killed Ginny; I didn't hold him captive... I was trying to help him Bill! He's deranged!" Bill sighed.
"Look, I can't stay, the kids are going to mums and she wants me there." Ron said nothing and Bill took his que to leave, praying that his brother was telling the truth.

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