Chapter 13 - Teddy's solution

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Whilst Lily was following Malfoy, Teddy was facing a problem of his own. He had expected Victoire to be scared when she woke up, but he was presently surprised to find that she preferred violence.
"You – Absolute – Twit!" she said, punctuating each word with a slap.
"You ran away then came back only to run away again! Then you assault the Aurors!" she yelled. Teddy grabbed her hands to stop her hurting herself and took a deep breath.
"Look, I can explain all this, but will you please calm down!" he yelled. Victoire looked taken aback by his loud voice and nodded numbly.
"I don't have a lot of time; the kids need me. I didn't hurt those Aurors, they made some case against me and wanted to take me for questioning." As he told his story Victoire interrupted him.
"They said that you'd been abusing Al" she whimpered. Teddy ran his hand across his face
"Vic... I love those kids, I would never EVER hurt them. They think I'm abusing him because I keep shooting down the idea of staying here." Victoire felt her heart melt. Whilst Teddy had been gone everyone had been claiming Harry had been abusive, Ron had said he grew up without love and maybe the death of Ginny made him snap. As such they thought that he'd taken the kids so he could hurt them. Then when they came back they assumed Teddy had been abusive, but Vic knew that it wasn't true. She couldn't believe that the boy that had held her hand as she cried and hurt her bullies could hurt anyone.
"So why did you run?" she asked. Teddy raised an eyebrow
"I intended to go peacefully but Lil and James woke up and got the wrong end of the stick, assuming I'd been placed under arrest and then Albus came. We never fired a spell until the Aurors did... then I had to get them out. My first priority is always to get them to safety." Teddy searched her eyes for any chance of her trust and was happy to find it. She pulled him into a hug.
"What do you need?" she asked, Teddy grinned. Vic had always known him better than anyone else
"I need to see your aunt"
"Auntie Gabby, why?" she asked. Teddy laughed at the nickname
"I'm assuming you know her job role?" he asked. Victoire nodded
"Of course, she is head of international relations" Vic said. Teddy grinned
"Before that she was the head of the Aurors welfare and protection of children division. She's the only one that can prove that I am the Potters legal guardian in place of Harry." Victoire gulped, she never knew that her aunt had seen Teddy in his missing years, she only hoped that it was for good reason. Victoire contemplated her next words and gulped
"Okay.... Look I can't do anything until tomorrow, meet me in the whomping willow tonight" Teddy nodded
"Thank you so much!" then he ran into the woods, leaving behind a conflicted Victoire.

Later that night found Teddy, Victoire and Gabrielle. The older woman pulled Teddy into a hug
"Oi Teddy, my darling niece has explained your situation. Je suis désolé!" Teddy grabbed the womans hands
"It's okay Madame, I understand that not every case reaches your desk."
"It should, Je vais le trier à la fois!" she yelled. Teddy nodded in understanding.
"I have no doubt in mind that you will sort it, thank you so much"
"Oh mon cher, You and harry Potta are my friends, now I must go, appels de service!" then the aged woman walked out the way she came. Vic looked to Teddy, smiling. The smile soon turned into a frown as he clutched a necklace hanging from his neck. His face paled, Victoire was worried he was having a panic attack and went to help him, but Teddy stopped her as he let go of the necklace. After a minute his eyes came back into focus.
"I got to go" he said, before he could leave Victoire grabbed him.
"Will you be okay?" she asked
"Yeah but whoever hurt my brother sure as hell won't be" and then the teen left his friend behind.

When he got back to the manor he found Albus crouching over a bleeding James.
"What the hell happened!" yelled Teddy.
"I tried to find her" James mumbled. Teddy looked to Albus
"What's he on about?" Teddy asked. Albus paled
"I'll tell you later, just help him" he said before going back to his control panel. Teddy stood over James, he grabbed a bucket of water and a cloth. Slowly he began to clean James's wounds, trying not to gag. He hated seeing James so pale, when he was done cleansing the wounds he requested some bandages from the house elves. He then bandaged James wounds and took him upstairs to rest. The house elves were ordered to watch over him.

Once back downstairs he made a bee line for Al and demanded information.
"They obviously knew we were coming, Lil and James received incoming, so they split to make it harder for the enemy to get them. James was ambushed by Aurors and Ron, he attacked Ron and got away, then he went to look for Lily. He couldn't find her, and Ron must have called for backup because before we knew it they he was surrounded. They tortured him Ted, those bastards tortured him till I went in and got him." Teddy took a deep breath and cursed himself for leaving them
"What about Lily. Where did she go?" he asked, dreading the answer.
"I don't know.... She disappeared."

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