Chapter 12 - Malfoy Manor

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Albus Potter was a man with a plan, which is why everyone turned to him to answer their dilemma. After finding the picture Albus had sent Lily to do some recon, which the older boys were not happy about. Albus had sent Lily despite their protests and had proceeded to plan around her intel. It had been four weeks since they had found the picture of Ron and Malfoy, in that time Lily and James had traded off positions to gather information on the Malfoys whilst Albus worked with Teddy to clear his name.

When the day came to execute both plans all the children where sat around a rounded table. Albus then went through the plans, Teddy was to see Victoire whilst Lily and James infiltrated Malfoy Manor and try to find any information. Whilst doing this Albus would be sat at home, monitoring the situation via heat and thermal cameras which Lily and James had set up in Malfoy Manor, he would also be monitoring their coms. Teddy didn't like the idea at all, claiming that he was supposed to look after them, not send them on missions. All the Potters had glared, saying they had trained their whole lives for this. Teddy had reluctantly agreed, after all they would be halving the time it took to save Harry by doing both jobs at once. As such he apparated away and left his siblings behind.

He apparated straight into Hogsmeade, altering his appearance before scowering the town. Whilst researching with Albus he found out that the seventh years were having a Hogsmeade visit. As such he planned to take Victoire whilst she was most vulnerable.

After searching for over an hour he found her walking towards Hogwarts, obviously finishing her day. He placed on Harry's invisibility cloak and walked up behind her, looking around he made sure that they were alone, noting that they weren't he waited until they were. They weren't alone until they reached the Hogwarts gate, seeing his chance he waited until they had passed the teachers and stupefied her, quickly pulling her into cover, behind a grove of trees. Then he waited.

Whilst he was waiting his siblings were creeping along the corridors of Malfoy Manor. So far the only thing they had found was a bunch of empty bedrooms. Albus looked at his plan of the Manor and told them to take a right. It was then however that Albus noticed many red lines on his thermal imaging heading straight towards his siblings.
"Guys you have incoming" he advised, James nodded, Lily sighed
"I thought it was supposed to be empty" she commented, James turned to her
"Intel said so, we need to turn around" he said, Lily nodded to him and followed him, as he turned the next corner Albus screamed down his microphone that there were a lot of people following. Lily could hear them and grabbed the handle to the door on her right, only to be blasted back. She hit the wall with a soft thud, James ran over to her, heart racing
"Lil, wake up!" he whispered, shaking her. When she opened her eyes, James grinned at her
"Come on, we got to go!" he told her. As she got up James's eyes turned hard as he raised his wand and casted a spell, shielding them. He pulled Lily up and started pulling her down the corridor. The longer they ran the more James realised they were outnumbered.
"Al, what's the best course of action!" James yelled down his microphone. Albus stared at his cameras
"There are a lot of unfriendlies, it seems that they knew you were coming."
"No shit Sherlock" James growled, he looked behind him and knew what he had to do.
"We have to split Lil" he said, Lily looked to him, nodding.
"You sure?" she asked as a spell flew over her head.
"Yeah, they capture both of us it's game over besides finding both of us will take longer" she grinned.
"Remember brother dearest, you can't kill a Potter" and then she darted into another room. James carried on running down the corridor until he reached a dead end. He turned to see the last person he expected. His infamous uncle.
"James, what are you doing?" he asked, trying to remain friendly. James laughed, playing along
"Hey uncle Ron, I swear I didn't mean to break and enter but I thought this house was abandoned" he pleaded. The head Auror smiled at him warmly
"Of course James" he then held out his hand
"Why don't you come with me? We can sort this out at home" James nodded and grabbed Ron's outstretched hand, he then pulled the man over his shoulder and slammed him to the floor. Placing his knee in the mans throat he pulled a knife from his pants and placed it near Ron's eye, threatening to blind him. The other Aurors pointed their wands at him but James laughed
"Come on guys, I'll kill and gut him before you even get a chance to lay a spell on me." The Aurors looked at him apprehensively but never lowered their wands.
"Guys, either you let me go or I blind him" he threatened, Ron looked to his comrades
"Let him go" he ordered
"But sir- "
"LET HIM GO" Ron bellowed. The Aurors slowly lowered their wands. James then got up before stabbing Ron in the arm, nicking a vein. Suddenly blood began spurting out on to the floor, turning the white carpet to a vicious red. James turned to the ministry officials
"Now you can arrest me or let the head of your department die, the choice is yours" he told them, the Aurors contemplated arresting him but ran to Ron instead. James then sprinted away, looking for his little sister.

Said sister was dancing on the table in the dining room, taunting the Aurors
"Oh wee Aurors,
You missed me" She giggled. At her taunting the Aurors grew more and more frustrated and started aiming darker spells at her. Lily cartwheeled her way out of a Petrificus Totalus. She then jumped onto the chandelier, grabbing it and swinging herself around, and kicking all the Aurors in the face before jumping off and rolling out the door. She ran through room after room, dodging spells until someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her into a room. She listened as the Aurors ran past the door, when they were gone she pulled away from the person. She turned to him
"Seriously Ja... wait your not James!" Lily stopped mid-sentence as the man laughed
"No I am a little older than your brother Miss Potter." As Lilly studied him she recognised his features, they may have been masked by the darkness of the room, but she could spot a Malfoy from a mile away. Instantly she was on defence, if Malfoy noticed her change in posture he never said. Instead he sighed
"You guys are so nosey, your father could never leave it be, so why should I have expected his children too?" he muttered. Lily despite her reservations laughed.
"Nosiness is our best trait Malfoy" she quipped. The man rolled his eyes
"So is jumping into the thick of the action Miss Potter, now come" Lily didn't move a muscle and Malfoy grew frustrated.
"Look, I saved you from these buffoons, why would I hurt you?" he asked. Lily shrugged
"Why was there a picture of Ron covered in blood at your door?" she snapped back. Malfoy shook his head
"Look either you stay here, and risk being captured but I'm going" he said. Then he placed his hand on a panel as a wall opened, quietly he walked through it. Seeing no other choice Lily followed him.


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