Chapter 5

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There was a pause before conversation started again.

"Cywren, you know that this world is different to yours..."

All eyes focused onto Venturian - no, she needed to remember it was Jordan - for speaking into the silence.

"Well... I've seen in here. You've obviously done it up a bit." She said.

Isaac and Cierra laughed. Cywren didn't know what about though. Everything here seemed like history, clean and new, but different. No one was dressed as the books described and she didn't recognise the things on the posters. There was also a fluffy green thing that didn't make sense at all.

"I think you'd better look outside. If you think this is weird..." Isaac didn't finish his sentence before she stood and looked at the window. It had curtains, perfectly straight, and the actual window wasn't broken or shattered. It was fully intact. She hadn't seen many windows like it.

Only a slit of the glass was visible, so she pulled back the fabric that covered it and gazed into the outside world.

There was a road. It looked like normal roads, but without potholes or land mines covering it. Land mines seemed extinct in this place. The concrete was smooth with clear lines painted on. She watched as a car drove past the house. An actual working car. There were a few plants dotted around the fronts of homes too, looking completely natural. She hadn't ever seen those sorts of flowers before. It looked a lot like the simulator in that Vault she'd rescued. The number to it was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't remember. That was strange. Normally numbers came easily to her.

"It's..." She searched for the right word. Amazing? Breathtaking? "Beautiful." Cywren turned back to the four siblings, "And you're sure this isn't a simulation?"

"Very sure. Well...technically it hasn't been proven but..." Bethany nodded, "We're sure."

Cywren looked back through the window, knowing that there was more to see than just this tiny piece of land. The Wasteland stretched out for miles, and it took days to cross. She wondered how big this world was. Maybe it only took minutes to reach the end of the planet. Maybe years. Maybe 7 months. Maybe just 80 days.

Lost in thought, she didn't notice Jordan come up behind her, and jumped when he spoke. "I think we need to find you somewhere to sleep. If I recall correctly, you haven't slept in three or four days...? And you'll need different clothes too. I'm sure Cierra can sort you out." He looked at his sister and she nodded, rising from her seat.

"Follow me." She grinned, "I'll take you to the spare room on the way too."

Cywren smiled and followed her up the stairs.

Once they'd left, Jordan looked at Bethany and Isaac, before sitting down once again, "What am I supposed to do now? The viewers'll wonder what's happened to fallout. I can't exactly start it without Cywren there. And Cywren has no idea about this 'world'. The real one. How do we get her back?!"

"One question at a time!" Bethany said. "There's nothing we can do at the moment except help her fit in."

"We could always do another recommended game week. That'd buy us some time." Isaac cut in.

"Only a week though."

"We could extend-"

"Two weeks max, or everyone'll start asking questions."

"That settles it. We'll say in G Mod tomorrow, but for now, we should get to sleep. The sun's still shining but that doesn't mean it's not late. Hopefully we can figure something out tomorrow." Said Bethany

Jordan nodded, "But what happens if-?"

"We deal with that when it comes. Now go to bed."

It was weird having your younger sister send you to bed, but Jordan just sighed and followed her instructions. He knew that this would only get stranger as time went on.


Hey guys, Naomi here!

Sorry about the unexcitingness of this chapter. Sorry for using a made up word in my last sentence. Sorry for apologising about that.

This chapter was kinda rushed 'cause Wattpad is a meanie and deletes chapters you've written a week in advance D':

So anyway.

Hope your day's as cool as land mines!

Naomi xxx

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