Chapter 25

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"Oh...right." Jordan said intelligently.

Sarah appeared behind him, "Can we just get to work already?"


Sarah pushed past Mr Caster and Jordan and started walking up the stairs.

Cywren was already in the computer room. She had one last code that she wanted to try, and this might be her last chance.

Sarah stopped half way, "Which door?" She asked Jordan.

"Uhh...the first on your right?"*

Cywren typed in the last digit after a few mental calculations.

She waited for something to happen.

And waited.

And Sarah opened the door.

"What the hell are you doing? I need to check this computer!"

"Sorry." Cywren said innocently.

Sarah glared at her, "Well. Can I sit?"

Cywren nodded She got up and pulled out the chair politely whilst muttering as many insults as she could think of: "Ceicil loving, mutant face, Abraxo-"


"Nothing!" Cywren smiled a little. She wouldn't get any of her insults. It felt good knowing something she didn't, and it was a bit funny to.

Sarah glared again before rummaging in her bag for her book to refer to.

Cywren sighed and looked out of the window. She'd given everything she could and failed. But it wasn't that bad here. She wouldn't be starving or short of resources or almost killed ever again. But she wouldn't ever be starving or short of resources or almost killed with Timebomb, Quasar and the others again...

A man stepped out from behind a car. This time, she recognised him immediately. It was the same mysterious stranger that had helped every so often with her enemies a few days before she'd left the Wasteland. The same man who'd given her the codes she'd needed to send a message to her friends...

All he did was stand there. She heard Jordan, Mr Caster and the others come in, but she didn't want to take her eyes off the man, in case he left again.

Slowly, he raised his hand into a salute.

Then she blinked and he was gone.

The computer beeped behind her.

She turned round to see that Sarah had pushed her chair away from the desk in surprise. Pixelated typewriter-style words had appeared on the screen:

Greetings fellow adventurers! This is Venturian with ImmortalKyodai, HomelessGoomba and BethanyFrye.

Once she got over her surprise, Sarah snorted, "Who're they? Venturian sounds like some kid's show character who's a centurion or something. Probably some magical pony-"

"Trust me! I'm a unicorn now!"

Everyone looked at Jordan. He looked confused himself, like he hadn't actually said it purposefully.


This time it was Cierra that said something.

Suddenly, Isaac started screaming, but it was a weird scream. A bit like, "AHA AHA AHA AHA."

"Sign my shirt!" Bethany yelled.

"Stab stab STAB!"

"What is it, sir?"

"Do you want chicken nuggets from the kitchen?"

"Do you wanna know my SECRET?"

"Uhh...yes?" Sally asked, unsure. She'd moved to Cywren being scared of how the siblings had suddenly started acting weird.

"My mother was a man!" Jordan let out an insane laugh that didn't match his expression of surprise."

"Excuse me?!" Sarah said, standing up, "What the hell?"


"Hello? Jonas?"

A policewoman in uniform knocked on the door. She'd been contacted by the station to say that they had to move on. She was new to the job, or at least she was considered that. She'd been there for at least three months and still had to make everyone's coffee.

When there was no reply, she took a bobby pin out of her pocket along with a screwdriver and picked the lock. Technically she wasn't allowed to do that, but she wasn't going to knock the door down!

She checked all the rooms on the bottom floor, but the only sign of life was a half finished game of Monopoly. I was also weird that ever since she arrived, her walkie talkie** hadn't gone off at all. It was compulsory that anyone on a case had to update every ten minutes, and it had definitely been longer than that since the last.

She stepped quickly but softly upstairs. This was creeping her out.

"Jonas?" She called for what seemed like the thousandth time, but there was still no answer. She didn't want to look in any of the rooms but she knew she had to. If the Chief back at the station found out that she hadn't looked in every single place, she'd be fired, and she really needed this job...

She quietly opened another door. The bed was Superman themed***. How old were these people? Twelve?

She sighed and moved on to the next room. She quietly opened the door and got scared out of her skin. There was a man there, wearing a long coat and a hat, so she couldn't see his face properly.

She just stood staring at him for a few moments. She didn't know what to do. Eventually she just said timidly, "Hello? Umm...excuse me, but have you seen a Jonas Caster and Sarah O'Connor around here anywhere?"

The man nodded. He reached to the computer next to him and slowly turned it so that she could see the monitor. It read in typewriter-like, pixilated letters:

Input needed: 16 of 18...


Hey guys, Naomi here!


Hope you all liked the extra long chapter!

Here are the asterisks!:

*(has anyone ever wondered about how weird describing your house in ways like 'first door on the left' is?)

**(I heard that Americans don't have walkie talkies... It that true? It seems unlikely...)

***(Isaac's bed for anyone who doesn't follow him on Instagram ;D)

So the sequel won't be out next week, it'll be an epilogue, but the week after, I promise! I've been looking forward to this so much!!

This week I also starred in a book by CynicalSolace ! It's amazing! The Macaroni Gods approve! Thank you so much!! Everyone go check it out! I manage to quote Dr Who even in a book xD

Recommended book of the day is The Wastelands by @DullReo99 I love the Cybombness!!

Hope your day's cooler than Jordan's hat!!

Naomi xxx

P.S. Hope all Americans had a happy Thanksgiving!

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