Chapter 19

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The next day Cywren felt very happy for some reason. She got up at about 6, when no one else was up, and made breakfast for everyone else, much to the siblings' surprise.

She then went straight to coding. She managed to try a total of three times before taking some of the Nuka Cola that'd fallen out and having a break.

Jordan, Bethany, Isaac, Cierra and some other guy called Ben were recording Minecraft. She looked over Bethany's shoulder just as Jordan fell off the parkour map.

"Some amazing skills you have there."

"Shut up Kira."


"I can already see the comments: Isn't that Cywren from the livestream?"

"Sorry the stream went down, guys. There was a power cut and we lost all the footage." Bethany added, making up an excuse quickly.

"It's still just Kira. Not a video game character." Jordan said.

"Uhh...hey Kira." Ben said. He was so far ahead of everyone you could hardly see him.

"Hi." Cywren said. Jordan had told her that Ben was an amazing artist, and he was the source of '#loveben' that Jordan had kept on repeating though one of his 'episodes'. This was the actual Ben. She guessed she had to love him.

They carried on playing Minecraft whilst Cywren went to do her codes again. After a few minutes, she heard Jordan sign off: "That is all for this time. Of you enjoyed this video of falling a lot of times leave a like, leave a comment, and we will see you next time."

Cywren went downstairs again, "You finished quick."

"Well, our videos are only fifteen to twenty minutes long usually. Plus the course ended there."


"We should show you Minecraft, Cywren." Cierra suggested, "It has an in game coding system thing-"

"So it is Cywren?" Cierra had forgotten that Ben was still in the call.

"Uhh..." Jordan said helpfully.

Bethany gave him a look. She knew they couldn't back out like they had before.

"You watched the stream them...?" Jordan said.


"Yes. It is Cywren but don't tell or people will start to freak out." Bethany said.

He stayed silent for a moment before he ended the call*.

"Now look how he reacted!" Jordan sighed, "We can't tell anyone! They'll just freak out!"

Bethany sighed too, "What do you think he thinks now?"

"Hopefully he'll forget about it?" Isaac said.

"Nope. No one can forget about that."

Cywren backed out of the room slowly, leaving them to their conversation. They were talking as if she didn't exist, and she just wanted to get away from it.

"Hey Cywren!" She heard a voice behind her.

"Hi Sally."

"Can you play this game with me? I'm really bored. There aren't any free computers go play on."

Cywren grinned. Sally really was just a twelve year old.

"Okay." She looked down at the game, "Monopoly***? What's that?"

"I don't really know. We could ask Cierra!" Sally said, "CIERRA! Where are you?!"

There was a pause for a second as Cywren turned around. Cierra looked outside Jordan's computer room, "What is it, Sally?"

"Can you teach us to play Monopoly?"

"Umm...okay. Just wait a few minutes." She went back in and resumed the conversation.

Cywren shrugged, "I'm sure we can work it out ourselves." She took Sally into another room and started to set out the game.


Hey guys, Naomi here!

Don't kill me pleeease! D: I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! My mum made me go on walks! I'm sorry please don't kill me! I don't wanna die! :(

Can I cue the asterisks? I'm sorry! Please!:

*(Ben will probably never read this, but if he does, sorry if you didn't like how you reacted :/**)

**(I have to put that in there people. Just in case.)

***(Nothing like a good game of Monopoly :3)

Don't kill me I didn't mean this to be late! Not the pitchforks! noT THE PITCHFORKS!



I am very sorry to inform you that Naomi seems to have been murdered. Her funeral will be held on Saturday 8th November at the end of the next chapter. She will be kept safe and comfortable in the afterlife. 3W will take care of that. Here lies the end of her tale.


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