Chapter 24

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"Yes!" Cywren yelled.

"What is it?" Sally had quickly rushed into the computer room, soon followed by everyone else.

Cywren smiled, "Fallout's working again!"

Jordan was the first to react, "How much?"

"What do you mean how much? That's not really grammatically correct..."

"Shut up! I meant have we got sound or what?"

She shrugged, "I should be able to get speakers working. If they're near any radios they should be able to hear us."

"Try it." Cierra said.

Cywren opened the command screen that Jordan sometimes used to cheat with and typed in a command.

Suddenly a loud noise like a screeching emitted from the computer speakers. Everyone had to put their hands over their ears.

Cywren took her hands off her ears for a second before typing in a different code. The screeching stopped, and a woman's voice could be heard. It sounded frightened.

"Who are you?"

"You should know who I am!" The second voice belonged to a man who was definitely insane. The siblings paled, but Cywren didn't know why. They seemed to recognise the voice.

"Now...put that weapon away and we can talk about this..."

"Why should I put down Knifey if some stupid redhead tells me to?"

"Because I'm sure you're a kind person at heart...?" She sounded very uneasy.

"Turn it off." Jordan said.


"Just, turn it off. Now."

"Why'd you think that? Anyway, I'm getting bored of talk its time to sta-"

His voice was cut off when Cywren pressed enter.

There was a silence for a minute before Cierra said, "That wasn't Fallout..."

Cywren looked at the screen. It definitely showed Timebomb to be moving around. She wasn't controlling him, but they'd already established that the game was broken without her in it.

"What was that then?" When no one replied, she sighed, "Well, I'm sorry for the false alarm, guys. You can go away now."

Cierra nodded and walked out, pulling Jordan and Isaac with her. Bethany guided Sally out.

Cywren sighed and looked back at the computer. Her eyes followed Timebomb as he went to talk with Scribe Rothchild, who had apparently arrived in her absence. She missed him tons.

Just as she got up out of her chair, she heard the doorbell. She opened the door and checked down the stairs to where the door was*. Isaac had gone to answer the door.


"Hello. It's me, Jonas. I'm afraid your neighbour wasn't guilty. We need to check your upstairs computer."


Hey guys, Naomi here!

You may be wondering why there's a chapter out today. Well, there are a few reasons. The main one is:

We hit 5k!! I never imagined this story would get this big so quickly! I'm so amazed! I'm not THAT good, you know!

Two, it was Issac's birthday on Saturday. I never mentioned anything in my last chapter, but it was, so Happy Birthday to Isaac.

Three, it's my own birthday today!! :D I haven't opened many of my presents yet, but I got £10**, wireless headphones and wireless speakers and from Alba I got a PJO poster with the second great prophesy on it! :D :D

Sorry, I feel a bit hyper today xD I'm probably a bit old to be excited about my birthday, but I don't care :3

Anyways, asterisks!:

*(For some reason I keep imagining the placement to be just like my house xD)

**(Idk what that is in dollars, sorry...)

***(Please tell me someone gets that... XD)

Today's recommended book is: The Story of Jimmy Casket by @soccer_kitty

Hope your day's cooler than the Legion!

Second to last chapter!!

Caecilius est in horto.***

Naomi xxx

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