Chapter 10

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Cywren woke to the sound of a rapid tapping on her window. For a moment, she wondered what it was. Then she realised; it was rain. It never rained in the Wasteland. Even though it wasn't flooded, it still looked like a river outside, with the puddles and wet cement.

Walking downstairs, she heard the siblings talking in the kitchen. She couldn't quite make out what they said. It was something about that livestream thing again. Cywren still didn't quite get what it was about. She reckoned it was a bit like a video call, but open to thousands, even millions of people.

"I don't know what we're going to do about Cywren... She can watch one of us but wouldn't she... I don't know." That was Bethany

"Why should we do anything about her? She's not done anything while we were recording, so why worry now?" That was Jordan.

"Jordan's right. Why are we worrying?" That was Cierra.

Cywren decided that that was the time she would enter. Silence fell and three pairs of eyes moved to look at her. Jordan, Cierra and Bethany sat around the breakfast table, cereal bowls disregarded to the side.

"Where's Isaac?" Cywren asked.

There was a pause. Clearly no one had thought she would say that.

"Still sleeping, I think." Jordan replied.

Cywren nodded and sat at the table. She picked up a bowl and spoon from the middle of it where they were left, leaving one of each for Isaac, and chose a cereal from the wide range in front of her. Starting to pour the milk, she looked up. All three were still watching her.

"Sorry... Did I interrupt something? Please carry on." She remembered the time Jordan had said that in her head, and wondered if he remembered too.

"No, sorry." Cierra said, before carrying on, "We were talking about where you'll be at the livestream. Do you want to be at my computer again or...?"

"Why bother asking. I'd already assumed I would anyway."

"Right, sorry." Cierra said, "D'ya want toast?"


Cierra went and put it in the toaster and after about a minute, conversation resumed as normal. Most of it was explaining to Cywren who all of their RP characters were. The most she took in was that Cierra had someone named Johnny Toast and Jordan had someone named Johnny Ghost. They were in a thing called PIE, though she couldn't remember what that stood for. Apparently the Ghost guy was also the Jimmy Casket guy from Gmod yesterday, and a kid called Gregory, which she couldn't make sense of at all. There was also an Acachalla family? She still didn't know quite how to pronounce that.

Later on, Cierra and Bethany decided that taking Cywren shopping would be fun. She'd never been shopping, and the only time she'd ever been in a store, it had been overrun by raiders.

She had to stare at the the shopping centre* for a few seconds before she could walk in with Bethany and Cierra.

"It's like I've wound back a century or so..." She said.

"You might have. You never know..." Cierra answered.

The first shop they visited was a gaming shop where the sisters wanted to pick up one of the games that people had requested for the fortnight without Fallout**. They were going to repeat a few of them, like the Star Wars one and Kerbal Space Program, but otherwise they were really random games, most downloaded off the internet. A few people wanted them to play the Impossible Quiz as well.

The three spent a few hours browsing the various shops. Well... two. Cywren still couldn't believe what she was seeing, and was too busy just taking in the fact that she was there rather than looking at the products. This world was gonna take some getting used to.


Hi guys, Naomi here!

Cue the asterisks***!

*(or mall, whatever)

**(yes, I know that most games VenturianTale play aren't bought in shops... But what if it wasn't on the computer for a change O.o)

***(yes, that is how you spell it! And I definitely didn't have to look it up or anything... :P)

****(Sorry about the blurbs. They're not really blurbs. I haven't written blurbs. But, oh well)

Anyways, guys. I need you to tell me what to work on. I currently have two books going: this and Taken to the Labyrinth, but I still have several stories I want to publish eventually, so please say in the comments which you'd like next!

And now, in no particular order****:

1. Daughter of Time ~ A Percy Jackson FanFic

This is about a girl called Celena who turns out to be the first ever daughter of a Titan. She has an influence over time and surprisingly, doesn't attract monsters, even if she uses a phone. That's about as far as I've gotten :3

2. Ender Girl ~ A Bodil, Ghost and Deadlox FanFic

So Bodil, Ghost and Deadlox find a girl on a beach. She was sent by Herobrine to destroy a kingdom with his ninjas, and any village on the way.

But this is no ordinary girl. She was created by the Ender Dragon out of corpses and the wings on his back. She's an Ender Girl.

3. Glowing Eyes in the Dark ~ Herobrine's Daughter

Chloe is a normal girl living in a normal village in Minecraftia. Well... Apart from the fact her dad is Steve. Because of this she's been homeschooled for the past 10 years she should've been in school. But, as a fourteenth birthday present, her dad says yes.

She goes to school, gets famous friends, and lives her life. Until one day, they decide to do something that would change Chloe's life forever.


"Hey Chloe," Alba said, "Wanna summon Herobrine?"

(^thats the only proper blurb I wrote. This has one Venturian reference in it, but has no relevance to the story (I could add Venturian into it if you really wanted me to)) :P

4. Nearly the Ending ~ Clara meets Rose (and other companions)

Rose mysteriously appears in the TARDIS with the Doctor and Clara. The worlds are collapsing again and this time, they might not be able to stop it.

5. A PIE/Jimmy Casket/Acachalla (maybe?) FanFic??

I haven't started writing this, and I don't really know what I'd do in it. But if you really want one, then I'll try. I wanna write for these people! :P

And that concludes our recommending session. The one that's voted probably won't come out for a while, and if I add any stories to my list, I'll tell you!

Hope your day's cooler than English comprehensions (I really hope so, cuz I hate English comprehensions! D:)

Stab, stab, stab!! :D

Naomi xxx

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