Chapter 21

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Cywren took a Nuka Cola from the fridge and went to Cierra's room. She was already asleep.

Cywren peered at the bottle, wondering if it was okay to drink after travelling through this 'crack' thing. If she was okay, it probably was too. Plus she was dying for one.

It wasn't a Quantum, but it still tasted great. She remembered the first time she'd had one in Vault 101. She'd hated them at first, but grew into them by the time she was 12. When she was 14 she started taking and collecting them. When Venturian started talking to her for the second time, or third time since he said he was there when she was a baby that she didn't remember, she knew that if she saw one, she would be okay. They'd come to be a reminder of her home in the vault without bringing back any bad memories of how she was kicked out because her father wanted to save people. Amata's dad was cruel that way. He'd thought firmly that to stop a revolt, you had to eliminate a problem even if they were trying to do better...

She'd never really agreed with the vault's system of the G.O.A.T tests. Well...that may be to do with the fact that she got Vault Chaplain, and she really didn't want to be. Mr Brotch was nice in switching her results though. She hoped he made it out of the vault...

As she sighed and began to get into bed, she heard a beeping from the computer downstairs. She quickly ran down to check it.

The screen was black with green text on it, just like the computers in the Wasteland. The selections she had were 'view/edit central computer code' which was what she needed to reprogram it and, '#000'. She remembered that at the Museum of Technology, where she'd found some 'treasure' from it.

Moving the mouse, she selected it and a message came up:


One look and she knew exactly what it said. The Brotherhood were trying to contact her! But how was she meant to respond....? She had no way of telling them she'd received their message.

Sighing, she resigned to going back upstairs, when the computer beeped again.

Once again there was a text file, this time labeled '#001'.

+€?{C*~,€!y*¥{,_}>w¥?€>,{~?r€>|\?$e^].?|$€n_?~?{¥*^{p}[?¥*l>,$^?{~e€>~${,^>?$~,?a$^{,~_>$~s{|$*_|,¥*^?e~,?$*>~,{>$^?{,c~_>?$o^~*,m^%{~,>*e^?{~,_^>+?~~b{^?$>}~a_$?*>~],$?€,c{]$^?>~$>*?,}k$*>?_*$T>~,$?*>,{I~]$*>{\~ +€?{*m~,€!*¥{,_e}>¥?€>,{~?€>|\b?$^].

Timebomb? She paused for a moment in reading. She hoped she was okay...

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How, though? How could she let them know she was here? And again with this Bryan thing. Close to dying? She was starting to think that she may be missing something.

Plus, Quazar was missing. She knew about Sally, but did that mean her dog had made it here too? She hadn't seen him...

Then it struck her: she had a TARDIS! Maybe she could use that. But she'd need a time/space/dimension reference to send a message.

Suddenly a bright light glared into the room. She looked out of the window and saw a black car pulling up, setting off the dim security lights.

A man in a long coat got out, but she couldn't see his face properly because of the distance between the upstairs window and the drive.

The man walked up to the door before looking right at where Cywren was as if he could see her even though the room lights were off. He seemed vaguely familiar, but more like a stranger she'd tried desperately to remember for some reason.

Pulling away from the window, she ran downstairs as quietly as she could and pulled open the door.

The man had disappeared, but in his place was a sheet of paper.

It read:


Cywren looked up, her keen eyes searching for any trace of life, but she saw nothing. How'd that guy known exactly what she needed?

Yet another mystery to add to the list...


So apparently me and my Cyber-form exploded but I'm still here so let's roll with it.

Hey guys, Naomi here!




I was so happy I decided an extra chapter was necessary. :D

I'm gonna try to get another one out for Saturday, but this was the one I had planed to put out then, so it may be a bit late... :(

There are NO asterisks today :3

Anyways, did you guys get the codes? And who do you think the person is O.o

Remember to Private Message/comment if you want to make a character!

I couldn't go today without mentioning Children in Need (it IS their day after all). I've been watching BBC's Children in Need on TV, and I really do find it amazing how much they can do. I think so far the last total for the night was £17 167 253? And it's only 10pm!

I don't know if any Americans know about Pudsy and Children in Need but basically every year there's a fundraising night for Children in Need. They support families in crisis or if they've lost a loved one or if there's been an accident. It's amazing stuff. :)

This chapter's recommended book is This Isn't a Game Anymore by @MoonlightDragon , I just wish she'd update quicker!!

Hope your day's as cool as FNAF2 which is actually better than I expected. I thought it'd just be the same but it's actually not which is cool :D

Naomi xxx

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