Chapter 9

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"We're going to hack the police?" Isaac asked.

Cywren nodded, "But I'll need a different computer. This one's too fragile."

"You can use mine." Cierra offered.

"We're going to hack the police?!"

"Yes, Isaac. You've got it." Bethany said.

"Thanks," Cywren said, "Can you show ne where it is?"

"Sure." Cierra said, "Come on." She started to walk out of the room.

"You can't just hack the police." Isaac protested.

"Yes, you can." Cywren said before following Cierra.

"No, let me rephrase. Why the hell do we think its okay to hack the police?!"

"We don't. We just are." Bethany said before she and Jordan also moved to where Cierra's computer was.

"How does that even make sense...?" Isaac muttered, but trailed behind anyway.


"Now, hopefully their web page can give it away." Cywren said as she loaded it up, "What search engine do you have?"

"Google." Jordan said.

"The number?" She typed it in, "I've only read about these. They took them away cause they said that the newer models were easier to use, but these seem so much more powerful than our ones. And I love the colour (color for Americans) on the screens. They're just as the book described: 'As if there was a second world inside it.' Well, technically, there was, but that's not the point."

Searching on Google (which was made of colourful sections for Picasso's birthday) she selected the website. "If I can just..." She opened up Notepad and typed in a series of commands and numbers, "Yes!" She looked at the others, "The site now thinks that this is an official police computer. It'll let us edit it and it's code." She smiled.

"You just hacked the police..." Isaac mumbled.

"Yes." Bethany said, "She did."


When the syblings and Cywren sat down for dinner, she wasn't quite sure what it was. At the Vault, they'd grown specially engineered plants to have the healthiest meals possible. This dinner was completely foreign.

There were squdgey cuboid shaped yellow things that tasted like potatoes when she tasted them, though why they'd chop them up was a mystery. The second thing on her plate she was sure was fish. But it had a strange coating on it. She couldn't complain though. It tasted amazing.

She'd managed to place the code into the website, though how long it'd be before they either found it or worked over it she didn't know. She desperately wanted to talk to Timebomb again, but she knew that was impossible. She had limited time for that and she couldn't let it go to waste.

After the plates were cleared, she watched Jordan record Kerbal Space Program. He was using Cierra's computer. She wondered if they were like her. Maybe the Kerbals heard his voice too. What if they did? What if they were intelligent beings that Jordan was, at this moment, sending to their deaths?

She ached to go and stop him, but she knew she couldn't. She'd disrupt the recording.

She didn't enjoy it as much after thinking that though.

"That is all for this time. If you enjoyed this episode of fireworks and exploding planes, leave a like, leave a comment. And I will see you next time." He saluted and finally signed off.

Cywren sighed, glad it was over. Bethany put her head through the door, "I take it you finished?"

"Yeah." Jordan said.

"Well... I just checked the calendar, and we're due a livestream tomorrow."


"I know. I don't know how we forgot."

"Well...what with Cywren and all..."

"I suppose..."

"I'm still here, you know." Cywren cut in, "What the hell is a livestream?"

"You stream a video on the spot kind of thing." Bethany said, "So people watch it as you make it. But they take hours at a time and we'll need Jordan's computer. Its gonna waste a lot of time you could be using to get yourself back."

Jordan nodded, "Its not the time to discuss it now though. Everyone should go to bed and get some rest. It's been a big day."

Bethany nodded, "It definitely has. Come on Cywren. Jordan'll put everything away."

"Hey! Can't you help?"


"Why not?"

"Cause I'm awesome like that."

He sighed, "Just go away."

Bethany laughed and she and Cywren headed for the stairs to go to sleep.


Hey guys, Naomi here!

I'm back! But it's school time... D:

I'll try my very very very very best to keep this updating throughout the term! But if I start being a bit late, you know why.

This story is currently my best priority so.... ;)

I have a new story that isn't really a story called A Game of Tag. If you wanna find out stuff about me, that's where to go.

Be sure to check out Taken by the Labyrinth, as I said last week!

Hope your day's cooler than sniper rifles!

Naomi xxx

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