Chapter 7

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"Greetings fellow adventurers, this is Venturian with ImmortalKyodai, HomlessGoomba and BethanyFrye, and today we are in High School, but trying to murder each other!"

Jordan's intro made Cywren think about everything she'd left behind in the Wasteland. She wondered how Timebomb was getting on, if Copper and Sarah were managing with Quazar and Bryan.

"This is one violent class!" Isaac said from in front of her. She was looking at his computer so she wouldn't be caught in Jordan's recording.

"You know what? You're right." Cierra said. Her character revealed a knife that she proceeded to kill everyone with.

Bethany screamed in surprise, "THAT was unfair! We were doing the intro!"

"Your fault!" her sister laughed.

Bethany sighed as the game started. Cywren saw the screen flash black with blue and purple writing that read, 'You are a bystander with a secret weapon.'

"Anyway! As I was about to say, we're going to do another week of randomly requested games. Except this one will be two weeks." Jordan said very proudly as if it was a great achievement, making Cywren smile.

"But before we go any further;" he turned to the character named Hotel, which was a bit of a wierd name but in this game, she guessed you couldn't be picky.

"Do you wanna know my SECRET?" He said insanely.

Cierra, who seemed to be Hotel, backed away from the girl in front of her (Jordan) and said, "Jimmy don't do this."

Jimmy? Cywren wondered.

Issac pulled out his gun, "Okay, so who is it."

Jordan switched to his brother, "Do you wanna know my SECRET?" He laughed evily, "Stab, stab, STAB."

"No, I don't want to know your secret!" Isaac yelled and pulled the trigger. Jordan's character fell to the floor and a message came up that the Bystanders won.

"You can't be afraid of little old me..." Jordan said, disappointed.

The syblings played a few more rounds before ending the video. Cywren enjoyed watching them play around.

When they'd finished, Jordan was the first to ask what she thought.

"Who's Jimmy?" Was her first question.

He laughed, "Jimmy Casket? He's a role play character. Completely insane murderer."

"Oh." It didn't really make much sense but she just went with it.

"How about we teach you how to play." Isaac suggested.

Bethany nodded, "That'd be cool. A video game character playing a video game. Sorry Cywren..." She added when she saw her expression.

Cywren rolled her eyes, "It's fine. And that would be amazing."


"Nooooooo." Cierra yelled as she was brutally murdered from behind.

Cywren smiled and laughed evily, "Serves you right for trying to shoot me!"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Jordan you get it." Isaac said.

Jordan muttered something but went to the door and answered it. Their conversation could be heard from where they were.

"Hello Mr...?"


"Mr Frye. Last night at 7:48 in the evening, there was a massive power pulse. The houses in this area's lights went out for exactly 3 seconds due to power drainage. We have traced down the source to your street. Every house is being checked. Is there anything that may have caused this here?"

Cywren, hearing this, became interested and moved to the door of the room to see. Having sneaked past several creatures in the Wasteland, she was skilled at hearing in on conversations.

The man was in a uniform with a black jacket that read 'Police'. His hat was black and shined slightly in the sun. Looking through the door she saw several other men and women dressed similarly.

"Not that I know of."

Cywren knew that the machine must have desposed of a lot of power bringing her here. Hense the power cut. As for the pulse, that must have been the opening despersing energy once it was cut. Thinking about it, the cut between the Wasteland and here hadn't been healed which would've allowed Timebomb to speak. Also, the way back could still be there.

"You know we can do a more detailed search with our scanners that would take about a week and a half. It would pinpoint the exact location of the power burst."

Jordan looked straight at the officer, "We have no idea what caused the power glitch."

The guy looked him up and down, "Okay, sir. If you're sure."

Jordan nodded and closed the door. He came back in and looked from Cywren to his siblings and back.

"We need to figure this out now."


Hey guys, Naomi here.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

It's late 😥 I'm sorry don't kill me please! No.... Don't bring out the pitchforks... Please....? 😰


Anyways. On another note, not sure if I can get a chapter for next week... I'll try my best but I'm on holiday and may not have wifi... :(

Hope your day's as cool as Pluto!

Naomi xxx

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