Part 9

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Hey folks!
So my life is being such a mess nowadays and writing wasn't possible for me for somedays.. so I am late!

But now here it is!

Enjoy reading!


Avni: vi.. Vidyut! Please!

She said while now here condition was worsening.. she was now started getting angry due to need of her dose.

Neil thought for a while and then looking at her condition.. he took out her mobile which was with him and searched Vidyut's number and dialled. Little did he know that whom he was thinking of being her ex-boyfriend due to whom she is so much panicked is actually the main devil behind all this!

Neil: hello!

Vidyut: who's this? This is avni's number right?

Neil: yes it is her number.. but just to me first! She is in very bad condition right now.. she is panicking a lot at the moment or I don't know what.. but she is asking to call you! So please be here as soon as you can. I'll just message you the address!

Vidyut smirked hearing him.. today is going to be another fun day for him, he thought.

Vidyut: yes, sure!

With that neil cuts the call and message him the address. He went back to the room she was in and when he entered... she was throwing stuffs here and there, screaming, pulling her own hairs in pain and continuously crying!

How could he see her like this?! No he can't!

He ran towards her, quickly pulled her into a warm hug trying to control her, while she was hitting his chest by her fist and struggling to get out of his grip! He was stronger than her, so finally she gave up!

"What's happening to her? This is not normal! There is much more to it!" Neil thought.

Neil: shh! Everything will be alright!
He said caressing her hairs.

Then he felt her weight losing on him.. he looked at her to check her. Her eyes were close.. might be she fainted due to her condition! Or just feel asleep in his embrace?
Whatever it might be.. he just checked her pulses to check it is nothing major and make her lay on the bed. It was better to let her sleep till vidyut comes! But he never came! Vidyut was a devil.. he wanted her to suffer and specially in front of Neil.. so he didn't came and even switched off his phone!

Neil sat there along side her. She was still holding his hand in a tight grip not letting him to move! Slowly observing her even he drifted to the sleep!

Next morning

He woke up earlier than her.. he opened his eyes at the sight of her beautiful face.. though he actually is so attracted towards her but still today seeing her.. he could only remember yesterday's night! Her devastated condition.. never ever he thought he would see her like that!

He slowly freed his hand from hers and without disturbing her went for a shower. He came back all freshen up with a tray of orange juice and sandwiches. He expected that she would have woken up till now.. but no! She was still asleep!

He kept the tray on the side table and again sits beside her caressing her forehead. He had mixed emotions seeing her today!

While he was in his thoughts.. she winced in her sleep as sun rays were falling on her face.. seeing her getting disturbed he shifts and sits a little forward so Sun rays can't fall on her. He smiles seeing her and pecks her forehead.

She slightly opened her eyes. And least she expected her to be there with him! She gets up with a jolt. He was just seeing her action and waiting for her to speak something!

Avni: where am I? What you are doing here? What is happening?
She asks getting worried.

Neil: relax! You are not well..don't Panick so much! And I am just here to help you. Yesterday in the hotel I came back to give you your mobile back which was left with me, and then when I saw you.. he paused..

Avni: then what?
She asked terrified.

Neil: then you were in very bad condition! You were not in your senses! So I brought you here!

Avni just looked straight, not meeting his eyes.

Neil: Avni.. but what happened to you?? That wasn't a normal panick attack?

Avni: so what do you think?
She asked without any expressions.

Neil: what?

Avni: yes.. if this doesn't seem a panick attack so what does this seem to you?

Avni knew that however she had tried to hide it.. but now.. it has to be revealed!

Avni: was it some kind of fits? Or..

Neil: or?

Avni: drug attacks!

Neil went silent.. he wasn't able to take all it! What he should say? What is she trying to say?

Neil: means..

Avni nodded and then smiled.

Avni: yes.. Mr. Khanna! I am a drug addict! And what you saw yesterday was all because I wasn't able to take my dose!


What will be Neil's reaction now?!

Let's see!
Hope you liked it!
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Love love 💕
Aks ❤️

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