Part 11

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Here you go with the next update!
Enjoy reading!


They both got ready quickly and reached office.. they were late today than usual and it was kind of weird for other people to see that!

Neil was already in his cabin when she reached.. she was little nervous to go after what happened before. Finally she opened the door.. there he was sitting busy in all the files, with his charm that just makes her feel lively.. may be not everyday but today definitely!

Neil looks up to her.

Neil: hey! Good morning.

Avni: good morning..
she says smiling to him while coming inside.

Neil: yess.. so these are the files.. I have checked them.. you also check them once!
He said forwarding the files to her.

Avni took the file and started going through them.

Neil: coffee?

Avni: n.. no.. it's okay!
She replied as she was confused at his behaviour.. he was so normal like nothing happened!

Neil: you hadn't eaten anything since so long and I am sure you didn't had the breakfast even.. you have to take care of your health.. leave coffee now and come with me!

He said sternly.. with his eyes full of concern. He held her wrist and took her with him to the cafeteria.

Avni: why you brought me here??

Neil: for dancing!
He said rolling his eyes.

Avni: what?

Neil: for breakfast ofcourse! Okay now tell me what you will have?

Avni: Poha..

Neil: Okay..

he ordered waiter to bring 2 plates poha for them.

Neil: so you like poha?

Avni: I love it! It's kind of stress buster for me!
She replied with excitement.

He chuckled.
Neil: fine!

Waiter got the order.
They both started eating.

Avni: Neil actually..

Neil: no I have to tell you something first!

Avni: hmm

Neil: today I am coming at your place for dinner.

Avni: what? I.. I mean it's not a problem but suddenly it?

Neil: yes suddenly! And it is decided now.. and I would love to eat what you will make..!
He said smiling

She smiled and nodded in response.

She was happy and contented.. it is weird for her but yes she was!

The went with all the regular stuff.

It was evening and they both were coming towards their cars together..

Avni: So coming for dinner?

Neil: yes! Will be there by 8:30!
He winked and left from there.

Actually Avni was so confused at what is happening! In one day everything is changing so frequently.. before this their natures were totally opposite to each and now..!

Neil was getting ready in his room to go for dinner at her place.. with her Neela maa present there! He was actually quite nervous..
'Avni.. now you don't have to go through this addiction anymore.. I will help you! I just hope everything goes according to what I thought.. and hope you will support me.'he thought

It was 8:15 and her door bell rang.
She opened the door..

He smirked.
Her eyes widened.

Avni: YOU?!
Vidyut: aren't you happy seeing me??
He narrowed his eyes while coming closer to her.

Avni: WTH are you doing here?! 
She raged.

Vidyut: umm.. your lover called me yesterday.. you were not fine I guess!

Avni: just shut up and get out of here.. maa is at home!

Vidyut: ohh.. so baby is getting scared of her mumma???!!
He started touched her arms while she just jerked his hands off.

Avni: I said GET OUT!
Vidyut: you know what you are doing?? You are going to pay for it!

Avni: I am already paying for all my mistakes!
Vidyut: you remember what I did to you last time you argued to me?


Avni: not again Vidyut.. this time I am not going to agree your condition!

Vidyut: you already know how dependent you are on me!
He held her neck and shouted.

Before she could say anything he threw her on the floor and while she was trying to get up.. he kept his foot on her hand. She was crying.. pleading but he didn't listened! He pressed her fingers more under his feet but she could just cry!

Flashback ended

Avni: n.. noo.. no!
She fumbled, she was sweating even by the thought of that day!


So sorry for the violence by Vidyut! But his character is like this only!

Reviews awaited!
Votes pleaseeeee!

Love love 💕
Aks ❤️

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