1 - Oh

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Hyungwon closes his eyes, letting his head rest against the trunk of the tree that he's propped up against. He feels a cool breeze shift a few stray hairs across his forehead, causing him to smile.

Hyungwon comes here often to think. Other times, he comes just to get away. This is one of the times that he's come to get away.

His mother had been crying to him at home about how her son couldn't be gay, he just couldn't be (!), and told him that she needed time to herself to think about his words. It was as if he had told her that he had gone out and killed somebody.

However, Hyungwon had thought, his words weren't bad. In fact, they were literally: "Mom, I like guys."

Of course, he had wanted to elaborate more than that (tell her how he knew, who he's in love with, etc...), but her sharp "What did you just say? You're kidding, right?" had definitely cut him off. When she realized he wasn't kidding, she cut him off immediately.

So, here he is now in the woods behind their house, partly wishing he had kept his mouth shut, and partly proud of himself for confessing a secret that he's been hiding for over a year and a half. All he wanted to do was tell her, in person, before he leaves for college next week. And that he did.

Hyungwon decides to call the only person who he knows can help him sort through his issues. The one that he loves. As he's about to tap the green call button, though, something makes him stop. How will he feel about it? Should I?

He does anyway.


"Hyung," Hyungwon breathes out the honorific as if it's the only word he knows. "I-I told her."

"You did what?"

"I told my mom, hyung, aren't you proud of me?" Hyungwon is sure that his heart is beating loud enough for Hyunwoo to hear him through the phone.

"Wait, so... She knows about us?" Hyunwoo sounds more panicked than the younger has ever heard him sound. It makes him nervous.

"She doesn't know about us, but she knows about... me, I guess."


Hyungwon had expected a little more support from his secret boyfriend. He had wanted a little more enthusiasm, something like a, 'that's great!' or, 'I'm so happy for you!'

But all Hyungwon got was an 'oh'?

"Oh," The younger returns, at a loss for words at Hyunwoo's reaction. Was he upset that Hyungwon came out to his mom?

"I just..." Hyunwoo trails off, trying to choose his words carefully. "I thought we weren't telling anybody? I kinda thought this was just our secret?"

Hyungwon can picture the look on Hyunwoo's face, even over the phone. He's probably frowning right now, the corners of his plump lips curving slightly downwards in a scowl. The lips that he can practically feel right now, the way-

"Hyungwon?" Hyunwoo asks through the phone, halting the younger's train of thought.

"Uh, y-yeah," Hyungwon stutters, nodding his head even though no one can see him. "Yeah. I haven't told anyone about you, yet. Only me."

"Yet?" Hyunwoo questions, and Hyungwon can visualize the older's face once more. He seems annoyed, maybe even angry.

"Hyungwonie," Hyunwoo starts, and the younger's heart soars at the petname. It's shattered seconds later, however.

"We've been over this. We aren't telling anyone, and that includes family and friends. We aren't even together, we just mess around..."

Hyungwon swears that his heart stops beating for a moment. They just mess around? What is that supposed to mean?

"W-what do you mean?"

"I mean that we just mess around. No strings attatched. Nothing more than messing around, okay? No real feelings involved."

Hyungwon can't speak. His throat feels like it's clogged up and his hands begin to shake a little.

"Y-you..." Hyungwon finally trails off, his voice cracking slightly. "I thought you loved me?"

"Hyungwonie..." Hyunwoo trails off, sighing as he senses the younger's sadness. "I don't love you that way."

"T-that way? What way?" Hyungwon asks, fighting the urge to let a tear slide down his cheek. He knows that once he does, it's over.

"I don't... I don't know." Hyunwoo trails off, sighing as he pictures how wrecked the younger must be. Hyungwon just came out, and now he's getting this kind of support from him?

It's silent for an uncomfortable seven seconds. Hyungwon is the first to speak. "I have to go."

By this point, the younger's throat is on fire from trying not to cry. He hangs up before Hyunwoo can persuade him not to.

Didn't know how to end the first chapter lol but here it is. It'll get better I promise

roommates // hyunghyuk [monsta x]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin