2 - He Hates Art

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The remainder of the week, for Hyungwon, at least, is spent packing. (And ignoring every possible message or call from Hyunwoo).

As he's shoving the last of his clothes into a bag (yes, shoving, he doesn't fold his clothes), there's a knock at his bedroom door. Hyungwon sighs upon the thought of his mother being the culprit, as they haven't spoken in days.

"Hyung, it's me. Open the door."

Hyungwon crosses to the door, pulling it open with ease. A grinning Changkyun is in the doorway, holding up a bag. "I brought you food."

That's enough for Hyungwon to slide over and allow his best friend inside his bedroom. The younger of the two walks inside, but then stops midway as he glances around the room. "Hyung? Why is it so dirty in here?"

Hyungwon chuckles as he shuts his bedroom door and walks back over to Changkyun, taking the bag from his hands. "Packing for college," He says simply, plopping down on his bed and opening the paper bag.

"The fries are mine," Changkyun warns, glancing over Hyungwon's shoulder to make sure he isn't already eating them.

"Chill, I got you," Hyungwon returns, taking out his own food and handing the bag filled with fries back to Changkyun. The youngest thanks him, smiling and sitting down next to Hyungwon on the bed.

"So," Changkyun starts, leaning back against the wall that Hyungwon's bed is against. "Have you been alright? You've kinda been m.i.a lately."

Hyungwon, wanting to make a joke out of the situation instead of actually facing it, laughs. "Did you just say m.i.a out loud?"

Changkyun giggles, nodding his head as he eats another fry. "Really though, how are you?"

Hyungwon sighs, taking a silent bite of his burger. After he's finished chewing and swallowing (buying him more time to formulate a believable answer), he glances up at his best friend.

"I'm just kinda super stressed out with all the packing and stuff," He states, taking another bite but discretely gauging the younger's reaction.

"Ah." Changkyun nods. "I know you're lying. What happened, hyung?"

"I'm not lying!" Hyungwon exclaims through a mouthful. "I really am stressed!"

"Yeah, maybe..." Changkyun trails off, glancing down at his fries as if contemplating whether or not he has enough time to eat another before continuing. He opts to wait. "But something else is stressing you out, too."

"Why do you have to be so damn observant?" Hyungwon questions, groaning slightly. As he's about to speak again, the youngest beats him to it.

"You can tell me anything, hyung, you know I won't tell anyone."

Changkyun begins eating his fries again as the older of the two begins speaking, having finished all of his own food himself. Hyungwon rants to him about everything that happened only a few days ago. (How his mother hasn't spoken to him except in passing, how Hyunwoo reacted).

After he's finished, Changkyun is long done with his fries and the two boys begin packing again.

"You know you don't have to help if you don't want to," Hyungwon says, crossing to his closet to make sure he has all of the clothes he's taking packed away.

"I know," Changkyun answers, crossing over to Hyungwon's desk, a box in hand. "I want to."

The two boys continue packing, silent for the most part (aside from the occasional "Hyung, are you bringing this?").

As Changkyun opens Hyungwon's desk drawer and rummages through it, he frowns upon a folded note. It's adressed to Wonie <3. Changkyun glances over his shoulder at his best friend. Is this from Hyunwoo? He didn't really seem like the romantic type from the way Minhyuk had described him.

"Ah, uh, hyung? Did you want to bring this?" He asks without thinking, holding up the folded sheet of paper. Hyungwon's eyes widen and he dashes to Changkyun, snatching the note from his hands.

"Did you read this?" He questions, wadding the note up and throwing it in the trash. Changkyun gulps, shaking his head truthfully. "N-no, I didn't, I swear."

"I don't ever want to see anything from him again. I thought I got rid of everything." Hyungwon sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Was it from Hyunwoo?" The younger asks, not wanting to pry but curious all the same.

"No. It's from my ex-best friend from a few years ago," Hyungwon states, shaking his head at the mere thought.

Changkyun's eyebrows furrow in confusion. He only moved here a year ago, so he's still a little fuzzy with names. "Who is it?"

"Lee Minhyuk. I can't fucking stand him," Hyungwon growls, feeling anger pulse through his veins after saying his name.

"Ah.." Changkyun trails off. "Which Lee Minhyuk? There's like five at our school, and three in your grade that just graduated."

"Can we not talk about this?" Hyungwon asks, half demanding and half actually questioning the younger. Changkyun nods, going back to placing things that he knows Hyungwon will need into boxes.

"I'm sorry," He apologizes, glancing over at Hyungwon. He didn't mean to hurt him by bringing it up. Hyungwon shakes his head and smiles faintly.

"It's alright. We both graduated, so I'll never have to see that douche again."

Changkyun nods, closing a box full of pencils and pens and other art supplies. As he's writing art stuff across the box in Sharpie, a thought strikes him.

"Hey, hyung," He calls, smirking as Hyungwon turns to look at him from the closet. "What if you two end up going to the same college and you end up seeing him all the time?" He jokes, waiting for the older to begin laughing along with him. He doesn't.

"Trust me, that'll never happen. I purposely enrolled far away to be away from people around here," Hyungwon mutters, bringing the tape over to Changkyun to begin taping up the art box.

"Plus, I'm going to that art school. Minhyuk hates art, from what I can remember," Hyungwon adds, finishing up with the box. Changkyun sets it on top of the boxes that they've already finished, smiling at the almost-empty room.

"Can't believe you're really leaving, hyung..." Changkyun mumbles, sighing as he realizes that he's going to be enduring his last year of high school without his best friend.

"I'm always a call or text away, you know that," Hyungwon says with a smile, ruffling the younger boy's hair. Changkyun grins, hugging his best friend tight before he leaves for the school year.

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